module Tabula class Ruling < java.awt.geom.Line2D::Float attr_accessor :stroking_color def initialize(top, left, width, height, stroking_color=nil) super(left, top, left+width, top+height) self.stroking_color = stroking_color end alias :top :getY1 alias :left :getX1 alias :bottom :getY2 alias :right :getX2 def top=(v) self.java_send :setLine, [Java::float, Java::float, Java::float, Java::float,], left, v, right, bottom end def left=(v) self.java_send :setLine, [Java::float, Java::float, Java::float, Java::float,], v, top, right, bottom end def bottom=(v) self.java_send :setLine, [Java::float, Java::float, Java::float, Java::float,], left, top, right, v end def right=(v) self.java_send :setLine, [Java::float, Java::float, Java::float, Java::float,], left, top, v, bottom end def width right - left end def height bottom - top end # attributes that make sense only for non-oblique lines # these are used to have a single collapse method (in page, currently) def position raise NoMethodError, "Oblique line #{self.inspect} has no #position method." if oblique? vertical? ? left : top end def start raise NoMethodError, "Oblique line #{self.inspect} has no #start method." if oblique? vertical? ? top : left end def end raise NoMethodError, "Oblique line #{self.inspect} has no #end method." if oblique? vertical? ? bottom : right end def position=(coord) raise NoMethodError, "Oblique line #{self.inspect} has no #position= method." if oblique? if vertical? self.left = coord self.right = coord else = coord self.bottom = coord end end def start=(coord) raise NoMethodError, "Oblique line #{self.inspect} has no #start= method." if oblique? if vertical? = coord else self.left = coord end end def end=(coord) raise NoMethodError, "Oblique line #{self.inspect} has no #end= method." if oblique? if vertical? self.bottom = coord else self.right = coord end end #ok wtf are you doing, Jeremy? # some PDFs (garment factory audits, precise link TK) make tables by drawing lines that # very nearly intersect each other, but not quite. E.g. a horizontal line spans the table at a Y val of 100 # and each vertical line (i.e. column separating ruling line) starts at 101 or 102. # this is very annoying. so we check if those lines nearly overlap by expanding each pair # by 2 pixels in each direction (so the vertical lines' top becomes 99 or 100, and then the expanded versions overlap) PERPENDICULAR_PIXEL_EXPAND_AMOUNT = 2 COLINEAR_OR_PARALLEL_PIXEL_EXPAND_AMOUNT = 1 # if the lines we're comparing are colinear or parallel, we expand them by a only 1 pixel, # because the expansions are additive # (e.g. two vertical lines, at x = 100, with one having y2 of 98 and the other having y1 of 102 would # erroneously be said to nearlyIntersect if they were each expanded by 2 (since they'd both terminate at 100). # The COLINEAR_OR_PARALLEL_PIXEL_EXPAND_AMOUNT is only 1 so the total expansion is 2. # A total expansion amount of 2 is empirically verified to work sometimes. It's not a magic number from any # source other than a little bit of experience.) def nearlyIntersects?(another) if self.intersectsLine(another) true elsif self.perpendicular_to?(another) self.expand(PERPENDICULAR_PIXEL_EXPAND_AMOUNT).intersectsLine(another.expand(PERPENDICULAR_PIXEL_EXPAND_AMOUNT)) else self.expand(COLINEAR_OR_PARALLEL_PIXEL_EXPAND_AMOUNT).intersectsLine(another.expand(COLINEAR_OR_PARALLEL_PIXEL_EXPAND_AMOUNT)) end end ## # intersect this Ruling with a java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D def intersect(area) i = self.getBounds2D.createIntersection(area) self.java_send :setLine, [Java::float, Java::float, Java::float, Java::float,], i.getX, i.getY, i.getX + i.getWidth, i.getY + i.getHeight self end def expand(amt) raise NoMethodError, "Oblique line #{self.inspect} has no #expand method." if oblique? r =, self.left, self.width, self.height) r.start = r.start - amt r.end = r.end + amt r end def length Math.sqrt( (self.right - self.left).abs ** 2 + (self.bottom - ** 2 ) end def vertical? left == right end def horizontal? top == bottom end def oblique? !