# Plug [](https://codeclimate.com/github/DigitalNZ/plug/maintainability) [](https://travis-ci.org/DigitalNZ/plug)
A Rails engine to turn on/off features (Feature flipper).
### Features
- Manage features with notices
- Manage site notices with themes
### Prerequisites
- Rails version 5 and above
### Getting Started
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'plug'
→ bundle
And run the install generator:
→ rails g plug:install
→ rails plug:install:migrations
→ rails db:migrate
→ rails s
### Usage
Go to `localhost:3000/plug` and start creating features.
Use the provided method to check if the feature is enabled.
If you wanted to restrict routes, you can use `Plug::Constraint` class
Rails.application.routes.draw do
resources :blog, constraint: Plug::Constraint.new('my-awesome-feature-slug')
Notices can be displayed using the `Plug.notice` method.
<%= Plug.notice('my-awesome-feature-slug') %>
If you have custom HTML for notice, you can pass a block.
<% Plug.notice('my-awesome-feature-slug') do |notice| %>
<% end %>
#### Buttons
Add buttons to the config block to perform rake tasks from the plug dashboard
config.buttons = [
{ label: 'Clear cache', task: 'tmp:cache:clear' }
#### Themes
Themes can be added in Site Notices. Themes are just string stored in the database. You still need to style the theme.
By default, we have `default` and `dark` in `config/plug.rb`. Below is an example on how you can utilise the theme string.
- theme_class = "site-notice--#{site_notice.theme}"
.site-notice{ class: theme_class }
%p My site notice
// BEM
.site-notice {
@include modifier('default') {
@include modifier('dark') {
### Creating new migrations
→ rails g migration MyAwesomeMigration
→ rails g model MyModel name:string slug:string:index
→ rails db:migrate
→ rails db:migrate RAILS_ENV=test
→ rake plug:install:migrations # Run this on the app to copy the new migrations
### Running the tests
→ bundle exec rspec spec
### Publishing to `rubygems.org`
Make sure to **bump** the version. Rubygems don't accept version overrides.
→ gem build plug.gemspec
→ gem push plug-.gem
### TODOs
- Ability to disable all features using one button
- Add screenshot
- Allow block parameters for `enabled?` method
- Versioning of features
- History of feature activities
### Questions/Issues?
File a new [issue](https://github.com/digitalnz/plug/issues/new) if you have questions or issues.
### Contributing
1. Fork it ( https://github.com/boost/digitalnz/fork )
2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-awesome-feature`)
3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add my awesome feature!'`)
4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-awesome-feature`)
5. Create a new Pull Request