require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../spec_helper' module Cucumber module Formatters describe ProfileFormatter do attr_reader :io, :formatter def mock_proc(stubs={}) stub(Proc, {:to_comment_line => '# steps/example_steps.rb:11'}.merge(stubs)) end def mock_step(stubs={}) stub('step', {:keyword => 'Given', :actual_keyword => 'Given', :format => 'test', :row? => false, :file => 'test.feature', :line => 5, :regexp_args_proc => [nil, nil, mock_proc]}.merge(stubs)) end before(:each) do @io = step_mother = stub('step_mother') @formatter =, step_mother) end it "should print a heading" do formatter.visit_features(nil) io.string.should eql("Profiling enabled.\n") end it "should record the current time when starting a new step" do now = Time.stub!(:now).and_return(now) formatter.step_executing('should foo', nil, nil) formatter.instance_variable_get("@step_time").should == now end describe "grouping recorded passed steps" do before(:each) do now = formatter.instance_variable_set("@step_time", now) Time.stub!(:now).and_return(now, now) end it "should group by regular expressions and actual keyword" do step_1 = mock_step(:actual_keyword => 'Given') step_2 = mock_step(:actual_keyword => 'Given') formatter.step_passed(step_1, /nihon/, nil) formatter.step_passed(step_2, /ichiban/, nil) step_times = formatter.instance_variable_get("@step_times") step_times.has_key?('Given /nihon/').should be_true step_times.has_key?('Given /ichiban/').should be_true end it "should use a previous step's keyword when recording row steps" do step = mock_step(:actual_keyword => 'Given') step_row = mock_step(:row? => true) formatter.step_passed(step, /nihon/, []) formatter.step_passed(step_row, /nihon/, []) step_times = formatter.instance_variable_get("@step_times") step_times['Given /nihon/'].length.should == 2 end end it "should correctly record a passed step" do formatter.step_executing(nil, nil, nil) formatter.step_passed(mock_step(:format => 'she doth teach the torches to burn bright', :actual_keyword => 'Given'), nil, nil) formatter.dump io.string.should include('Given she doth teach the torches to burn bright') end it "should correctly record a passed step row" do formatter.step_executing(nil, nil, nil) formatter.step_passed(mock_step(:row? => true), /example/, ['fitty']) formatter.dump io.string.should include('fitty') end it "should calculate the mean step execution time" do now = Time.stub!(:now).and_return(now, now+5, now, now+1) 2.times do formatter.step_executing(mock_step, nil, nil) formatter.step_passed(mock_step, nil, nil) end formatter.dump io.string.should include('3.0000000') end it "should display file and line comment for step invocation" do step = mock_step(:format => 'test', :actual_keyword => 'Given', :file => 'test.feature', :line => 5) formatter.step_executing(step, nil, nil) formatter.step_passed(step, nil, nil) formatter.dump @io.string.should include("# test.feature:5") end it "should display file and line comment for step definition" do step = mock_step(:format => 'test', :actual_keyword => 'Given', :regexp_args_proc => [/test/, nil, mock_proc(:to_comment_line => '# steps/example_steps.rb:11')]) formatter.step_executing(step, nil, nil) formatter.step_passed(step, nil, nil) formatter.dump @io.string.should include("# steps/example_steps.rb:11") end it "should show the performance times of the step invocations for a step definition" do now = Time.stub!(:now).and_return(now, now+5, now, now+1) step = mock_step(:format => 'step invocation', :actual_keyword => 'Given') 2.times do formatter.step_executing(step, /example/, nil) formatter.step_passed(step, /example/, nil) end formatter.dump io.string.should include("3.0000000 Given /example/") io.string.should include("5.0000000 Given step invocation") io.string.should include("1.0000000 Given step invocation") end it "should sort the step invocations in descending order" do now = Time.stub!(:now).and_return(now, now+1, now, now+5) step = mock_step(:format => 'step invocation', :actual_keyword => 'Given') 2.times do formatter.step_executing(step, /example 1/, nil) formatter.step_passed(step, /example 1/, nil) end formatter.dump io_string_lines = io.string.split("\n") include('5.0000000') include('1.0000000') end it "should print the top average 10 step results" do formatter.instance_variable_set("@step_time", 11.times do |test_number| step_regexp = "unique_test_#{test_number}" formatter.step_passed(mock_step(:format => 'test', :actual_keyword => 'Given', :regexp_args_proc => [step_regexp, nil, mock_proc]), step_regexp, nil) end formatter.dump io.string.scan(/unique_test_\d+/).length.should == 10 end it "should print the top 5 step invocations for step definition" do formatter.instance_variable_set("@step_time", step_definition_put = 1 10.times do |test_number| formatter.step_passed(mock_step(:format => 'please invocate me', :actual_keyword => 'Given'), nil, nil) end formatter.dump io.string.scan(/please invocate me/).length.should == 5 end end end end