require "spec_helper" describe Statesman::Machine do let(:machine) { { include Statesman::Machine } } let(:my_model) { { attr_accessor :current_state }.new } describe ".state" do before { machine.state(:x) } before { machine.state(:y) } specify { expect(machine.states).to eq(%w[x y]) } context "initial" do before { machine.state(:x, initial: true) } specify { expect(machine.initial_state).to eq("x") } context "when an initial state is already defined" do it "raises an error" do expect { machine.state(:y, initial: true) }. to raise_error(Statesman::InvalidStateError) end end end end describe ".retry_conflicts" do subject(:transition_state) do described_class.retry_conflicts(retry_attempts) do instance.transition_to(:y) end end before do machine.class_eval do state :x, initial: true state :y state :z transition from: :x, to: :y transition from: :y, to: :z end end let(:instance) { } let(:retry_attempts) { 2 } context "when no exception occurs" do it "runs the transition once" do expect(instance).to receive(:transition_to).once transition_state end end context "when an irrelevant exception occurs" do it "runs the transition once" do expect(instance). to receive(:transition_to).once. and_raise(StandardError) begin transition_state rescue StandardError nil end end it "re-raises the exception" do allow(instance).to receive(:transition_to).once. and_raise(StandardError) expect { transition_state }.to raise_error(StandardError) end end context "when a TransitionConflictError occurs" do context "and is resolved on the second attempt" do it "runs the transition twice" do expect(instance). to receive(:transition_to).once. and_raise(Statesman::TransitionConflictError). ordered expect(instance). to receive(:transition_to).once.ordered.and_call_original transition_state end end context "and keeps occurring" do it "runs the transition `retry_attempts + 1` times" do expect(instance). to receive(:transition_to). exactly(retry_attempts + 1).times. and_raise(Statesman::TransitionConflictError) begin transition_state rescue StandardError nil end end it "re-raises the conflict" do allow(instance). to receive(:transition_to). and_raise(Statesman::TransitionConflictError) expect { transition_state }. to raise_error(Statesman::TransitionConflictError) end end end end describe ".transition" do before do machine.class_eval do state :x state :y state :z end end context "given neither a 'from' nor a 'to' state" do it "raises an error" do expect { machine.transition }. to raise_error(Statesman::InvalidStateError) end end context "given no 'from' state and a valid 'to' state" do it "raises an error" do expect { machine.transition from: nil, to: :x }. to raise_error(Statesman::InvalidStateError) end end context "given a valid 'from' state and a no 'to' state" do it "raises an error" do expect { machine.transition from: :x, to: nil }. to raise_error(Statesman::InvalidStateError) end end context "given a valid 'from' state and an empty 'to' state array" do it "raises an error" do expect { machine.transition from: :x, to: [] }. to raise_error(Statesman::InvalidStateError) end end context "given an invalid 'from' state" do it "raises an error" do expect { machine.transition(from: :a, to: :x) }. to raise_error(Statesman::InvalidStateError) end end context "given an invalid 'to' state" do it "raises an error" do expect { machine.transition(from: :x, to: :a) }. to raise_error(Statesman::InvalidStateError) end end context "valid 'from' and 'to' states" do it "records the transition" do machine.transition(from: :x, to: :y) machine.transition(from: :x, to: :z) expect(machine.successors).to eq("x" => %w[y z]) end end end describe ".validate_callback_condition" do before do machine.class_eval do state :x state :y state :z transition from: :x, to: :y transition from: :y, to: :z end end context "with a terminal 'from' state" do it "raises an exception" do expect { machine.validate_callback_condition(from: :z, to: :y) }. to raise_error(Statesman::InvalidTransitionError) end end context "with an initial 'to' state" do it "raises an exception" do expect { machine.validate_callback_condition(from: :y, to: :x) }. to raise_error(Statesman::InvalidTransitionError) end end context "with an invalid transition" do it "raises an exception" do expect { machine.validate_callback_condition(from: :x, to: :z) }. to raise_error(Statesman::InvalidTransitionError) end end context "with any states" do it "does not raise an exception" do expect { machine.validate_callback_condition }.to_not raise_error end end context "with a valid transition" do it "does not raise an exception" do expect { machine.validate_callback_condition(from: :x, to: :y) }. to_not raise_error end end end shared_examples "a callback store" do |assignment_method, callback_store| before do machine.class_eval do state :x, initial: true state :y state :z transition from: :x, to: %i[y z] end end let(:options) { { from: nil, to: [] } } let(:set_callback) { machine.send(assignment_method, options) {} } shared_examples "fails" do |error_type| specify { expect { set_callback }.to raise_error(error_type) } it "does not add a callback" do expect do begin set_callback rescue error_type nil end end.to_not change(machine.callbacks[callback_store], :count) end end shared_examples "adds callback" do specify { expect { set_callback }.to_not raise_error } it "stores callbacks" do expect { set_callback }. to change(machine.callbacks[callback_store], :count).by(1) end it "stores callback instances" do set_callback machine.callbacks[callback_store].each do |callback| expect(callback).to be_a(Statesman::Callback) end end end context "with invalid states" do context "when both are invalid" do let(:options) { { from: :foo, to: :bar } } it_behaves_like "fails", Statesman::InvalidStateError end context "from a terminal state to anything" do let(:options) { { from: :y, to: [] } } it_behaves_like "fails", Statesman::InvalidTransitionError end context "to an initial state and from anything" do let(:options) { { from: nil, to: :x } } it_behaves_like "fails", Statesman::InvalidTransitionError end context "from a terminal state and to multiple states" do let(:options) { { from: :y, to: %i[x z] } } it_behaves_like "fails", Statesman::InvalidTransitionError end context "to an initial state and other states" do let(:options) { { from: nil, to: %i[y x z] } } it_behaves_like "fails", Statesman::InvalidTransitionError end end context "with validate_states" do context "from anything" do let(:options) { { from: nil, to: :y } } it_behaves_like "adds callback" end context "to anything" do let(:options) { { from: :x, to: [] } } it_behaves_like "adds callback" end context "to several" do let(:options) { { from: :x, to: %i[y z] } } it_behaves_like "adds callback" end context "from any to several" do let(:options) { { from: nil, to: %i[y z] } } it_behaves_like "adds callback" end end end describe ".before_transition" do it_behaves_like "a callback store", :before_transition, :before end describe ".after_transition" do it_behaves_like "a callback store", :after_transition, :after end describe ".guard_transition" do it_behaves_like "a callback store", :guard_transition, :guards end describe ".after_transition_failure" do it_behaves_like "a callback store", :after_transition_failure, :after_transition_failure end describe ".after_guard_failure" do it_behaves_like "a callback store", :after_guard_failure, :after_guard_failure end describe "#initialize" do it "accepts an object to manipulate" do machine_instance = expect(machine_instance.object).to be(my_model) end context "transition class" do it "sets a default" do expect(Statesman.storage_adapter).to receive(:new).once. with(Statesman::Adapters::MemoryTransition, my_model, anything, anything) end it "sets the passed class" do my_transition_class = expect(Statesman.storage_adapter).to receive(:new).once. with(my_transition_class, my_model, anything, anything), transition_class: my_transition_class) end it "falls back to Memory without transaction_class" do allow(Statesman).to receive(:storage_adapter).and_return( expect(Statesman::Adapters::Memory).to receive(:new).once. with(Statesman::Adapters::MemoryTransition, my_model, anything, anything) end end end describe "#after_initialize" do it "is called after initialize" do machine.class_eval do def after_initialize; end end expect_any_instance_of(machine).to receive :after_initialize end end describe "#current_state" do subject { instance.current_state } before do machine.class_eval do state :x, initial: true state :y state :z transition from: :x, to: :y transition from: :y, to: :z end end let(:instance) { } context "with no transitions" do it { eq(machine.initial_state) } end context "with multiple transitions" do before { instance.transition_to!