require 'spec_helper' require 'jshint' describe Jshint::Lint do let(:file) { 'foo/bar/baz.js' } let(:files) { [file] } let(:configuration) { double("Configuration").as_null_object } let(:opts) { MultiJson.dump({ :curly => true, :newcap => true }) } let(:globals) { MultiJson.dump({ :jquery => true, :app => true }) } subject do Jshint::Configuration.stub(:new).and_return(configuration) end it "should initialize errors to an empty Hash" do subject.errors.should be_a Hash end it "should assing the Configration object to config" do subject.config.should == configuration end it "should respond to get_json" do hash = { :hello => 'world' } MultiJson.should_receive(:dump).with(hash) subject.get_json(hash) end describe :lint do before do subject.stub(:javascript_files).and_return(files) subject.stub(:jshint_options).and_return(opts) subject.stub(:jshint_globals).and_return(globals) end context "invalid file" do before do subject.stub(:get_file_content_as_json).and_return(subject.get_json(<<-eos var foo = "bar", baz = "qux", bat; if (foo == baz) bat = "gorge" // no semicolon and single line eos )) subject.lint end it "should add two error messages to the errors Hash" do subject.errors[file].length.should == 2 end end context "valid file" do before do subject.stub(:get_file_content_as_json).and_return(subject.get_json(<<-eos var foo = "bar", baz = "qux", bat; if (foo == baz) { bat = "gorge"; var x = "foo"; // jshint ignore:line } eos )) subject.lint end it "should retrieve the files content" do subject.should_receive(:get_file_content_as_json).with(file) subject.lint end it "should add two error messages to the errors Hash" do subject.errors[file].length.should == 0 end end end end