require 'spec_helper' describe "exchanges:charge_unreturned_items" do include_context "rake" describe '#prerequisites' do it { expect(subject.prerequisites).to include("environment") } end context "there are no unreturned items" do it { expect { subject.invoke }.not_to change { Spree::Order.count } } end context "there are unreturned items" do let!(:order) { create(:shipped_order, line_items_count: 2) } let(:return_item_1) { create(:exchange_return_item, inventory_unit: order.inventory_units.first) } let(:return_item_2) { create(:exchange_return_item, inventory_unit: order.inventory_units.last) } let!(:rma) { create(:return_authorization, order: order, return_items: [return_item_1, return_item_2]) } let!(:tax_rate) { create(:tax_rate, zone: order.tax_zone, tax_category: return_item_2.exchange_variant.tax_category) } before do @original_expedited_exchanges_pref = Spree::Config[:expedited_exchanges] Spree::Config[:expedited_exchanges] = true Spree::StockItem.update_all(count_on_hand: 10)! Spree::Shipment.last.ship! return_item_1.receive! travel_time end after do Timecop.return Spree::Config[:expedited_exchanges] = @original_expedited_exchanges_pref end context "fewer than the config allowed days have passed" do let(:travel_time) { (Spree::Config[:expedited_exchanges_days_window] - 1).days } it "does not create a new order" do expect { subject.invoke }.not_to change { Spree::Order.count } end end context "more than the config allowed days have passed" do let(:travel_time) { (Spree::Config[:expedited_exchanges_days_window] + 1).days } it "creates a new completed order" do expect { subject.invoke }.to change { Spree::Order.count } expect(Spree::Order.last).to be_completed end it "moves the shipment for the unreturned items to the new order" do subject.invoke new_order = Spree::Order.last expect(new_order.shipments.count).to eq 1 expect(return_item_2.reload.exchange_shipment.order).to eq Spree::Order.last end it "creates line items on the order for the unreturned items" do subject.invoke expect( eq [return_item_2.exchange_variant] end it "associates the exchanges inventory units with the new line items" do subject.invoke expect(return_item_2.reload.exchange_inventory_unit.try(:line_item).try(:order)).to eq Spree::Order.last end it "uses the credit card from the previous order" do subject.invoke new_order = Spree::Order.last expect(new_order.credit_cards).to be_present expect(new_order.credit_cards.first).to eq order.valid_credit_cards.first end it "authorizes the order for the full amount of the unreturned items including taxes" do expect { subject.invoke }.to change { Spree::Payment.count }.by(1) new_order = Spree::Order.last expected_amount = return_item_2.reload.exchange_variant.price + new_order.additional_tax_total + new_order.included_tax_total expect( eq expected_amount payment = new_order.payments.first expect(payment.amount).to eq expected_amount expect(payment).to be_pending expect(new_order.item_total).to eq return_item_2.reload.exchange_variant.price end it "does not attempt to create a new order for the item more than once" do subject.invoke subject.reenable expect { subject.invoke }.not_to change { Spree::Order.count } end it "associates the store of the original order with the exchange order" do allow_any_instance_of(Spree::Order).to receive(:store_id).and_return(123) expect(Spree::Order).to receive(:create!).once.with(hash_including({store_id: 123})) { |attrs|!) } subject.invoke end context "there is no card from the previous order" do let!(:credit_card) { create(:credit_card, user: order.user, default: true, gateway_customer_profile_id: "BGS-123") } before { allow_any_instance_of(Spree::Order).to receive(:valid_credit_cards) { [] } } it "attempts to use the user's default card" do expect { subject.invoke }.to change { Spree::Payment.count }.by(1) new_order = Spree::Order.last expect(new_order.credit_cards).to be_present expect(new_order.credit_cards.first).to eq credit_card end end context "it is unable to authorize the credit card" do before { allow_any_instance_of(Spree::Payment).to receive(:authorize!).and_raise(RuntimeError) } it "raises an error with the order" do expect { subject.invoke }.to raise_error(UnableToChargeForUnreturnedItems) end end context "the exchange inventory unit is not shipped" do before { return_item_2.reload.exchange_inventory_unit.update_columns(state: "on hand") } it "does not create a new order" do expect { subject.invoke }.not_to change { Spree::Order.count } end end context "the exchange inventory unit has been returned" do before { return_item_2.reload.exchange_inventory_unit.update_columns(state: "returned") } it "does not create a new order" do expect { subject.invoke }.not_to change { Spree::Order.count } end end end end end