require 'thor' require 'yaml' require 'longleaf/logging' require 'longleaf/errors' require 'longleaf/version' require 'longleaf/commands/deregister_command' require 'longleaf/commands/validate_config_command' require 'longleaf/commands/validate_metadata_command' require 'longleaf/commands/register_command' require 'longleaf/commands/reindex_command' require 'longleaf/commands/preserve_command' require 'longleaf/helpers/selection_options_parser' module Longleaf # Main commandline interface setup for Longleaf using Thor. class CLI < Thor include Longleaf::Logging # Register a shared method option in a shared option group def self.add_shared_option(name, group, options = {}) @shared_groups = {} if @shared_groups.nil? @shared_groups[group] = {} if @shared_groups[group].nil? @shared_groups[group][name] = options end # Add all of the shared options in the specified group as method options def self.shared_options_group(group_name) @shared_groups[group_name].each do |opt_name, opt| option opt_name, opt end end # Config options add_shared_option( :config, :common, { :aliases => "-c", :default => ENV['LONGLEAF_CFG'], :required => false, :desc => 'Path to the application configuration used for this command. By default, the value of the environment variable LONGLEAF_CFG is used. A config path is required for most commands.' }) add_shared_option( :load_path, :common, { :aliases => "-I", :desc => 'Specify comma seperated directories to add to the $LOAD_PATH, which can be used to specify additional paths from which to load preservation services.' }) # Logging options add_shared_option( :failure_only, :common, { :type => :boolean, :default => false, :desc => 'Only display failure messages to STDOUT.' }) add_shared_option( :log_level, :common, { :default => 'WARN', :desc => 'Level of logging to send to STDERR, following standard ruby Logger levels. This includes: DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, FATAL, UNKNOWN.' }) add_shared_option( :log_format, :common, { :desc => 'Format to use for log information sent to STDERR. Can contain the following parameters, which must be wrapped in %{}: severity, datetime, progname, msg. Default is "%{severity} [%{datetime}]: %{msg}"' }) add_shared_option( :log_datetime, :common, { :desc => 'Format to use for timestamps used in logging to STDERR, following strftime syntax.' }) # File selection options add_shared_option( :file, :file_selection, { :aliases => "-f", :required => false, :desc => 'File or files to perform this operation on. If multiple files are provided, they must be comma separated.' }) add_shared_option( :location, :registered_selection, { :aliases => "-s", :required => false, :desc => 'Name or comma separated names of storage locations to perform this operation over.' }) add_shared_option( :from_list, :registered_selection, { :aliases => "-l", :required => false, :desc => %q{Provide a list of files to perform this operation on. The list must be new line separated, one file per line. To provide a list from a file: '-l /path/to/file_list.txt' To provide a list from STDIN: '-l @-'}}) # Commands map %w[--version] => :__print_version desc "--version", "Prints the Longleaf version number." def __print_version puts "longleaf version #{Longleaf::VERSION}" end desc "register", "Register files with Longleaf" shared_options_group(:file_selection) method_option(:manifest, :aliases => "-m", :type => :array, :desc => %q{Checksum manifests of files to register. Supports the following formats: To submit a md5 manifest from a file '-m md5:/path/to/manifest.txt' To provide a sha1 manifest from STDIN '-m sha1:@-' Where the content in STDIN adheres to the format: ... To submit multiple manifests from files '-m md5:/path/to/manifest1.txt sha1:/path/to/manifest2.txt' To provide multiple digests via STDIN '-m @-' Where the content in STDIN adheres to the following format: sha1: ... md5: ... To provide separate logical and physical paths, add a physical path column: '-m sha1:@-' Where the content in STDIN adheres to the format: ... }) method_option(:physical_path, :aliases => "-p", :required => false, :desc => %q{Comma separated list of physical paths of files to register. Only needed if the physical and logical paths of the files differ, otherwise they will be assumed to be the same. Only applicable when used with the -f option, and only for individual files, not directories. Must be provided in the same order as the logical paths.