{% assign cohort = include.cohort %} {% assign people = site.data.people %} {% assign projects = site.data.openseeds[cohort].projects %} {% assign all-participants = '' %} {% for project in projects %} {% assign p-pparticipants = '' %} {% for p in project.participants %} {% capture all-participants %}{{ all-participants}}, {{ p }}{% endcapture %} {% endfor %} {% endfor %} {% assign p-participants = all-participants | remove_first: ', ' | split: ", " | uniq | sort %} Participants join this program with a project that they either are already working on or want to develop during this program. For this round of the OLS program, we are happy to have [{{ p-participants | size }} participants](#participants) with [{{ projects | size }} projects](#projects). # Projects {% for project in projects %} {% if project.visible != false %} {% assign p-pparticipants = '' %} {% for p in project.participants %} {% capture p-pparticipants %}{{ p-pparticipants }}, ![](https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/{{ p }}){: .people-badge} [{{ people[p].first-name }} {{ people[p].last-name }}](#{{ p }}){% endcapture %} {% endfor %} {% assign mentor = project.mentor %} {% capture p-mentors %} {% for p in project.mentors %}with ![](https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/{{ p }}){: .people-badge} [{{ people[p].first-name }} {{ people[p].last-name }}]({% link people.md %}#{{ p }}) {% endfor %} {% endcapture %} ## {{ project.name }} **By**: {{ p-pparticipants | remove_first: ', ' }} **Mentored by**: {{ p-mentors | remove_first: 'with ' }} {% if project.status %} **Status**: {{ project.status }} {% endif %} {% capture difference %} {{ project.keywords | size | minus:1 }} {% endcapture %} {% unless difference contains '-' %} **Keywords**: {{ project.keywords | join: ', ' }} {% endunless %} {{ project.description }} {% endif %} {% endfor %} # Participants