module Auth::Concerns::Shopping::PayUMoneyConcern extend ActiveSupport::Concern include Auth::Concerns::ChiefModelConcern included do field :firstname, type: String field :email, type: String field :phone, type: String ##same as the payment id. field :txnid, type: String field :surl, type: String field :furl, type: String ##same as the cart name field :productinfo, type: String ##amount is not added here, because it is already a part of the payment_concern ##the hash calculated by using the payumoney library. field :hast, type: String ##remember to set the default_url_options in the dummy app routes file. before_create do |document| if document.is_gateway? document.surl = document.furl = Rails.application.routes.url_helpers.shopping_payment_url( document.txnid = #document.txnid = "a#{}" document.calculate_hash end end ##add a validation, that checks that each of the 7 required fields are present, before create, only when the payment_type is gateway. ##the is_gateway? method is defined in payment_concern. ##these validations are run before the before_save is called. ##so will throw an error if either of the following are not present. validates_presence_of :firstname, if: :is_gateway? validates_presence_of :email, if: :is_gateway? validates_presence_of :phone, if: :is_gateway? validates_presence_of :productinfo, if: :is_gateway? end ##needs to use the payumoney library. def calculate_hash options = {:firstname => firstname, :email => email, :phone => phone, :txnid => txnid, :surl => surl, :furl => furl, :productinfo => productinfo, :amount => amount} service =, payment_gateway_salt, options) self.hast = service.generate_checksum end def verify_payment if self.new_record? return nil else if self.is_verify_payment == "true" #puts "yes is verify payment." #puts the payment is not getting set as pending. ## that is the problem. if self.payment_pending if self.is_gateway? #puts "came to is gateway" options = {:var1 => self.txnid, :command => 'verify_payment'} webservice =,payment_gateway_salt,options) sha_hash = webservice.generate_checksum if resp =, body: { key: payment_gateway_key, command: 'verify_payment', hash: sha_hash, var1: self.txnid}, headers: {'Content-Type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'}) + ":transaction_id:" + begin details = JSON.parse(resp.body) if status = details["status"].to_s self.payment_status = 0 if (status == "0") if status == "1" if details["transaction_details"] if transaction_details = details["transaction_details"][txnid.to_s] if transaction_details["status"] self.payment_status = 1 if transaction_details["status"].to_s.downcase == "success" self.payment_status = 0 if transaction_details["status"].to_s.downcase =~/pending|failure/ if payment_status_changed? ## prevents recursive callbacks, after save. ## actually this may not be necessary here. self.is_verify_payment = "false" ## so only if is_verify_payment is true, else self.errors.add(:payment_status,"transaction status was something other than failed|success|pending") end else self.errors.add(:payment_status,"transaction details does not have the status key. Please try to verify your payment later, or contact Support for more help.") end else self.errors.add(:payment_status,"transaction details does not have the transaction id. Please try to verify your payment later, or contact Support for more help.") end else self.errors.add(:payment_status,"transaction details key missing from response") end else self.errors.add(:payment_status,"status key is neither 1 not 0 : Please try to verify your payment later, or contact Support for more help.") end else self.errors.add(:payment_status,"no status key in payment verification response. Please try to verify your payment later, or contact Support for more help.") end rescue => e Rails.logger.error(e.to_s) self.errors.add(:payment_status,"failure parsing payment response. Please try to verify your payment later, or contact Support for more help.") end else ## does nothing, the caller has to check the payment_status to infer that the call was not successfull. self.errors.add(:payment_status,"no response from verify endpoint. Please try to verify your payment later, or contact Support for more help.") end end return true else puts "not pending" return nil end else puts "is not verify payment." return nil end end end def payment_gateway_key Auth.configuration.payment_gateway_info[:key] end def payment_gateway_salt Auth.configuration.payment_gateway_info[:salt] end ##this method is overriden here from the payment_concern. ##suppose the user is calling refresh_payment, basically an update call, then the mihpayid wont be present so the gateway callback becomes pointless. ## and then we just let verify payment handle the situation. def gateway_callback(pr,&block) return if (self.new_record? || self.is_verify_payment == "true") =begin notification ="", options = {:key => Auth.configuration.payment_gateway_info[:key], :salt => Auth.configuration.payment_gateway_info[:salt], :params => pr}) self.payment_status = 0 if(notification.acknowledge && notification.complete?) self.payment_status = 1 end =end ## we should just set, gateway callback complete as true, and based on that never show the pay with payumoney link again in the show action. ## just looking to see if if pr if (pr["mihpayid"] && pr["hash"] && (pr["txnid"] == self.gateway_callback_called = true end end yield if block_given? return true end end