}) method_option(:force, :type => :boolean, :default => false, :desc => 'Force the registration of already registered files.') method_option(:checksums, :desc => %q{Checksums for the submitted file. Only applicable with the -f option. Each checksum must be prefaced with an algorithm prefix. Multiple checksums must be comma separated. If multiple files were submitted, they will be provided with the same checksums. For example: '--checksums "md5:d8e8fca2dc0f896fd7cb4cb0031ba249,sha1:4e1243bd22c66e76c2ba9eddc1f91394e57f9f83"'}) shared_options_group(:common) # Register event command def register verify_config_provided(options) setup_logger(options) app_config_manager = load_application_config(options) file_selector, digest_provider, physical_provider = SelectionOptionsParser .parse_registration_selection_options(options, app_config_manager) command = exit command.execute(file_selector: file_selector, force: options[:force], digest_provider: digest_provider, physical_provider: physical_provider) end desc "deregister", "Deregister files with Longleaf" shared_options_group(:file_selection) shared_options_group(:registered_selection) method_option(:force, :type => :boolean, :default => false, :desc => 'Force the deregistration of already deregistered files.') shared_options_group(:common) # Deregister event command def deregister verify_config_provided(options) setup_logger(options) app_config_manager = load_application_config(options) file_selector = SelectionOptionsParser.create_registered_selector(options, app_config_manager) command = exit command.execute(file_selector: file_selector, force: options[:force]) end desc "preserve", "Perform preservation services on files with Longleaf" shared_options_group(:file_selection) shared_options_group(:registered_selection) method_option(:force, :type => :boolean, :default => false, :desc => 'Force the execution of preservation services, disregarding scheduling information.') shared_options_group(:common) def preserve verify_config_provided(options) setup_logger(options) extend_load_path(options[:load_path]) app_config_manager = load_application_config(options) file_selector = SelectionOptionsParser.create_registered_selector(options, app_config_manager) command = exit command.execute(file_selector: file_selector, force: options[:force]) end desc "validate_config", "Validate an application configuration file, provided using --config." shared_options_group(:common) # Application configuration validation command def validate_config verify_config_provided(options) setup_logger(options) extend_load_path(options[:load_path]) exit[:config]).execute end desc "validate_metadata", "Validate metadata files." shared_options_group(:file_selection) shared_options_group(:registered_selection) shared_options_group(:common) # File metadata validation command def validate_metadata verify_config_provided(options) setup_logger(options) app_config_manager = load_application_config(options) file_selector = SelectionOptionsParser.create_registered_selector(options, app_config_manager) exit file_selector) end desc "setup_index", "Sets up the structure of the metadata index, if one is configured using the system configuration file provided using the --system_config option. Some index types may require additional steps to be taken by an administrator before hand, such as creating users and databases." shared_options_group(:common) def setup_index verify_config_provided(options) setup_logger(options) app_config_manager = load_application_config(options) if app_config_manager.index_manager.using_index? app_config_manager.index_manager.setup_index logger.success("Setup of index complete") exit 0 else logger.failure("No index configured, unable to perform setup.") exit 1 end end desc "reindex", "Perform a full reindex of file metadata stored within the configured storage locations." method_option(:if_stale, :type => :boolean, :default => false, :desc => 'Only perform the reindex if the index is known to be stale, generally after an config file change.') shared_options_group(:common) def reindex verify_config_provided(options) setup_logger(options) app_config_manager = load_application_config(options) exit options[:if_stale]) end no_commands do def setup_logger(options) initialize_logger(options[:failure_only], options[:log_level], options[:log_format], options[:log_datetime]) end def load_application_config(options) begin app_manager = ApplicationConfigDeserializer.deserialize(options[:config]) rescue ConfigurationError => err logger.failure("Failed to load application configuration due to the following issue(s):\n#{err.message}") exit 1 end end def verify_config_provided(options) if options[:config].nil? || options[:config].empty? raise "No value provided for required options '--config'" end end def extend_load_path(load_paths) load_paths = load_paths&.split(/\s*,\s*/) load_paths&.each { |path| $LOAD_PATH.unshift(path) } end end end end