# ******************************************************************************* # OpenStudio(R), Copyright (c) 2008-2020, Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC. # All rights reserved. # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # (1) Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # (2) Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation # and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # (3) Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of any contributors # may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without # specific prior written permission from the respective party. # # (4) Other than as required in clauses (1) and (2), distributions in any form # of modifications or other derivative works may not use the "OpenStudio" # trademark, "OS", "os", or any other confusingly similar designation without # specific prior written permission from Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER(S) AND ANY CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, # THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER(S), ANY CONTRIBUTORS, THE # UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT, OR THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY, NOR ANY OF # THEIR EMPLOYEES, BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, # EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT # OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, # STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY # OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # ******************************************************************************* # see the URL below for information on how to write OpenStudio measures # http://openstudio.nrel.gov/openstudio-measure-writing-guide # see the URL below for information on using life cycle cost objects in OpenStudio # http://openstudio.nrel.gov/openstudio-life-cycle-examples # see the URL below for access to C++ documentation on model objects (click on "model" in the main window to view model objects) # http://openstudio.nrel.gov/sites/openstudio.nrel.gov/files/nv_data/cpp_documentation_it/model/html/namespaces.html # load OpenStudio measure libraries from openstudio-extension gem require 'openstudio-extension' require 'openstudio/extension/core/os_lib_helper_methods' require 'openstudio/extension/core/os_lib_hvac' require 'openstudio/extension/core/os_lib_schedules' # load OpenStudio measure libraries require "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/resources/OsLib_AedgMeasures" # start the measure class AedgOfficeHvacAshpDoas < OpenStudio::Measure::ModelMeasure # define the name that a user will see, this method may be deprecated as # the display name in PAT comes from the name field in measure.xml def name return 'AedgOfficeHvacAshpDoas' end # define the arguments that the user will input def arguments(model) args = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgumentVector.new # create an argument for a space type to be used in the model, to see if one should be mapped as ceiling return air plenum spaceTypes = model.getSpaceTypes usedSpaceTypes_handle = OpenStudio::StringVector.new usedSpaceTypes_displayName = OpenStudio::StringVector.new spaceTypes.each do |spaceType| # TODO: - I need to update this to use helper so GUI sorts by display name if !spaceType.spaces.empty? # only show space types used in the building usedSpaceTypes_handle << spaceType.handle.to_s usedSpaceTypes_displayName << spaceType.name.to_s end end # make an argument for space type ceilingReturnPlenumSpaceType = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeChoiceArgument('ceilingReturnPlenumSpaceType', usedSpaceTypes_handle, usedSpaceTypes_displayName, false) ceilingReturnPlenumSpaceType.setDisplayName('This space type should be part of a ceiling return air plenum.') # ceilingReturnPlenumSpaceType.setDefaultValue("We don't want a default, this is an optional argument") args << ceilingReturnPlenumSpaceType # make an argument for material and installation cost # todo - I would like to split the costing out to the air loops weighted by area of building served vs. just sticking it on the building costTotalHVACSystem = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeDoubleArgument('costTotalHVACSystem', true) costTotalHVACSystem.setDisplayName('Total Cost for HVAC System ($).') costTotalHVACSystem.setDefaultValue(0.0) args << costTotalHVACSystem # make an argument to remove existing costs remake_schedules = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeBoolArgument('remake_schedules', true) remake_schedules.setDisplayName('Apply recommended availability and ventilation schedules for air handlers?') remake_schedules.setDefaultValue(true) args << remake_schedules return args end # define what happens when the measure is run def run(model, runner, user_arguments) super(model, runner, user_arguments) # use the built-in error checking if !runner.validateUserArguments(arguments(model), user_arguments) return false end ### START INPUTS # assign the user inputs to variables ceilingReturnPlenumSpaceType = runner.getOptionalWorkspaceObjectChoiceValue('ceilingReturnPlenumSpaceType', user_arguments, model) costTotalHVACSystem = runner.getDoubleArgumentValue('costTotalHVACSystem', user_arguments) remake_schedules = runner.getBoolArgumentValue('remake_schedules', user_arguments) # check that spaceType was chosen and exists in model ceilingReturnPlenumSpaceTypeCheck = OsLib_HelperMethods.checkOptionalChoiceArgFromModelObjects(ceilingReturnPlenumSpaceType, 'ceilingReturnPlenumSpaceType', 'to_SpaceType', runner, user_arguments) ceilingReturnPlenumSpaceTypeCheck == false ? (return false) : (ceilingReturnPlenumSpaceType = ceilingReturnPlenumSpaceTypeCheck['modelObject']) # default building/ secondary space types standardBuildingTypeTest = ['Office'] # ML Not used yet secondarySpaceTypeTest = [] # empty for office primarySpaceType = 'Office' primaryHVAC = { 'doas' => true, 'fan' => 'Constant', 'heat' => 'Gas', 'cool' => 'SingleDX' } secondaryHVAC = { 'fan' => 'None', 'heat' => 'None', 'cool' => 'None' } # ML not used for office; leave or empty? zoneHVAC = 'ASHP' chillerType = 'None' # set to none if chiller not used radiantChillerType = 'None' # set to none if not radiant system allHVAC = { 'primary' => primaryHVAC, 'secondary' => secondaryHVAC, 'zone' => zoneHVAC } ### END INPUTS ### START SORT ZONES options = { 'standardBuildingTypeTest' => standardBuildingTypeTest, # ML Not used yet 'secondarySpaceTypeTest' => secondarySpaceTypeTest, 'ceilingReturnPlenumSpaceType' => ceilingReturnPlenumSpaceType } zonesSorted = OsLib_HVAC.sortZones(model, runner, options) zonesPrimary = zonesSorted['zonesPrimary'] zonesSecondary = zonesSorted['zonesSecondary'] zonesPlenum = zonesSorted['zonesPlenum'] zonesUnconditioned = zonesSorted['zonesUnconditioned'] ### END SORT ZONES ### START REPORT INITIAL CONDITIONS OsLib_HVAC.reportConditions(model, runner, 'initial') ### END REPORT INITIAL CONDITIONS ### START ASSIGN HVAC SCHEDULES options = { 'primarySpaceType' => primarySpaceType, 'allHVAC' => allHVAC, 'remake_schedules' => remake_schedules } schedulesHVAC = OsLib_HVAC.assignHVACSchedules(model, runner, options) # assign schedules primary_SAT_schedule = schedulesHVAC['primary_sat'] building_HVAC_schedule = schedulesHVAC['hvac'] building_ventilation_schedule = schedulesHVAC['ventilation'] make_hot_water_plant = false unless schedulesHVAC['hot_water'].nil? hot_water_setpoint_schedule = schedulesHVAC['hot_water'] make_hot_water_plant = true end make_chilled_water_plant = false unless schedulesHVAC['chilled_water'].nil? chilled_water_setpoint_schedule = schedulesHVAC['chilled_water'] make_chilled_water_plant = true end make_radiant_hot_water_plant = false unless schedulesHVAC['radiant_hot_water'].nil? radiant_hot_water_setpoint_schedule = schedulesHVAC['radiant_hot_water'] make_radiant_hot_water_plant = true end make_radiant_chilled_water_plant = false unless schedulesHVAC['radiant_chilled_water'].nil? radiant_chilled_water_setpoint_schedule = schedulesHVAC['radiant_chilled_water'] make_radiant_chilled_water_plant = true end unless schedulesHVAC['hp_loop'].nil? heat_pump_loop_setpoint_schedule = schedulesHVAC['hp_loop'] end unless schedulesHVAC['hp_loop_cooling'].nil? heat_pump_loop_cooling_setpoint_schedule = schedulesHVAC['hp_loop_cooling'] end unless schedulesHVAC['hp_loop_heating'].nil? heat_pump_loop_heating_setpoint_schedule = schedulesHVAC['hp_loop_heating'] end unless schedulesHVAC['mean_radiant_heating'].nil? mean_radiant_heating_setpoint_schedule = schedulesHVAC['mean_radiant_heating'] end unless schedulesHVAC['mean_radiant_cooling'].nil? mean_radiant_cooling_setpoint_schedule = schedulesHVAC['mean_radiant_cooling'] end ### END ASSIGN HVAC SCHEDULES ### START REMOVE EQUIPMENT OsLib_HVAC.removeEquipment(model, runner) ### END REMOVE EQUIPMENT ### START CREATE NEW PLANTS # create new plants # hot water plant if make_hot_water_plant hot_water_plant = OsLib_HVAC.createHotWaterPlant(model, runner, hot_water_setpoint_schedule, 'Hot Water') end # chilled water plant if make_chilled_water_plant chilled_water_plant = OsLib_HVAC.createChilledWaterPlant(model, runner, chilled_water_setpoint_schedule, 'Chilled Water', chillerType) end # radiant hot water plant if make_radiant_hot_water_plant radiant_hot_water_plant = OsLib_HVAC.createHotWaterPlant(model, runner, radiant_hot_water_setpoint_schedule, 'Radiant Hot Water') end # chilled water plant if make_radiant_chilled_water_plant radiant_chilled_water_plant = OsLib_HVAC.createChilledWaterPlant(model, runner, radiant_chilled_water_setpoint_schedule, 'Radiant Chilled Water', radiantChillerType) end # condenser loop # need condenser loop if there is a water-cooled chiller or if there is a water source heat pump loop options = {} options['zoneHVAC'] = zoneHVAC if (zoneHVAC == 'WSHP') || (zoneHVAC == 'GSHP') options['loop_setpoint_schedule'] = heat_pump_loop_setpoint_schedule options['cooling_setpoint_schedule'] = heat_pump_loop_cooling_setpoint_schedule options['heating_setpoint_schedule'] = heat_pump_loop_heating_setpoint_schedule end condenserLoops = OsLib_HVAC.createCondenserLoop(model, runner, options) unless condenserLoops['condenser_loop'].nil? condenser_loop = condenserLoops['condenser_loop'] end unless condenserLoops['heat_pump_loop'].nil? heat_pump_loop = condenserLoops['heat_pump_loop'] end ### END CREATE NEW PLANTS ### START CREATE PRIMARY AIRLOOPS # populate inputs hash for create primary airloops method options = {} options['zonesPrimary'] = zonesPrimary options['primaryHVAC'] = primaryHVAC options['zoneHVAC'] = zoneHVAC if primaryHVAC['doas'] options['hvac_schedule'] = building_ventilation_schedule options['ventilation_schedule'] = building_ventilation_schedule else # primary HVAC is multizone VAV if zoneHVAC == 'DualDuct' # primary system is a multizone VAV that cools only (primary system ventilation schedule is set to always off; hvac set to always on) options['hvac_schedule'] = model.alwaysOnDiscreteSchedule else # primary system is multizone VAV that cools and ventilates options['hvac_schedule'] = building_HVAC_schedule options['ventilation_schedule'] = building_ventilation_schedule end end options['primary_sat_schedule'] = primary_SAT_schedule if make_hot_water_plant options['hot_water_plant'] = hot_water_plant end if make_chilled_water_plant options['chilled_water_plant'] = chilled_water_plant end primary_airloops = OsLib_HVAC.createPrimaryAirLoops(model, runner, options) ### END CREATE PRIMARY AIRLOOPS ### START CREATE SECONDARY AIRLOOPS # populate inputs hash for create primary airloops method options = {} options['zonesSecondary'] = zonesSecondary options['secondaryHVAC'] = secondaryHVAC options['hvac_schedule'] = building_HVAC_schedule options['ventilation_schedule'] = building_ventilation_schedule if make_hot_water_plant options['hot_water_plant'] = hot_water_plant end if make_chilled_water_plant options['chilled_water_plant'] = chilled_water_plant end secondary_airloops = OsLib_HVAC.createSecondaryAirLoops(model, runner, options) ### END CREATE SECONDARY AIRLOOPS ### START ASSIGN PLENUMS options = { 'zonesPrimary' => zonesPrimary, 'zonesPlenum' => zonesPlenum } zone_plenum_hash = OsLib_HVAC.validateAndAddPlenumZonesToSystem(model, runner, options) ### END ASSIGN PLENUMS ### START CREATE PRIMARY ZONE EQUIPMENT options = {} options['zonesPrimary'] = zonesPrimary options['zoneHVAC'] = zoneHVAC if make_hot_water_plant options['hot_water_plant'] = hot_water_plant end if make_chilled_water_plant options['chilled_water_plant'] = chilled_water_plant end if (zoneHVAC == 'WSHP') || (zoneHVAC == 'GSHP') options['heat_pump_loop'] = heat_pump_loop end if zoneHVAC == 'DualDuct' options['ventilation_schedule'] = building_ventilation_schedule end if zoneHVAC == 'Radiant' options['radiant_hot_water_plant'] = radiant_hot_water_plant options['radiant_chilled_water_plant'] = radiant_chilled_water_plant options['mean_radiant_heating_setpoint_schedule'] = mean_radiant_heating_setpoint_schedule options['mean_radiant_cooling_setpoint_schedule'] = mean_radiant_cooling_setpoint_schedule end OsLib_HVAC.createPrimaryZoneEquipment(model, runner, options) ### END CREATE PRIMARY ZONE EQUIPMENT # START ADD DCV options = {} unless zoneHVAC == 'DualDuct' options['primary_airloops'] = primary_airloops end options['secondary_airloops'] = secondary_airloops options['allHVAC'] = allHVAC OsLib_HVAC.addDCV(model, runner, options) # END ADD DCV # TODO: - add in lifecycle costs expected_life = 25 years_until_costs_start = 0 costHVAC = costTotalHVACSystem lcc_mat = OpenStudio::Model::LifeCycleCost.createLifeCycleCost('HVAC System', model.getBuilding, costHVAC, 'CostPerEach', 'Construction', expected_life, years_until_costs_start).get # add AEDG tips aedgTips = ['HV03', 'HV10', 'HV12'] # populate how to tip messages aedgTipsLong = OsLib_AedgMeasures.getLongHowToTips('SmMdOff', aedgTips.uniq.sort, runner) if !aedgTipsLong return false # this should only happen if measure writer passes bad values to getLongHowToTips end ### START REPORT FINAL CONDITIONS OsLib_HVAC.reportConditions(model, runner, 'final', aedgTipsLong) ### END REPORT FINAL CONDITIONS return true end end # this allows the measure to be used by the application AedgOfficeHvacAshpDoas.new.registerWithApplication