Jldrill Git C0 Coverage Information - RCov


Name Total Lines Lines of Code Total Coverage Code Coverage
lib/jldrill/model/Quiz/Quiz.rb 402 308


Code reported as executed by Ruby looks like this...and this: this line is also marked as covered.Lines considered as run by rcov, but not reported by Ruby, look like this,and this: these lines were inferred by rcov (using simple heuristics).Finally, here's a line marked as not executed.

Coverage Details

1 require 'jldrill/model/items/Vocabulary'
2 require 'jldrill/model/Problem'
3 require 'jldrill/model/Quiz/Options'
4 require 'jldrill/model/Contents'
5 require 'jldrill/model/Quiz/Strategy'
6 require 'jldrill/model/DataFile'
7 require 'Context/Publisher'
8 require 'jldrill/Version'
10 module JLDrill
11     class Quiz < DataFile
13         JLDRILL_HEADER_RE = /^(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)?-?LDRILL-SAVE (.*)/
14         COMMENT_RE = /^\#[ ]?(.*)/
15         VERSION_RE = /^(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)/
16         JLDRILL_CANLOAD_RE = /^(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)?-?LDRILL-SAVE/
18         attr_reader :needsSave, :info, :name, 
19                     :contents, :options, :currentProblem,
20                     :strategy
21         attr_writer :info, :name, :currentProblem
23         def initialize()
24             super
25             # Make the file progress indicator report every 10 lines
26             @stepSize = 10
27         end
29         def reset
30             @name = ""
31             @info = ""
32             @options = Options.new(self)
33             @contents = Contents.new(self)
34             @strategy = Strategy.new(self)
35             @currentProblem = nil
36             @needsSave = false
37             @last = nil
38             update
39             super
40         end
42         def length
43             @contents.length
44         end
46         def size
47             length
48         end
50         def bin
51             retVal = nil
52             if !@currentProblem.nil?
53                 retVal = @currentProblem.item.bin
54             end
55             retVal
56         end
58         def subscribe(subscriber)
59             @publisher.subscribe(subscriber, "quiz")
60         end
62         def unsubscribe(subscriber)
63             @publisher.unsubscribe(subscriber, "quiz")
64         end
66         def update
67             @publisher.update("quiz")
68         end
70         def updateLoad
71             @publisher.update("load")
72         end
74         def setLoaded(bool)
75             if bool
76                 updateLoad
77             end
78         end
80         def updateItemDeleted(item)
81             @publisher.update("itemDeleted", item)
82         end
84         def updateItemAdded(item)
85             @publisher.update("itemAdded", item)
86         end
88         def updateNewProblem(problem)
89             @publisher.update("newProblem", problem)
90         end
92         def problemModified(problem)
93             @publisher.update("problemModified", problem)
94             setNeedsSave(true)
95             if !problem.valid? &&
96                     !@currentProblem.nil? && (problem == @currentProblem)
97                 # The current problem has been edited and can't be displayed
98                 # like it is (i.e., A Kanji problem has had it's kanji removed)
99                 # Recreate it.  
100                 recreateProblem
101             end
102         end
104         def setNeedsSave(bool)
105             @needsSave = bool
106             update
107         end
109         def needsSave?
110             @needsSave
111         end
113         def fileHeader
114             JLDrill::VERSION + "-LDRILL-SAVE #{@name}\n"
115         end
117         def saveToString
118             retVal = fileHeader
119             @info.split("\n").each { |line|
120                 retVal += "# " + line + "\n"
121             }
122             retVal += @options.to_s
123             retVal += @contents.to_s
124             retVal
125         end
127         def save
128             if (@contents.length == 0) || !@needsSave
129                 return true
130             elsif @file == "" 
131                 return false
132             else
133                 begin
134                     saveFile = File.new(@file, "w")
135                     if saveFile
136                         saveFile.print(saveToString)
137                         saveFile.close
138                         setNeedsSave(false)
139                         retVal = true
140                     end
141                 rescue
142                     return false
143                 end
144             end
145         end
147         # Returns the filename relative to the Quiz's current
148         # path.  If a filename hasn't been set, the file is
149         # expanded using the applications current path.
150         def useSavePath(filename)
151             if !@file.empty?
152                 dirname = File.expand_path(File.dirname(@file))
153                 return File.expand_path(filename, dirname)
154             else
155                 return File.expand_path(filename)
156             end
157         end
159         def Quiz.canLoad?(header)
160             retVal = false
161             if header =~ JLDRILL_CANLOAD_RE
162                 if $1 != ""
163                     if $1 =~ VERSION_RE
164                         if $1.to_i > 0 || $2.to_i < 6
165                             retVal = true
166                         end
167                     end
168                 end
169             end
170             return retVal
171         end
173         def Quiz.drillFile?(file)
174             retVal = false
175             loadFile = File.new(file, "r")
176             if(loadFile)
177                 retVal = Quiz.canLoad?(loadFile.readline)
178             end
179             return retVal
180         end
182         def parseLine(line)
183             # These are put in a specific order for performance
184             # By checking the most common items first we avoid doing
185             # needless regular expression checks.  It's not a huge
186             # savings, but it helps for very big files.
187             # Normal contents are the most common
188             if !@contents.parseLine(line)
189                 # Quiz options are the next most common
190                 if !@options.parseLine(line)
191                     # Comments, headers and unparsable lines are 
192                     # the least common
