# encoding: UTF-8 require 'drb' require 'vmail/string_ext' require 'yaml' require 'mail' require 'net/imap' require 'time' require 'logger' require 'vmail/helpers' require 'vmail/address_quoter' require 'vmail/database' require 'vmail/searching' require 'vmail/showing_headers' require 'vmail/showing_message' require 'vmail/flagging_and_moving' require 'vmail/reply_templating' module Vmail class ImapClient include Vmail::Helpers include Vmail::AddressQuoter include Vmail::Searching include Vmail::ShowingHeaders include Vmail::ShowingMessage include Vmail::FlaggingAndMoving include Vmail::ReplyTemplating attr_accessor :max_seqno # of current mailbox def initialize(config) @username, @password = config['username'], config['password'] #load user-specified value for from field @from = config['from'] || config['username'] @name = config['name'] @signature = config['signature'] @signature_script = config['signature_script'] @always_cc = config['always_cc'] @always_bcc = config['always_bcc'] @mailbox = nil @logger = Logger.new(config['logfile'] || STDERR) @logger.level = Logger::DEBUG $logger = @logger @imap_server = config['server'] || 'imap.gmail.com' @imap_port = config['port'] || 993 # generic smtp settings @smtp_server = config['smtp_server'] || 'smtp.gmail.com' @smtp_port = config['smtp_port'] || 587 @smtp_domain = config['smtp_domain'] || 'gmail.com' @authentication = config['authentication'] || 'plain' @width = 100 @date_formatter_this_year = config['date_format'] || '%b %d %I:%M%P' @date_formatter_prev_years = config['date_format_previous_years'] || '%b %d %Y' @date_width = DateTime.parse("12/12/2012 12:12:12").strftime(@date_formatter_this_year).length current_message = nil end def open @imap = Net::IMAP.new(@imap_server, @imap_port, true, nil, false) log @imap.login(@username, @password) list_mailboxes # prefetch mailbox list rescue puts "VMAIL_ERROR: #{[$!.message, $!.backtrace].join("\n")}" end # expects a block, closes on finish def with_open @imap = Net::IMAP.new(@imap_server, @imap_port, true, nil, false) log @imap.login(@username, @password) yield self close end def close log "Closing connection" Timeout::timeout(5) do @imap.close rescue Net::IMAP::BadResponseError @imap.disconnect rescue IOError end rescue Timeout::Error end def select_mailbox(mailbox, force=false) if mailbox_aliases[mailbox] mailbox = mailbox_aliases[mailbox] end log "Selecting mailbox #{mailbox.inspect}" reconnect_if_necessary(30) do log @imap.select(Net::IMAP.encode_utf7(mailbox)) end log "Done" @mailbox = mailbox @label = Label[name: @mailbox] || Label.create(name: @mailbox) log "Getting mailbox status" get_mailbox_status log "Getting highest message id" get_highest_message_id return "OK" end def reload_mailbox return unless STDIN.tty? select_mailbox(@mailbox, true) end # TODO no need for this if all shown messages are stored in SQLITE3 # and keyed by UID. def clear_cached_message return unless STDIN.tty? log "Clearing cached message" current_message = nil end def get_highest_message_id # get highest message ID res = @imap.search(['ALL']) if res && res[-1] @num_messages = res[-1] log "Highest seqno: #@num_messages" else @num_messages = 1 log "NO HIGHEST ID: setting @num_messages to 1" end end # not used for anything def get_mailbox_status return @status = @imap.status(@mailbox, ["MESSAGES", "RECENT", "UNSEEN"]) log "Mailbox status: #{@status.inspect}" end def revive_connection log "Reviving connection" open log "Reselecting mailbox #@mailbox" @imap.select(@mailbox) end def prime_connection return if @ids.nil? || @ids.empty? reconnect_if_necessary(4) do # this is just to prime the IMAP connection # It's necessary for some reason before update and deliver. log "Priming connection" res = @imap.fetch(@ids[-1], ["ENVELOPE"]) if res.nil? # just go ahead, just log log "Priming connection didn't work, connection seems broken, but still going ahead..." end end end def list_mailboxes log 'loading mailboxes...' @mailboxes ||= (@imap.list("", "*") || []). select {|struct| struct.attr.none? {|a| a == :Noselect} }. map {|struct| Net::IMAP.decode_utf7(struct.name) }.uniq @mailboxes.delete("INBOX") @mailboxes.unshift("INBOX") log "Loaded mailboxes: #{@mailboxes.inspect}" @mailboxes = @mailboxes.map {|name| mailbox_aliases.invert[name] || name} @mailboxes.join("\n") end # do this just once def mailbox_aliases return @mailbox_aliases if @mailbox_aliases aliases = {"sent" => "Sent Mail", "all" => "All Mail", "starred" => "Starred", "important" => "Important", "drafts" => "Drafts", "spam" => "Spam", "trash" => "Trash"} @mailbox_aliases = {} aliases.each do |shortname, fullname| [ "[Gmail]", "[Google Mail]" ].each do |prefix| if self.mailboxes.include?