require 'active_model/serialization' require 'active_model/serializers/xml' require 'active_support/core_ext/hash/indifferent_access' require_relative 'base' module NmiDirectPost class CustomerVaultNotFoundError < StandardError; end class CustomerVaultInvalidPostActionError < StandardError; end module MassAssignmentSecurity class Error < StandardError; end end class CustomerVault < Base private def self.attr_accessor_with_tracking_of_changes(*list) list.each do |attr| attr_reader attr define_method("#{attr}=") do |val| (@attributes_to_save ||=[]) << attr instance_variable_set("@#{attr}", val) end end end public READ_ONLY_ATTRIBUTES ||= [:check_hash, :cc_hash] attr_reader *READ_ONLY_ATTRIBUTES attr_reader :customer_vault_id, :customer_vault, :report_type MERCHANT_DEFINED_FIELDS ||= 20.times.collect { |i| :"merchant_defined_field_#{i+1}" } WHITELIST_ATTRIBUTES ||= [:id, :first_name, :last_name, :address_1, :address_2, :company, :city, :state, :postal_code, :country, :email, :phone, :fax, :cell_phone, :customertaxid, :website, :shipping_first_name, :shipping_last_name, :shipping_address_1, :shipping_address_2, :shipping_company, :shipping_city, :shipping_state, :shipping_postal_code, :shipping_country, :shipping_email, :shipping_carrier, :tracking_number, :shipping_date, :shipping, :cc_number, :cc_exp, :cc_issue_number, :check_account, :check_aba, :check_name, :account_holder_type, :account_type, :sec_code, :processor_id, :cc_bin, :cc_start_date] + MERCHANT_DEFINED_FIELDS attr_accessor_with_tracking_of_changes *WHITELIST_ATTRIBUTES validate :billing_information_present?, :if => { |record| :add_customer == record.customer_vault } validates_presence_of :customer_vault_id, :message => "You must specify a %{attribute} ID when looking up an individual customer vault", :if => { |record| :customer_vault == record.report_type } validates_presence_of :customer_vault_id, :message => "You must specify a %{attribute} ID when updating a customer vault", :if => { |record| :update_customer == record.customer_vault } validates_inclusion_of :customer_vault_id, :in => [nil], :message => "You cannot specify a %{attribute} ID when creating a new customer vault. NMI will assign one upon creating the record", :if => { |record| :add_customer == record.customer_vault } def initialize(attributes) super() if attributes[:customer_vault_id].blank? set_attributes(attributes.dup) unless attributes.empty? else @customer_vault_id = attributes[:customer_vault_id].to_i reload end end def create post_action(:add) self.success? end def update!(attributes) begin set_attributes(attributes) post_action(:update) ensure @attributes_to_save.delete_if {|v| @attributes_to_update.include?(v) } if @attributes_to_save @attributes_to_update = nil end self end def save! post_action(:update) reload self.success? end def destroy post_action(:delete) self end def reload @report_type = :customer_vault if invalid? @report_type = nil return self end begin safe_params = customer_vault_instance_params logger.debug { "Loading NMI customer vault from customer_vault_id(#{customer_vault_id}) using query: #{safe_params}" } response = self.class.get(self.class.all_params(safe_params))["customer_vault"] raise CustomerVaultNotFoundError, "No record found for customer vault ID #{self.customer_vault_id}" if response.nil? attributes = response["customer"].with_indifferent_access READ_ONLY_ATTRIBUTES.each do |a| if attributes.key?(a) val = attributes.delete(a) instance_variable_set("@#{a}",val) end end set_attributes(attributes.tap { |_| _.delete(:customer_vault_id) }) ensure @report_type = nil @attributes_to_update = nil @attributes_to_save = nil end self end def credit_card? !@cc_hash.blank? end def checking? !