require "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/../test_helper" require 'open-uri' require 'cgi' require 'fileutils' class ServerTest < Test::Unit::TestCase PORT = 43041 URL = "http://localhost:#{PORT}/" LOG = "#{HERE}/integration/app/log/development.log" Dir.chdir RAILS_ROOT do COVERAGE = "coverage" RCOV = "#{COVERAGE}/cache-#{PORT}" # The port number must appear in `ps awx` FileUtils.rm_rf(COVERAGE) if File.exist? COVERAGE Dir.mkdir COVERAGE end ### Fragment caching tests def test_render assert_match(/Welcome/, browse) assert_match(/Artichoke/, browse("items")) end def test_caching browse("items") assert_match(/cleared interlock local cache/, log) assert_match(/all:untagged is running the controller block/, log) assert_match(/all:untagged wrote/, log) truncate browse("items") assert_match(/cleared interlock local cache/, log) assert_no_match(/all:untagged is running the controller block/, log) assert_no_match(/all:untagged wrote/, log) assert_match(/all:untagged read from memcached/, log) end def test_broad_invalidation browse("items") assert_match(/all:untagged is running the controller block/, log) assert_match(/all:untagged wrote/, log) truncate assert_equal "true", remote_eval("Item.find(:first).save!") assert_match(/all:untagged invalidated by rule Item \-\> .all/, log) browse("items") assert_match(/all:untagged is running the controller block/, log) assert_match(/all:untagged wrote/, log) end def test_narrow_invalidation browse("items/show/1") assert_match(/show:1:untagged is running the controller block/, log) truncate assert_equal "true", remote_eval("Item.find(2).save!") assert_no_match(/show:1:untagged invalidated/, log) browse("items/show/1") assert_no_match(/show:1:untagged is running the controller block/, log) truncate assert_equal "true", remote_eval("Item.find(1).save!") assert_match(/show:1:untagged invalidated/, log) browse("items/show/1") assert_match(/show:1:untagged is running the controller block/, log) end def test_caching_with_tag # This test is a little over-complicated sleep(4) assert_no_match(/Artichoke/, browse("items/recent?seconds=3")) assert_match(/recent:all:3 is running the controller block/, log) truncate assert_no_match(/Artichoke/, browse("items/recent?seconds=2")) assert_match(/recent:all:2 is running the controller block/, log) assert_no_match(/recent:all:3 is running the controller block/, log) truncate remote_eval("Item.find(1).save!") assert_match(/Artichoke/, browse("items/recent?seconds=4")) assert_match(/recent:all:4 is running the controller block/, log) truncate assert_no_match(/Artichoke/, browse("items/recent?seconds=3")) assert_no_match(/recent:all:3 is running the controller block/, log) end def test_caching_with_perform_false browse("items/preview/1") assert_no_match(/preview:1:untagged registered a dependency/, log) assert_match(/preview:1:untagged is not cached/, log) truncate browse("items/preview/1") assert_no_match(/preview:1:untagged registered a dependency/, log) assert_match(/preview:1:untagged is not cached/, log) end def test_caching_with_ignore assert_match(/Delicious cake/, browse('items')) assert_match(/any:any:all:related is running the controller block/, log) truncate assert_match(/Delicious cake/, browse("items/show/2")) assert_no_match(/any:any:all:related is running the controller block/, log) truncate remote_eval("Item.find(1).save!") assert_match(/Delicious cake/, browse("items/show/2")) assert_match(/any:any:all:related invalidated/, log) assert_match(/any:any:all:related is running the controller block/, log) end unless ENV['RAILS_GEM_VERSION'] == "1.2.6" # This functionality not supported on 1.2.6 def test_caching_of_content_for assert_match(/Interlock Test:\s*\d\s*Items/m, browse("items")) assert_match(/all:untagged is running the controller block/, log) assert_match(/all:untagged wrote/, log) truncate assert_match(/Interlock Test:\s*\d\s*Items/m, browse("items")) # Make sure we didn't copy the content_for too many times assert_no_match(/Interlock Test:\s*\d\s*Items\s*\d\s*Items/m, browse("items")) assert_no_match(/all:untagged is running the controller block/, log) assert_match(/all:untagged read from memcached/, log) end def test_nested_view_caches assert_match(/Outer: Inner<.*2 total items.*Artichoke/m, browse("items/detail/1")) assert_match(/detail:1:outer is running the controller block/, log) assert_match(/detail:1:inner is running the controller block/, log) truncate assert_match(/Outer: Inner<.*2 total items.*Artichoke/m, browse("items/detail/1")) assert_no_match(/detail:1:outer is running the controller block/, log) assert_no_match(/detail:1:inner is running the controller block/, log) truncate remote_eval("Item.find(2).save!") assert_match(/Outer: Inner<.*2 total items.*Artichoke/m, browse("items/detail/1")) assert_match(/detail:1:outer is running the controller block/, log) assert_no_match(/detail:1:inner is running the controller block/, log) truncate remote_eval("Item.find(1).save!") assert_match(/Outer: Inner<.*2 total items.*Artichoke/m, browse("items/detail/1")) assert_match(/detail:1:outer is running the controller block/, log) assert_match(/detail:1:inner is running the controller block/, log) end end ### Support methods def setup # We test against an actual running server in order to lock down the environment # class reloading situation Process.fork do Dir.chdir RAILS_ROOT do if $rcov exec("rcov --aggregate #{RCOV} --exclude config\/.*,app\/.*,boot\/.*,script\/server --include-file vendor\/plugins\/interlock\/lib\/.*\.rb script/server -- -p #{PORT} &> #{LOG}") else exec("script/server -p #{PORT} &> #{LOG}") end end end sleep(0.2) while log !~ /available at{PORT}/ truncate end def teardown # Process.kill(9, pid) doesn't work because Mongrel has double-forked itself away while (pids = `ps awx | grep #{PORT} | grep -v grep | awk '{print $1}'`.split("\n")).any? pids.each {|pid| system("kill #{pid}")} sleep(0.2) end end def truncate system("> #{LOG}") end def log, 'r') do |f| end end def browse(url = "") flag = false begin open(URL + url).read rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED, OpenURI::HTTPError => e raise "#{e.to_s}: #{URL + url}" if flag flag = true sleep 3 retry end end def remote_eval(string) # Server doesn't run in our process, so invalidations here don't affect it browse("eval?string=#{CGI.escape(string)}") end end