( "#{prefix}/#{fullname}" ) @mailbox_aliases[shortname] = "#{prefix}/#{fullname}" end end end log "Setting aliases to #{@mailbox_aliases.inspect}" @mailbox_aliases end # called internally, not by vim client def mailboxes if @mailboxes.nil? list_mailboxes end @mailboxes end def decrement_max_seqno(num) return unless STDIN.tty? log "Decremented max seqno from #{self.max_seqno} to #{self.max_seqno - num}" self.max_seqno -= num end def check_for_new_messages log "Checking for new messages" if search_query? log "Update aborted because query is search query: #{@query.inspect}" return "" end old_num_messages = @num_messages # we need to re-select the mailbox to get the new highest id reload_mailbox update_query = @query.dup # set a new range filter # this may generate a negative rane, e.g., "19893:19992" but that seems harmless update_query[0] = "#{old_num_messages}:#{@num_messages}" ids = reconnect_if_necessary { log "Search #update_query" @imap.search(Vmail::Query.args2string(update_query)) } log "- got seqnos: #{ids.inspect}" log "- getting seqnos > #{self.max_seqno}" new_ids = ids.select {|seqno| seqno > self.max_seqno} # reset the max_seqno self.max_seqno = ids.max log "- setting max_seqno to #{self.max_seqno}" log "- new uids found: #{new_ids.inspect}" new_ids end def update prime_connection new_ids = check_for_new_messages if !new_ids.empty? @ids = @ids + new_ids message_ids = fetch_and_cache_headers(new_ids) res = get_message_headers(message_ids) res else '' end rescue puts "VMAIL_ERROR: #{$!.class}\n#{[$!.message, $!.backtrace].join("\n")}" end # gets 100 messages prior to id def more_messages log "Getting more_messages" log "Old start_index: #{@start_index}" max = @start_index - 1 @start_index = [(max + 1 - @limit), 1].max log "New start_index: #{@start_index}" fetch_ids = search_query? ? @ids[@start_index..max] : (@start_index..max).to_a log fetch_ids.inspect message_ids = fetch_and_cache_headers(fetch_ids) res = get_message_headers message_ids with_more_message_line(res) end def spawn_thread_if_tty(&block) if STDIN.tty? Thread.new do reconnect_if_necessary(10, &block) end else block.call end end def create_if_necessary(mailbox) current_mailboxes = mailboxes.map {|m| mailbox_aliases[m] || m} if !current_mailboxes.include?(mailbox) log "Current mailboxes: #{current_mailboxes.inspect}" log "Creating mailbox #{mailbox}" log @imap.create(mailbox) @mailboxes = nil # force reload ... list_mailboxes end end def append_to_file(message_ids, file) message_ids = message_ids.split(',') log "Append to file uid set #{message_ids.inspect} to file: #{file}" message_ids.each do |message_id| message = show_message(message_id) File.open(file, 'a') {|f| f.puts(divider('=') + "\n" + message + "\n\n")} subject = (message[/^subject:(.*)/,1] || '').strip log "Appended message '#{subject}'" end "Printed #{message_ids.size} message#{message_ids.size == 1 ? '' : 's'} to #{file.strip}" end def new_message_template(subject = nil, append_signature = true) #set from field to user-specified value headers = {'from' => "#{@name} <#{@from}>", 'to' => nil, 'subject' => subject, 'cc' => @always_cc, 'bcc' => @always_bcc } format_headers(headers) + (append_signature ? ("\n\n" + signature) : "\n\n") end def format_headers(hash) lines = [] hash.each_pair do |key, value| if value.nil? && key != 'to' && key != 'subject' next end if value.is_a?(Array) value = value.join(", ") end lines << "#{key.gsub("_", '-')}: #{value}" end lines.join("\n") end def signature return signature_script if @signature_script "\n\n#@signature" end def signature_script return unless @signature_script %x{ #{@signature_script.strip} } end def forward_template original_body = current_message.plaintext.split(/\n-{20,}\n/, 2)[1] formatter = Vmail::MessageFormatter.new(current_mail) headers = formatter.extract_headers subject = headers['subject'] if subject !