@check_hash.blank? end def find! begin @report_type = :customer_vault safe_params = generate_query_string(MERCHANT_DEFINED_FIELDS + [:last_name, :email, :report_type]) # These are the only fields you can use when looking up without a customer_vault_id { "Querying NMI customer vault: #{safe_params}" } @customer_vault_id = self.class.get(self.class.all_params(safe_params))['customer_vault'][0]['customer_vault_id'] # This assumes there is only 1 result. # TODO: When there are multiple results, we don't know which one you want. Maybe raise an error in that case? reload ensure @report_type = nil end end class << self attr_reader :report_type def find_by_customer_vault_id(customer_vault_id) raise StandardError, "CustomerVaultID cannot be blank" if customer_vault_id.blank? begin new(:customer_vault_id => customer_vault_id) rescue CustomerVaultNotFoundError return nil end end def first(limit = 1) limit(0, limit-1).first end def last(limit = 1) limit(-limit, -1).first end def all_ids @report_type = :customer_vault safe_params = generate_query_string([:report_type]) NmiDirectPost.logger.debug { "Loading all NMI customer vaults using query: #{safe_params}" } begin customers = get(all_params(safe_params))["customer_vault"] ensure @report_type = nil end return [] if customers.nil? customers = customers["customer"] customers.collect { |customer| customer["customer_vault_id"].to_i } end def all limit end def all_params(safe_params) [safe_params, generate_query_string(Base::AUTH_PARAMS)].join('&') end private def limit(first = 0, last = -1) all_ids[first..last].collect { |id| new(:customer_vault_id => id) } end end private def customer_vault_instance_params generate_query_string([:customer_vault, :customer_vault_id, :report_type]) end def post(safe_params) { "Sending Direct Post to NMI: #{safe_params}" } response = @response, @response_text, @response_code = response["response"].to_i, response["responsetext"], response["response_code"].to_i @customer_vault_id = response["customer_vault_id"].to_i if :add_customer == self.customer_vault end def set_attributes(attributes) attributes = attributes.with_indifferent_access @attributes_to_update = [] merchant_defined_fields = [] if attributes.key?(:merchant_defined_field) && attributes[:merchant_defined_field].is_a?(String) self.merchant_defined_field_1 = attributes.delete(:merchant_defined_field) end WHITELIST_ATTRIBUTES.each do |a| if attributes.key?(a) val = attributes.delete(a) @attributes_to_update << a end merchant_defined_field_index = a.to_s.split('merchant_defined_field_')[1] if (!merchant_defined_field_index.nil? && val.nil? && attributes.key?(:merchant_defined_field) && attributes[:merchant_defined_field].is_a?(Array)) index = merchant_defined_field_index.to_i - 1 if attributes[:merchant_defined_field].size > index val = attributes[:merchant_defined_field][index] attributes[:merchant_defined_field][index] = nil @attributes_to_update << a end end self.__send__("#{a}=", val) if @attributes_to_update.include?(a) end attributes.delete(:merchant_defined_field) unless attributes.key?(:merchant_defined_field) && attributes[:merchant_defined_field].any? @id = @id.to_i if @id raise MassAssignmentSecurity::Error, "Cannot mass-assign the following attributes: #{attributes.keys.join(", ")}" unless attributes.empty? end def billing_information_present? self.errors.add(:billing_information, "Either :cc_number (a credit card number) and :cc_exp (the credit card expiration date), or :check_account, :check_aba (the routing number of the checking account) and :check_name (a nickname for the account), must be present") if (missing_cc_information? && missing_checking_information?) end def missing_checking_information? self.check_account.blank? || self.check_aba.blank? || self.check_name.blank? end def missing_cc_information? self.cc_exp.blank? || self.cc_number.blank? end def post_action(action) @customer_vault = :"#{action}_customer" safe_params = case action.to_sym when :delete customer_vault_instance_params when :add [customer_vault_instance_params, generate_query_string(WHITELIST_ATTRIBUTES)].join("&") when :update [customer_vault_instance_params, generate_query_string(@attributes_to_update || @attributes_to_save)].join("&") else raise CustomerVaultInvalidPostActionError, "#{action} is not a valid post action. NmiDirectPost allows the following post actions: :add, :update, :delete" end begin post(safe_params) if valid? ensure @customer_vault = nil end end end end