require 'thread' module Hawkins module Commands class LiveServe < Jekyll::Command class << self COMMAND_OPTIONS = { "swf" => ["--swf", "Use Flash for WebSockets support"], # TODO Should probably only accept fnmatch-esque strings and convert them to regexs "ignore" => ["--ignore [REGEX]", "Files not to reload"], "min_delay" => ["--min-delay [SECONDS]", "Minimum reload delay"], "max_delay" => ["--max-delay [SECONDS]", "Maximum reload delay"], "reload_port" => ["--reload-port [PORT]", Integer, "Port for LiveReload to listen on"], }.merge(Jekyll::Commands::Serve.singleton_class::COMMAND_OPTIONS).freeze LIVERELOAD_PORT = 35729 # def init_with_program(prog) prog.command(:liveserve) do |cmd| cmd.description "Serve your site locally with LiveReload" cmd.syntax "liveserve [options]" cmd.alias :liveserver cmd.alias :l add_build_options(cmd) COMMAND_OPTIONS.each do |key, val| cmd.option(key, *val) end cmd.action do |_, opts| # TODO need to figure out how to set defaults correctly opts["reload_port"] ||= LIVERELOAD_PORT opts["serving"] = true opts["watch"] = true unless opts.key?("watch") start(opts) end end end def start(opts) opts = configuration_from_options(opts) @running = @reload_reactor = @reload_reactor.start Jekyll::Commands::Build.process(opts) LiveServe.process(opts) end def process(opts) destination = opts["destination"] setup(destination) @server = { |o| o.unmount("") } @server.mount("#{opts['baseurl']}/__livereload", WEBrick::HTTPServlet::FileHandler, LIVERELOAD_DIR) @server.mount(opts["baseurl"], ReloadServlet, destination, file_handler_opts) "Server address:", server_address(@server, opts) launch_browser(@server, opts) if opts["open_url"] boot_or_detach(@server, opts) end def running? !(@running.nil? || @running.empty?) end def shutdown @server.shutdown if running? end # Do a base pre-setup of WEBRick so that everything is in place # when we get ready to party, checking for an setting up an error page # and making sure our destination exists. private def setup(destination) require_relative "./servlet" FileUtils.mkdir_p(destination) if File.exist?(File.join(destination, "404.html")) WEBrick::HTTPResponse.class_eval do def create_error_page @header["Content-Type"] = "text/html; charset=UTF-8" @body =[:DocumentRoot], "404.html")) end end end end # private def webrick_opts(opts) opts = { :JekyllOptions => opts, :DoNotReverseLookup => true, :MimeTypes => mime_types, :DocumentRoot => opts["destination"], :StartCallback => start_callback(opts["detach"]), :StopCallback => stop_callback(opts["detach"]), :BindAddress => opts["host"], :Port => opts["port"], :DirectoryIndex => %w( index.htm index.html index.rhtml index.cgi index.xml ), } enable_ssl(opts) enable_logging(opts) opts end # Recreate NondisclosureName under utf-8 circumstance private def file_handler_opts WEBrick::Config::FileHandler.merge( :FancyIndexing => true, :NondisclosureName => [ '.ht*', '~*' ] ) end # private def server_address(server, opts) address = server.config[:BindAddress] baseurl = "#{opts['baseurl']}/" if opts["baseurl"] port = server.config[:Port] if opts['ssl_cert'] && opts['ssl_key'] protocol = "https" else protocol = "http" end "#{protocol}://#{address}:#{port}#{baseurl}" end # private def launch_browser(server, opts) command = if "start" elsif Utils::Platforms.osx? "open" else "xdg-open" end system command, server_address(server, opts) end # Keep in our area with a thread or detach the server as requested # by the user. This method determines what we do based on what you # ask us to do. private def boot_or_detach(server, opts) if opts["detach"] pid = Process.fork do server.start end Process.detach(pid) "Server detached with pid '#{pid}'.", \ "Run `pkill -f jekyll' or `kill -9 #{pid}' to stop the server." else t = { server.start } trap("INT") { server.shutdown } t.join end end # Make the stack verbose if the user requests it. private def enable_logging(opts) opts[:AccessLog] = [] level = WEBrick::Log.const_get(opts[:JekyllOptions]["verbose"] ? :DEBUG : :WARN) opts[:Logger] =$stdout, level) end # Add SSL to the stack if the user triggers --enable-ssl and they # provide both types of certificates commonly needed. Raise if they # forget to add one of the certificates. private def enable_ssl(opts) jekyll_opts = opts[:JekyllOptions] return if !jekyll_opts['ssl_cert'] && !jekyll_opts['ssl_key'] if !jekyll_opts['ssl_cert'] || !jekyll_opts['ssl_key'] raise "--ssl-cert or --ssl-key missing." end"LiveReload:", "Serving over SSL/TLS. If you are using a "\ "certificate signed by an unknown CA, you will need to add an exception for both "\ "#{jekyll_opts['host']}:#{jekyll_opts['port']} and "\ "#{jekyll_opts['host']}:#{jekyll_opts['reload_port']}") require "openssl" require "webrick/https" source_key = Jekyll.sanitized_path(jekyll_opts['source'], jekyll_opts['ssl_key']) source_certificate = Jekyll.sanitized_path(jekyll_opts['source'], jekyll_opts['ssl_cert']) opts[:SSLCertificate] = opts[:SSLPrivateKey] = opts[:SSLEnable] = true end private def start_callback(detached) unless detached proc do @running << '.'"Server running...", "press ctrl-c to stop.") end end end private def stop_callback(detached) unless detached proc do @reload_reactor.stop @running.clear end end end private def mime_types file = File.expand_path('../mime.types', File.dirname(__FILE__)) WEBrick::HTTPUtils.load_mime_types(file) end end end end end