193                     case line
194                     when JLDRILL_HEADER_RE
195                         @name = $2
196                     when COMMENT_RE
197                         @info += $1 + "\n"
198                     else 
199                         # Ignore things we don't understand
200                     end
201                 end
202             end
203         end
205         def parseEntry
206             parseLine(@lines[@parsed])
207             @parsed += 1
208         end
210         def dataSize
211             @contents.size
212         end
214         def finishParsing
215             # Need to sort the new set to deal with older files that
216             # may not be sorted.
217             @strategy.newSet.sort! do |x, y|
218                 x.position <=> y.position
219             end
220             # Resort the review set according to schedule
221             reschedule
222             setNeedsSave(true)
223             update
224             super
225         end
227         def loadFromString(file, string)
228             reset
229             @file = file
230             @lines = string.split("\n")
231             parse
232         end
234         def loadFromDict(dict)
235             if dict
236                 # Don't update the status while we're loading the file
237                 @publisher.block
238                 reset
239                 @name = dict.shortFilename
240                 dict.eachVocab do |vocab|
241                     @contents.add(vocab, 0)
242                 end
243                 reschedule
244                 # Update status again
245                 @publisher.unblock
246                 setNeedsSave(true)
247             end
248         end    
250         # Append any new items in the quiz to this quiz
251         # Note: Does not add items that are already existing.
252         #       nor does it update the status of existing items
253         def append(quiz)
254             # Don't update the status while we're appending the file
255             @publisher.block
256             lastItem = @contents.addContents(quiz.contents)
257             # Update status again
258             @publisher.unblock
259             # The quiz has been modified
260             update
261             # A file has been loaded
262             updateLoad
263             # Indicate the last item that was loaded
264             updateItemAdded(lastItem) unless lastItem.nil?
265             if @currentProblem.nil?
266                 # Drill a problem if there wasn't one before
267                 drill
268             end
269         end
271         # Sort the items in the ReviewSet according to their schedule
272         def reschedule
273             @strategy.reschedule
274         end
276         # Returns true if the vocabulary already exists in the Quiz
277         def exists?(vocab)
278             @contents.exists?(vocab)
279         end
281         def appendVocab(vocab)
282             item = Item.new(vocab)
283             @contents.addUniquely(item)
284             return item
285         end
287         def status
288             retVal = ""
289             if(@needsSave) then retVal += "* " else retVal += "  " end
290             retVal += @contents.status + " "
291             if !@currentProblem.nil?
292                 retVal += @currentProblem.status + " "
293             end
294             retVal += @strategy.status
295             return retVal
296         end
298         def to_s
299             status
300         end
302         # Get an array containing all the items in the quiz
303         def allItems
304             @contents.allItems
305         end
307         # Resets the quiz back to it's original state
308         def resetContents
309             @contents.reset()
310             drill()
311         end
313         # Delete an item from the quiz
314         def deleteItem(item)
315             @contents.delete(item)
316             updateItemDeleted(item)
317         end
319         def incorrect
320             if !@currentProblem.nil?
321                 item = @currentProblem.item
322                 if !item.nil?
323                     @strategy.incorrect(item)
324                     setNeedsSave(true)
325                 end
326             end
327         end
329         def correct
330             if !@currentProblem.nil?
331                 item = @currentProblem.item
332                 if !item.nil?
333                     @strategy.correct(item)
334                     setNeedsSave(true)
335                 end
336             end
337         end
339         # Promote the current problem into the review set
340         # if it is in the working set without any further
341         # practice.
342         def learn
343             if !@currentProblem.nil?
344                 item = @currentProblem.item
345                 if !item.nil?
346                     @strategy.learn(item)
347                     setNeedsSave(true)
348                 end
349             end
350         end
352         def setCurrentProblem(problem)
353             @currentProblem = problem
354             update
355             updateNewProblem(@currentProblem)
356         end
358         # Creates a problem to be quizzed
359         def createProblem(item)
360             setCurrentProblem(@strategy.createProblem(item))
361         end
363         # Creates a problem to be displayed only
364         def displayProblem(item)
365             problem = @strategy.createProblem(item)
366             problem.setDisplayOnly(true)
367             setCurrentProblem(problem)
368         end
370         # Creates a preview for a problem
371         def previewProblem(item)
372             problem = @strategy.createProblem(item)
373             problem.setDisplayOnly(true)
374             problem.setPreview(true)
375             setCurrentProblem(problem)
376         end
378         def recreateProblem
379             createProblem(@currentProblem.item) unless @currentProblem.nil?
380         end
382         def drill()
383             item = @strategy.getItem
384             if !item.nil?
385                 createProblem(item)
386             end
387         end
389         def answer()
390             @currentProblem.answer
391         end
393         def currentDrill
394             @currentProblem.question
395         end
397         def currentAnswer
398             @currentProblem.answer
399         end
401     end
402 end

Generated on Mon May 23 16:17:46 +0900 2011 with rcov 0.9.8