Class LibXML::XML::SaxParser
In: ext/libxml/libxml.c
Parent: Object


   callbacks.on_external_subset(name, external_id, system_id)

Called for an external subset event.


callbacks   callbacks=   filename   filename=   new   parse   string   string=  

Public Class methods

Create a new XML::SaxParser instance.


 * call-seq:
 * -> sax_parser
 * Create a new XML::SaxParser instance.
ruby_xml_sax_parser_new(VALUE class) {

Public Instance methods

Obtain the callbacks used by this parser.


 * call-seq:
 *    sax_parser.callbacks -> #<XML::SaxParser::Callbacks subclass>
 * Obtain the callbacks used by this parser.
ruby_xml_sax_parser_callbacks_get(VALUE self) {

Set the callbacks used by this parser. The value assigned to this attributesibute will usually be an object that extends the the XML::SaxParser::Callbacks module, overriding the callbacks it wishes to process.


 * call-seq:
 *    sax_parser.callbacks = #<XML::SaxParser::Callbacks subclass>
 * Set the callbacks used by this parser. The value assigned to
 * this attributesibute will usually be an object that extends the the 
 * XML::SaxParser::Callbacks module, overriding the callbacks it
 * wishes to process.
ruby_xml_sax_parser_callbacks_set(VALUE self, VALUE callbacks) {

Obtain the filename this parser reads from.


 * call-seq:
 *    sax_parser.filename -> "filename"
 * Obtain the filename this parser reads from.
ruby_xml_sax_parser_filename_get(VALUE self) {

Set the filename this parser reads from.


 * call-seq:
 *    sax_parser.filename = "filename"
 * Set the filename this parser reads from.
ruby_xml_sax_parser_filename_set(VALUE self, VALUE filename) {

Parse the input XML, generating callbacks to the object registered via the callbacks attributesibute.


 * call-seq:
 *    parser.parse -> (true|false)
 * Parse the input XML, generating callbacks to the object
 * registered via the +callbacks+ attributesibute.
ruby_xml_sax_parser_parse(VALUE self) {

Obtain the parser‘s input string.


 * call-seq:
 *    parser.string -> "xml"
 * Obtain the parser's input string.
ruby_xml_sax_parser_str_get(VALUE self) {

Set the parser‘s input string.


 * call-seq:
 *    parser.string = "xml"
 * Set the parser's input string.
ruby_xml_sax_parser_str_set(VALUE self, VALUE str) {
