describe Rubicure::Girl do let(:girl) do girl = Rubicure::Girl[ girl_name: girl_name, human_name: human_name, precure_name: precure_name, cast_name: cast_name, created_date: created_date, extra_names: extra_names, transform_message: transform_message, attack_messages: attack_messages, transform_calls: transform_calls, color: color, random_transform_words: random_transform_words, ] = mock_io girl end let(:mock_io) { } let(:girl_name) { "cure_peace" } let(:human_name) { "黄瀬やよい" } let(:precure_name) { "キュアピース" } let(:cast_name) { "金元寿子" } let(:created_date) { date("2012-02-19") } let(:extra_names) { %w[プリンセスピース ウルトラピース] } let(:color) { "yellow" } let(:transform_message) do <<~JANKEN プリキュアスマイルチャージ! GO! GO! Let's GO ピース! ピカピカピカリンジャンケンポン! キュアピース! JANKEN end let(:attack_messages) do [ "プリキュアピースサンダー!", "プリキュアピースサンダーハリケーン!", ] end let(:transform_calls) { %w[smile_charge] } let(:random_transform_words) { nil } describe "#name" do context "when before transform" do it { expect( eq human_name } end context "when after 1st transform" do before do girl.transform! end it { expect( eq precure_name } it { expect(mock_io.string).to eq transform_message } end context "when after 2nd transform" do before do girl.transform! girl.transform! end it { expect( eq extra_names[0] } end context "when after 3nd transform" do before do girl.transform! girl.transform! girl.transform! end it { expect( eq extra_names[1] } end context "when after final transform" do before do girl.transform! girl.transform! girl.transform! girl.transform! end # return to human it { expect( eq human_name } end end describe "transform!" do context "when Cure miracle" do let(:girl) do girl = Rubicure::Girl[ girl_name: "cure_miracle", human_name: "朝日奈みらい", precure_name: "キュアミラクル", cast_name: "高橋李依", created_date: "2016-02-07", extra_names: nil, transform_message: nil, attack_messages: nil, transform_calls: ["cure_up_rapapa"], color: "pink", birthday: "6/12", transform_styles: { diamond: { precure_name: "キュアミラクル(ダイヤスタイル)", transform_message: "", }, ruby: { precure_name: "キュアミラクル(ルビースタイル)", transform_message: "", }, }, ] = mock_io girl end context "transform! with diamond" do before do girl.transform!(:diamond) end it { expect( eq "キュアミラクル(ダイヤスタイル)" } it { expect(girl.state_names).to eq ["朝日奈みらい", "キュアミラクル(ダイヤスタイル)"] } end context "transform! with ruby" do before do girl.transform!(:ruby) end it { expect( eq "キュアミラクル(ルビースタイル)" } it { expect(girl.state_names).to eq ["朝日奈みらい", "キュアミラクル(ルビースタイル)"] } end context "cure_up_rapapa! with diamond" do before do girl.cure_up_rapapa!(:diamond) end it { expect( eq "キュアミラクル(ダイヤスタイル)" } it { expect(girl.state_names).to eq ["朝日奈みらい", "キュアミラクル(ダイヤスタイル)"] } end end context "when Cure summer" do let(:girl_name) { "cure_summer" } let(:human_name) { "夏海まなつ" } let(:precure_name) { "キュアサマー" } let(:cast_name) { "ファイルーズあい" } let(:created_date) { date("2021-02-28") } let(:transform_calls) { %w[precure_tropical_change] } let(:color) { "white" } let(:transform_message) do <<~MSG プリキュア!トロピカルチェンジ! レッツメイク!キャッチ! チーク! アイズ! ヘアー! リップ! ドレス! ときめく常夏!キュアサマー! はぁー! ${random_transform_word} トロピカル~ジュ!プリキュア! MSG end let(:random_transform_words) do %w[ 4人揃って! 今日も元気だ! ] end it "stdout includes one of random_transform_words" do girl.transform! expect(mock_io.string).to include("4人揃って!").or include("今日も元気だ!") end end end describe "#==" do subject { girl == other_girl } context "same object" do let(:other_girl) { girl } it { should be true } end context "copied object" do let(:other_girl) { girl.dup } it { should be true } end context "precure and human" do let(:transformed_girl) { girl.dup.transform! } let(:other_girl) { transformed_girl } it { expect( eq } it { should be true } end context "other precure" do let(:other_girl) { Rubicure::Girl.find(:passion) } it { should be false } end end describe "#find" do subject { Rubicure::Girl.find(girl_name) } let(:girl_name) { :peace } it { should be_an_instance_of Rubicure::Girl } its(:precure_name) { should == "キュアピース" } its(:girl_name) { should == "cure_peace" } end describe "#uniq_names" do subject { Rubicure::Girl.uniq_names } let(:containing_name_alias_count) { Rubicure::Girl.names.count } its(:count) { should < containing_name_alias_count } end describe "#attack!" do subject { girl.attack! } context "When human" do it { expect { subject }.to raise_error Rubicure::RequireTransformError } end context "When precure" do before do girl.transform! end it { should eq "プリキュアピースサンダー!" } end end describe "#method_missing" do subject { girl.send(transform_call) } before do = mock_io girl.humanize! end context "When Cure Lemonade calls metamorphose" do let(:girl) { Cure.lemonade } let(:transform_call) { "metamorphose" } it { expect { subject }.not_to raise_error } end context "When Milkey Rose calls sky_rose_translate!" do let(:girl) { Milky.rose } let(:transform_call) { "sky_rose_translate!" } it { expect { subject }.not_to raise_error } end context "When Milky Rose calls metamorphose" do let(:girl) { Milky.rose } let(:transform_call) { "metamorphose" } it { expect { subject }.to raise_error NameError } end end shared_examples :a_humanize_method do it { should be_an_instance_of Rubicure::Girl } it { expect(girl.current_state).to eq 0 } end describe "humanize!" do let(:humanize!) { girl.humanize! } context "When not transformed" do subject! { humanize! } it_behaves_like :a_humanize_method end context "When after transformed" do before do girl.transform! end subject! { humanize! } # rubocop:disable RSpec/LeadingSubject it_behaves_like :a_humanize_method end end describe "#colors" do subject { Rubicure::Girl.colors } let(:expected) do %i[ black blue gold green pink purple rainbow red white yellow ] end it { should contain_exactly(*expected) } end describe "dynamic color methods" do # NOTE: cure peace is yellow it { expect(girl).to be_yellow } it { expect(girl).not_to be_pink } end describe "birthday?" do subject { girl.birthday?(curent_date) } let(:curent_date) { } context "has birthday" do let(:girl) { Cure.flora } context "curent_time is birthday" do let(:curent_date) { date("2015-04-10") } it { should be true } end context "curent_time is not birthday" do let(:curent_date) { date("2015-04-11") } it { should be false } end end context "don't have birthday" do let(:girl) { Cure.peace } it { should be false } end end describe "#full_name" do subject { girl.full_name } context "has human_full_name" do let(:girl) { Cure.scarlet } it { should eq "プリンセス・ホープ・ディライト・トワ" } end context "don't have human_full_name" do it { should eq "黄瀬やよい" } end end describe "#heisei?" do subject { girl.heisei? } it { should eq true } end describe "#reiwa?" do subject { girl.reiwa? } # TODO: Add reiwa precure test after cure cosmo is added it { should eq false } end end