require 'travis/client' require 'travis/version' require 'faraday' require 'faraday_middleware' require 'travis/tools/system' begin require 'typhoeus/adapters/faraday' unless rescue LoadError end require 'json' module Travis module Client class Session SSL_OPTIONS = { :ca_file => File.expand_path("../../cacert.pem", __FILE__) } include Methods attr_reader :connection, :headers, :access_token, :instruments, :faraday_adapter, :agent_info, :ssl def initialize(options = Travis::Client::ORG_URI) @headers = {} @cache = {} @instruments = [] @agent_info = [] @config = nil @faraday_adapter = defined?(Typhoeus) ? :typhoeus : :net_http @ssl = SSL_OPTIONS options = { :uri => options } unless options.respond_to? :each_pair options.each_pair { |key, value| public_send("#{key}=", value) } raise ArgumentError, "neither :uri nor :connection specified" unless connection headers['Accept'] = 'application/json; version=2' set_user_agent end def uri connection.url_prefix.to_s if connection end def agent_info=(info) @agent_info = [info].flatten.freeze set_user_agent end def ssl=(options) @ssl = options.dup.freeze self.uri = uri if uri end def uri=(uri) clear_cache! self.connection = => uri, :ssl => ssl) do |faraday| faraday.request :url_encoded faraday.response :json faraday.response :follow_redirects faraday.response :raise_error faraday.adapter(*faraday_adapter) end end def faraday_adapter=(adapter) @faraday_adapter = adapter self.uri &&= uri set_user_agent end def access_token=(token) clear_cache! @access_token = token headers['Authorization'] = "token #{token}" headers.delete('Authorization') unless token end def connection=(connection) clear_cache! connection.headers.merge! headers @config = nil @connection = connection @headers = connection.headers end def headers=(headers) clear_cache! connection.headers = headers if connection @headers = headers end def find_one(entity, id = nil) raise Travis::Client::Error, "cannot fetch #{entity}" unless entity.respond_to?(:many) and entity.many return create_entity(entity, entity.id_field => id) if id cached(entity, :by, id) { fetch_one(entity, id) } end def find_many(entity, args = {}) raise Travis::Client::Error, "cannot fetch #{entity}" unless entity.respond_to?(:many) and entity.many cached(entity, :many, args) { fetch_many(entity, args) } end def find_one_or_many(entity, args = nil) raise Travis::Client::Error, "cannot fetch #{entity}" unless entity.respond_to?(:many) and entity.many cached(entity, :one_or_many, args) do path = "/#{entity.many}" path, args = "#{path}/#{args}", {} unless args.is_a? Hash result = get(path, args) one = result[] if result.include? entity.many Array(one) + Array(result[entity.many]) else one end end end def reset(entity) entity.attributes.clear entity end def reload(entity) reset(entity) result = fetch_one(entity.class, entity.update_attributes(result.attributes) if result.attributes != entity.attributes result end def config @config ||= get_raw('/config')['config'] || {} end def load(data) result = {} (data || {}).each_pair do |key, value| type = Entity.subclass_for(key) if value.respond_to? :to_ary result[key] = { |e| create_entity(type, e) } else result[key] = create_entity(type, value) end end result end def get(*args) load get_raw(*args) end def get_raw(*args) raw(:get, *args) end def post_raw(*args) raw(:post, *args) end def put_raw(*args) raw(:put, *args) end def raw(verb, url, *args) url = url.sub(/^\//, '') result = instrumented(verb.to_s.upcase, url, *args) { connection.public_send(verb, url, *args) } raise Travis::Client::Error, 'SSL error: could not verify peer' if result.status == 0 result.body rescue Faraday::Error::ClientError => e handle_error(e) end def inspect "#<#{self.class}: #{uri}>" end def clear_cache reset_entities clear_find_cache self end def clear_cache! reset_entities @cache.clear self end def session self end def instrument(&block) instruments << block end def private_channels? access_token and user.channels != ['common'] end private def set_user_agent adapter = Array === faraday_adapter ? faraday_adapter.first : faraday_adapter adapter = adapter.to_s.capitalize.gsub(/_http_(.)/) { "::HTTP::#{$1.upcase}" }.gsub(/_http/, '::HTTP') headers['User-Agent'] = "Travis/#{Travis::VERSION} (#{Travis::Tools::System.description(agent_info)}) Faraday/#{Faraday::VERSION} #{adapter}/#{adapter_version(adapter)}" end def adapter_version(adapter) version = Object.const_get(adapter).const_get("VERSION") [*version].join('.') rescue Exception "unknown" end def instrumented(name, *args) name = [name, *].join(" ") if args.any? result = nil chain = instruments + [proc { |n,l| result = yield }] lift = proc {, lift) } result end def create_entity(type, data) data = { type.id_field => data } if data id = type.cast_id(data.fetch(type.id_field)) entity = cached(type, :id, id) {, id) } entity.update_attributes(data) entity end def handle_error(e) klass = Travis::Client::NotFound if e.is_a? Faraday::Error::ResourceNotFound klass ||= Travis::Client::Error raise klass, error_message(e), e.backtrace end def error_message(e) message = e.response[:body].to_str rescue e.message JSON.parse(message).fetch('error').fetch('message') rescue message end def reset_entities subcaches do |subcache| subcache[:id].each_value { |e| e.attributes.clear } if subcache.include? :id end end def clear_find_cache subcaches do |subcache| subcache.delete_if { |k, v| k != :id } end end def subcaches @cache.each_value do |subcache| yield subcache if subcache.is_a? Hash end end def fetch_one(entity, id = nil) get("/#{entity.many}/#{id}")[] end def fetch_many(entity, params = {}) get("/#{entity.many}/", params)[entity.many] end def cached(*keys) last = keys.pop cache = keys.inject(@cache) { |store, key| store[key] ||= {} } cache[last] ||= yield end end end end