admin_title: Applicants Administration
q1: "What specifically made it easy or difficult for you to find what you were looking for?"
q2: "What 3 words would you use to describe the Air and Space Museum?"
welcome: Welcome!
setup: Setup
record: Record a Sample Video
profile: Fill Out Profile
next_steps: Next Steps
header: What is a sample video?
boiler: All applicants must record a quick practice test
tip_1: Only your screen and voice will be recorded.
tip_2: It should take about 5 minutes.
tip_3: When it's approved, you'll be eligible for paid tests.
header: Video of a Good Tester
header: Screen Recorder Tips
tip_1: Make sure to install the screen recorder after it downloads.
tip_2: "If using a PC, you may see a pop-up from your browser asking you for permission to open our recorder. Just click the checkbox \"to always allow\" and you won't see this pop-up again."
tip_3: "If using a Mac, when you click the “Start Screen Recorder” button, the test file (Example: 123456A.usertesting) will download to your computer’s Downloads folder. Just click on this file to start the test."
title: Set Up the Screen Recorder
subtitle: Our software will walk you through the tasks, record your session, and upload it to our server.
mobile: Please visit this page on your PC or Mac to complete your application.
boiler_mobile: In order to install and run our screen recording software you must be using either a Mac or Windows computer.
step_1: "Download Screen Recorder"
step_1_extra: (if you use an external microphone, plug it in now.)
step_2: Open the file when it’s done downloading.
step_3: Follow the installation instructions.
boiler: Getting ready to record your sample test is easy! Just follow the steps below.
step_1_orig: "Download our screen recorder. Click on the OS version for your computer:"
step_2_orig: "Plug in your microphone now."
continue: "Continue"
download_for_windows: "Download for Windows"
download_for_mac: "Download for Mac"
next: "Continue"
header: Apply to be a Tester
email: Your Email Address
terms: Click the checkbox to acknowledge that you have read and agree with the %{terms_link} and our %{privacy_link}.
continue: Continue
header: "Next Step: Verify your email address"
boiler_1_html: "We've sent a verification message to %{email}.
Check your email and follow the link to continue the applicant process."
boiler_3_html: "Can't find the email? %{email_link} or %{support_link}."
start_screen_recorder: "Launch Recorder"
download_test_file: "Download Test File"
begin_test: to begin your test.
header: "Now you’re ready to record your sample video!"
boiler: "All applicants must record a quick sample video. It should only take about 5 minutes and will only record your screen and your voice. Once your video is approved, you'll be eligible for paid tests."
click: Click
ready_to_begin: "You’re ready to begin your test!"
heading: "Watch an applicant’s sample video"
heading_2: "to get an idea of what you’ll be expected to do when recording your own video."
boiler: "Notice how this applicant:"
tip_1_html: "Thinks out loud and keeps talking"
tip_2_html: "Follows instructions and completes each task"
heading: 'Prepare to record your sample video'
tip_1_mac_html: "First download the application test file by clicking the button below."
tip_2_mac_html: "Next, find and open the test file."
tip_3_mac_html: "Our screen recording software will then test your microphone and walk you through the steps of the test."
tip_1_html: "Click the button below to open our screen recording software."
tip_2_html: "Our software will then test your microphone and walk you through the steps of the test."
boiler: Thank you for completing your sample test.
heading: "Next Step:"
step_1: We're processing your uploaded video now. You'll know it's complete when you receive an email from us titled, %{email_html}. %{warning_html}
step_1_warning: Due to the high volume of applicants, it could take up to 1 hour to receive your confirmation email.
email_title: "“UserTesting: we’ve received your sample video”"
heading: "Troubleshooting:"
tip_1: "After 1 hour, if you still don’t see our email in your Inbox, please check your Junk or Spam folder."
tip_2: "If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at %{email_link}."
email: support@usertesting.com
mac: Android Activator for Mac
win: Android Activator for Windows
mobile: Android Activator
started: Your download has started. Please check your downloads folder.
problem: If you encountered a problem you can try re-downloading it
problem_2: here.
instructions_html: "Please visit this website using your computer:
instructions_2: In order to download and run the Android Activator you must be using a Windows or Mac computer.
having_trouble: Having trouble?
recording_problems: Having Recording Problems?
privacy_policy: Privacy Policy
saving_errors: There were errors with your submission
terms_of_use: Terms of Use
trusted_by: "Tons of companies trust UserTesting to help make their user experience better."
heading: "There is already an account for %{email}"
boiler: "You should have an email from us about next steps."
resend_the_email: "Resend the Email"
signed_up_for_panel: "Signed up for panel %{panel}"
with_params: "%{note} with %{params}"
restarted_for_problem: "%{previous}\nRestarted for %{problem} issue at %{time}"
check_email: "We have sent another email to you with instructions on how to complete your application. Please check your inbox and click the link provided to continue."