(vertical? || horizontal?) end def perpendicular_to?(other) return self.vertical? == other.horizontal? end def to_json(arg) [left, top, right, bottom].to_json end def colinear?(point) point.x >= left && point.x <= right && point.y >= top && point.y <= bottom end ## # calculate the intersection point between +self+ and other Ruling def intersection_point(other) # algo taken from #self and other should always be perpendicular, since one should be horizontal and one should be vertical self_l = self.expand(PERPENDICULAR_PIXEL_EXPAND_AMOUNT) other_l = other.expand(PERPENDICULAR_PIXEL_EXPAND_AMOUNT) return nil if !self_l.intersectsLine(other_l) x1 = self_l.getX1; y1 = self_l.getY1 x2 = self_l.getX2; y2 = self_l.getY2 x3 = other_l.getX1; y3 = other_l.getY1 x4 = other_l.getX2; y4 = other_l.getY2 det = lambda { |a,b,c,d| a * d - b * c } int_x =, y1, x2, y2), x1 - x2,, y3, x4, y4), x3 - x4) / - x2, y1 - y2, x3 - x4, y3 - y4) int_y =, y1, x2, y2), y1 - y2,, y3, x4, y4), y3 - y4) / - x2, y1 - y2, x3 - x4, y3 - y4) return nil if int_x.nan? || int_y.nan? # TODO is this right?, int_y) end ## # Find all intersection points between two list of +Ruling+ # (+horizontals+ and +verticals+) # TODO: this is O(n^2) - optimize. def self.find_intersections(horizontals, verticals) horizontals.product(verticals).inject({}) do |memo, (h, v)| ip = h.intersection_point(v) unless ip.nil? memo[ip] ||= [] # TODO: stupid hack for FLA pdfs where lines appear to intersect, but don't. memo[ip] << [h.expand(PERPENDICULAR_PIXEL_EXPAND_AMOUNT), v.expand(PERPENDICULAR_PIXEL_EXPAND_AMOUNT)] end memo end end ## # crop an enumerable of +Ruling+ to an +area+ def self.crop_rulings_to_area(rulings, area) rulings.reduce([]) do |memo, r| if r.intersects(area) memo << r.clone.intersect(area) end memo end end # TODO do we really need this one anymore? def self.clean_rulings(rulings, max_distance=4) # merge horizontal and vertical lines # TODO this should be iterative skip = false horiz = { |r| r.horizontal? } .group_by(&:top) .values.reduce([]) do |memo, rs| rs = rs.sort_by(&:left) if rs.size > 1 memo += rs.each_cons(2) .chunk { |p| p[1].left - p[0].right < 7 } .select { |c| c[0] } .map { |group| group = group.last.flatten.uniq[0].top, group[0].left, group[-1].right - group[0].left, 0) }[0].top, rs[0].left, rs[-1].right - rs[0].left, 0) else memo << rs.first end memo end .sort_by(&:top) h = [] horiz.size.times do |i| if i == horiz.size - 1 h << horiz[-1] break end if skip skip = false; next end d = (horiz[i+1].top - horiz[i].top).abs h << if d < max_distance # THRESHOLD DISTANCE between horizontal lines skip = true[i].top + d / 2, [horiz[i].left, horiz[i+1].left].min, [horiz[i+1].width.abs, horiz[i].width.abs].max, 0) else horiz[i] end end horiz = h vert = { |r| r.vertical? } .group_by(&:left) .values .reduce([]) do |memo, rs| rs = rs.sort_by(&:top) if rs.size > 1 # Here be dragons: # merge consecutive segments of lines that are close enough memo += rs.each_cons(2) .chunk { |p| p[1].top - p[0].bottom < 7 } .select { |c| c[0] } .map { |group| group = group.last.flatten.uniq[0].top, group[0].left, 0, group[-1].bottom - group[0].top) } else memo << rs.first end memo end.sort_by(&:left) return horiz += vert end end end