~ /Fwd: / subject = "Fwd: #{subject}" end new_message_template(subject, false) + "\n---------- Forwarded message ----------\n" + original_body + signature end def format_sent_message(mail) formatter = Vmail::MessageFormatter.new(mail) message_text = <<-EOF Sent Message #{self.format_parts_info(formatter.list_parts)} #{format_headers(formatter.extract_headers)} #{formatter.plaintext_part} EOF end def deliver(text) # parse the text. The headers are yaml. The rest is text body. require 'net/smtp' prime_connection mail = new_mail_from_input(text) mail.delivery_method(*smtp_settings) res = mail.deliver! log res.inspect log "\n" msg = if res.is_a?(Mail::Message) "Message '#{mail.subject}' sent" else "Failed to deliver message '#{mail.subject}'!" end log msg msg end def new_mail_from_input(text) require 'mail' mail = Mail.new raw_headers, raw_body = *text.split(/\n\s*\n/, 2) headers = {} raw_headers.split("\n").each do |line| key, value = *line.split(/:\s*/, 2) if key == 'references' mail.references = value else next if (value.nil? || value.strip == '') log [key, value].join(':') if %w(from to cc bcc).include?(key) value = quote_addresses(value) end headers[key] = value end end log "Delivering message with headers: #{headers.to_yaml}" mail.from = headers['from'] || @username mail.to = headers['to'] #.split(/,\s+/) mail.cc = headers['cc'] #&& headers['cc'].split(/,\s+/) mail.bcc = headers['bcc'] #&& headers['cc'].split(/,\s+/) mail.subject = headers['subject'] mail.from ||= @username mail.charset = 'UTF-8' # attachments are added as a snippet of YAML after a blank line # after the headers, and followed by a blank line if (attachments_section = raw_body.split(/\n\s*\n/, 2)[0]) =~ /^attach(ment|ments)*:/ files = attachments_section.split(/\n/).map {|line| line[/[-:]\s*(.*)\s*$/, 1]}.compact log "Attach: #{files.inspect}" files.each do |file| if File.directory?(file) Dir.glob("#{file}/*").each {|f| mail.add_file(f) if File.size?(f)} else mail.add_file(file) if File.size?(file) end end mail.text_part do body raw_body.split(/\n\s*\n/, 2)[1] end else mail.text_part do body raw_body end end mail.text_part.charset = 'UTF-8' mail rescue $logger.debug $! raise end def save_attachments(dir) log "Save_attachments #{dir}" if !current_mail log "Missing a current message" end return unless dir && current_mail attachments = current_mail.attachments `mkdir -p #{dir}` saved = attachments.map do |x| path = File.join(dir, x.filename) log "Saving #{path}" File.open(path, 'wb') {|f| f.puts x.decoded} path end "Saved:\n" + saved.map {|x| "- #{x}"}.join("\n") end def open_html_part log "Open_html_part" log current_mail.parts.inspect multipart = current_mail.parts.detect {|part| part.multipart?} html_part = if multipart multipart.parts.detect {|part| part.header["Content-Type"].to_s =~ /text\/html/} elsif ! current_mail.parts.empty? current_mail.parts.detect {|part| part.header["Content-Type"].to_s =~ /text\/html/} else current_mail.body end return if html_part.nil? outfile = 'part.html' File.open(outfile, 'w') {|f| f.puts(html_part.decoded)} # client should handle opening the html file return outfile end def window_width=(width) @width = width.to_i log "Setting window width to #{width}" end def smtp_settings [:smtp, {:address => @smtp_server, :port => @smtp_port, :domain => @smtp_domain, :user_name => @username, :password => @password, :authentication => @authentication, :enable_starttls_auto => true}] end def log(string) if string.is_a?(::Net::IMAP::TaggedResponse) string = string.raw_data end @logger.debug string end def handle_error(error) log error end def reconnect_if_necessary(timeout = 60, &block) # if this times out, we know the connection is stale while the user is # trying to update Timeout::timeout(timeout) do block.call end rescue IOError, Errno::EADDRNOTAVAIL, Errno::ECONNRESET, Timeout::Error, Errno::ETIMEDOUT log "Error: #{$!}" log "Attempting to reconnect" close log(revive_connection) # hope this isn't an endless loop reconnect_if_necessary do block.call end rescue log "Error: #{$!}" raise end def self.start(config) imap_client = self.new config imap_client.open imap_client end def self.daemon(config) puts "Starting Vmail::ImapClient in dir #{Dir.pwd}" $gmail = self.start(config) use_uri = config['drb_uri'] || nil # redundant but explicit DRb.start_service(use_uri, $gmail) uri = DRb.uri puts "Starting gmail service at #{uri}" uri end end end trap("INT") { require 'timeout' puts "Closing imap connection" begin #Timeout::timeout(2) do # just try to quit # $gmail.close #end rescue Timeout::Error puts "Close connection attempt timed out" end exit }