module Netzke::Core # Netzke components allow specifying Ext actions (see!/api/Ext.Action) in Ruby code. # # == Defining actions # # An action is defined with the +action+ class method that accepts a block: # # action :destroy do |c| # c.text = "Destroy!" # c.tooltip = "Destroying it all" # c.icon = :delete # c.handler = :destroy_something # destroySomething will be called on JavaScript side # end # # All config settings for an action are optional. When omitted, the locale files will be consulted first (see "I18n of actions"), falling back to the defaults. # # [+text+] # The text of the action (defaults to humanized action name) # [+icon+] # Can be set to either a String (which will be interpreted as a full URI to the icon file), or as a Symbol, which will be expanded to +Netzke::Core.icons_uri+ + "/(icon).png". Defaults to nil (no icon) # [+tooltip+] # The tooltip of the action (defaults to humanized action name) # [+disabled+] # When set to +true+, renders this action as disabled # [+handler+] # A symbol that represents the JavaScript public method (snake-case), which will be called in the scope of the component instance. Defaults to +on_(action_name)+, which on JavaScript side will result in a call to +on(CamelCaseActionName)+ # [+excluded+] # When set to true, gets the action excluded from menus and toolbars # # When no block is given, the defaults will be used: # # action :my_cool_action # # is equivalent (unless localization is found for this action) to: # # action :my_cool_action do |c| # c.text = c.tooltip = "My cool action" # c.handler = :on_my_cool_action # end # # == Accessing component configuration from action block # # Because the action block get transformed into an instance method, it's possible to access the `config` method of the component itself: # # action :show_report do |c| # c.text = "Show report" # c.icon = :report # c.disabled = !config[:can_see_report] # end # # == Overriding an action # # When extending a component, it's possible to override its actions. You'll need to call the +super+ method passing the configuration object to it in order to get the super-class' action configuration: # # action :destroy do |c| # super(c) # original config # c.text = "Destroy (extended)" # overriding the text # end # # == I18n of actions # # +text+, +tooltip+ and +icon+ for an action will be picked up from a locale file (if located there) whenever they are not specified in the config. # E.g., an action named "some_action" and defined in the component +MyComponents::CoolComponent+, will look for its text in: # # I18n.t('my_components.cool_component.actions.some_action.text') # # for its tooltip in: # # I18n.t('my_components.cool_component.actions.some_action.tooltip') # # and for its icon in: # # I18n.t('my_components.cool_component.actions.some_action.icon') # # == Using actions # # Actions can be refferred to in the component configuration as symbols. The most common use cases are configuring toolbars. # For example, to configure a bottom toolbar to show a button reflecting the +:do_something+ action: # # def configure(c) # super # c.bbar = [:do_something] # end # # Using the +docked_items+ property is also possible: # # def configure(c) # super # c.docked_items = [{ # xtype: :toolbar, # dock: :left, # items: [:do_something] # }] # end # # == Interfering with action events in client class # # For each action Netzke creates an event on the level of the parent component following the convention 'click'. The handler receives the component itself as a parameter. If the handler returns +false+, the action event is not further propagated. module Actions extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do # Declares Base.action, for declaring actions, and Base#actions, which returns a [Hash] of all action configs by name declare_dsl_for :actions, config_class: Netzke::Core::ActionConfig end module ClassMethods # Must stay public, used from ActionConfig # @return [String|nil] full URI to an icon file by its name (provided we have a controller) def uri_to_icon(icon) Netzke::Core.with_icons ? [(controller && controller.config.relative_url_root), Netzke::Core.icons_uri, '/', icon.to_s, ".png"].join : nil end end def js_configure(c) super c.actions = actions end def extend_item(item) super detect_and_normalize(:action, item) end private def uri_to_icon(icon) self.class.uri_to_icon(icon) end end end