# encoding: utf-8
require 'rails_best_practices/reviews/review'

module RailsBestPractices
  module Reviews
    # Make sure to add a model virual attribute to simplify model creation.
    # See the best practice details here http://rails-bestpractices.com/posts/4-add-model-virtual-attribute
    # Implementation:
    # Review process:
    #   check method define nodes in all controller files,
    #   if there are more than one [] method calls with the same subject and arguments,
    #   but assigned to one model's different attribute.
    #   and after these method calls, there is a save method call for that model,
    #   then the model needs to add a virtual attribute.
    class AddModelVirtualAttributeReview < Review
      interesting_nodes :def
      interesting_files CONTROLLER_FILES

      def url

      # check method define nodes to see if there are some attribute assignments that can use model virtual attribute instead in review process.
      # it will check every attribute assignment nodes and call node of message :save or :save!, if
      # 1. there are more than one arguments who contain array reference node in the right value of assignment nodes,
      # 2. the messages of attribute assignment nodes housld be different (:first_name= , :last_name=)
      # 3. the argument of call nodes with message :[] should be same (:full_name)
      # 4. there should be a call node with message :save or :save! after attribute assignment nodes
      # 5. and the subject of save or save! call node should be the same with the subject of attribute assignment nodes
      # then the attribute assignment nodes can add model virtual attribute instead.
      def start_def(node)
        @assignments = {}
        node.recursive_children do |child|
          case child.sexp_type
          when :assign
          when :call

        # check an attribute assignment node, if there is a array reference node in the right value of assignment node,
        # then remember this attribute assignment.
        def assign(node)
          left_value = node.left_value
          right_value = node.right_value
          return unless :field == left_value.sexp_type && :call == right_value.sexp_type
          aref_node = right_value.grep_node(:sexp_type => :aref)
          if aref_node
            assignments(left_value.subject.to_s) << {:message => left_value.message.to_s, :arguments => aref_node.to_s}

        # check a call node with message "save" or "save!",
        # if there exists an attribute assignment for the subject of this call node,
        # and if the arguments of this attribute assignments has duplicated entries (different message and same arguments),
        # then this node needs to add a virtual attribute.
        def call_assignment(node)
          if ["save", "save!"].include? node.message.to_s
            subject = node.subject.to_s
            add_error "add model virtual attribute (for #{subject})" if params_dup?(assignments(subject).collect {|h| h[:arguments]})

        # if the nodes are duplicated.
        def params_dup?(nodes)
          return false if nodes.nil?

        # get the assignments of subject.
        def assignments(subject)
          @assignments[subject] ||= []