require 'fileutils' require 'colorize' require 'active_support/core_ext/string' require 'thor' require 'bundler' class Jets::Commands::Import class Sequence < Thor::Group include Thor::Actions argument :source private def clone_project if File.exist?(rack_folder) abort "The folder #{rack_folder} already exists. Please remove it first if you want to import a project." end check_git_installed if @options[:submodule] git_submodule else git_clone end end def git_submodule puts "Adding project as a submodule" run "git submodule add --force #{repo_url} #{rack_folder}" Cheatsheet.create(repo_url) end def git_clone command = "git clone #{repo_url} #{rack_folder}" # Thor's run already puts out the command, so no need to puts run command run "rm -rf #{Jets.root}rack/.git" end def copy_project puts "Creating rack folder" template_path = File.expand_path(@source) set_source_paths(template_path) directory ".", rack_folder end def set_source_paths(*paths) # Using string with instance_eval because block doesnt have access to # path at runtime. self.class.instance_eval %{ def self.source_paths #{paths.flatten.inspect} end } end # normalize repo_url def repo_url if @source.include?('') @source # leave as is, user has provided full github url else "{@source}" end end def repo? @source.include?('') end def check_git_installed return unless repo_url.include?('http') || repo_url.include?('git@') unless git_installed? abort "Unable to detect git installation on your system. Git needs to be installed in order to clone the project." end end def git_installed? system("type git > /dev/null 2>&1") end def rack_folder "#{Jets.root}rack" end end end