### unreleased * TODO ### 1.0.2 * Fix bug #8 - Sort all tests just in case to avoid wrong order of files when running tests on machines where `Dir.glob` has different implementation. ### 1.0.1 * Fix bug - Add support for Cucumber Scenario Outline. ### 1.0.0 * Add cucumber support. * Rename environment variable KNAPSACK_SPEC_PATTERN to KNAPSACK_TEST_FILE_PATTERN. * Default name of knapsack report json file is based on adapter name so for RSpec the default report name is `knapsack_rspec_report.json` and for Cucumber the report name is `knapsack_cucumber_report.json`. ### 0.5.0 * Allow passing arguments to rspec via knapsack:rspec task. ### 0.4.0 * Add support for RSpec 2. ### 0.3.0 * Add support for semaphoreapp.com thread ENV variables. ### 0.2.0 * Add knapsack logger. Allow to use custom logger. ### 0.1.4 * Fix wrong time presentation for negative seconds. ### 0.1.3 * Better time presentation instead of seconds. ### 0.1.2 * Fix case when someone removes spec file which exists in knapsack report. * Extract config to separate class and fix wrong node time execution on CI. ### 0.1.1 * Fix assigning time execution to right spec file when call RSpec shared example. ### 0.1.0 * Gem ready to use it! ### 0.0.3 * Test release. Not ready to use it.