Feature: Nested Steps Background: Given a scenario with a step that looks like this: """gherkin Given two turtles """ And a step definition that looks like this: """ruby Given /a turtle/ do puts "turtle!" end """ Scenario: Use #steps to call several steps at once Given a step definition that looks like this: """ruby Given /two turtles/ do steps %{ Given a turtle And a turtle } end """ When I run the feature with the progress formatter Then the output should contain: """ turtle! turtle! """ Scenario: Use #step to call a single step Given a step definition that looks like this: """ruby Given /two turtles/ do step "a turtle" step "a turtle" end """ When I run the feature with the progress formatter Then the output should contain: """ turtle! turtle! """ Scenario: Use deprecated i18n methods Given a step definition that looks like this: """ruby Given /two turtles/ do Given "a turtle" end """ When I run the feature with the progress formatter Then the output should contain "WARNING"