(:y) } before { instance.transition_to!(:z) } it { eq("z") } end end describe "#in_state?" do subject { instance.in_state?(state) } before do machine.class_eval do state :x, initial: true state :y transition from: :x, to: :y end end let(:instance) { } before { instance.transition_to!(:y) } context "when machine is in given state" do let(:state) { "y" } it { eq(true) } end context "when machine is not in given state" do let(:state) { "x" } it { eq(false) } end context "when given a symbol" do let(:state) { :y } it { eq(true) } end context "when given multiple states" do context "when given multiple arguments" do context "when one of the states is the current state" do subject { instance.in_state?(:x, :y) } it { eq(true) } end context "when none of the states are the current state" do subject { instance.in_state?(:x, :z) } it { eq(false) } end end context "when given an array" do context "when one of the states is the current state" do subject { instance.in_state?(%i[x y]) } it { eq(true) } end context "when none of the states are the current state" do subject { instance.in_state?(%i[x z]) } it { eq(false) } end end end end describe "#allowed_transitions" do subject { instance.allowed_transitions(metadata) } before do machine.class_eval do state :x, initial: true state :y state :z transition from: :x, to: %i[y z] transition from: :y, to: :z end end let(:instance) { } let(:metadata) { { some: :metadata } } context "with multiple possible states" do it { eq(%w[y z]) } end context "with one possible state" do before { instance.transition_to!(:y) } it { eq(["z"]) } context "guarded using metadata" do before do machine.guard_transition(to: :z) do |_, _, metadata| metadata[:some] == :metadata end end it { eq(["z"]) } end context "excluded by guard using metadata" do before do machine.guard_transition(to: :z) do |_, _, metadata| metadata[:some] != :metadata end end it { eq([]) } end end context "with no possible transitions" do before { instance.transition_to!(:z) } it { eq([]) } end end describe "#last_transition" do let(:instance) { } let(:last_action) { "Whatever" } it "delegates to the storage adapter" do expect_any_instance_of(Statesman.storage_adapter).to receive(:last).once. and_return(last_action) expect(instance.last_transition).to be(last_action) end end describe "#can_transition_to?" do subject(:can_transition_to?) { instance.can_transition_to?(new_state, metadata) } before do machine.class_eval do state :x, initial: true state :y state :z transition from: :x, to: :y transition from: :y, to: :z end end let(:instance) { } let(:metadata) { { some: :metadata } } context "when the transition is invalid" do context "with an initial to state" do let(:new_state) { :x } it { be_falsey } end context "with a terminal from state" do before { instance.transition_to!(:y) } let(:new_state) { :y } it { be_falsey } end context "and is guarded" do let(:guard_cb) { -> { false } } let(:new_state) { :z } before { machine.guard_transition(to: new_state, &guard_cb) } it "does not fire guard" do expect(guard_cb).to_not receive(:call) expect(can_transition_to?).to be_falsey end end end context "when the transition valid" do let(:new_state) { :y } it { be_truthy } context "but it has a failing guard" do before { machine.guard_transition(to: :y) { false } } it { be_falsey } end context "but it has a failing guard based on metadata" do before do machine.guard_transition(to: :y) do |_, _, metadata| metadata[:some] != :metadata end end it { be_falsey } end context "and has a passing guard based on metadata" do before do machine.guard_transition(to: :y) do |_, _, metadata| metadata[:some] == :metadata end end it { be_truthy } end end end describe "#transition_to!" do before do machine.class_eval do state :x, initial: true state :y state :z transition from: :x, to: :y transition from: :y, to: :z end end let(:instance) { } context "when the state cannot be transitioned to" do it "raises an error" do # Hardcoding error message here to ensure backward # compatibility as people may have been parsing the string # to figure out the transitions involved. expect { instance.transition_to!(:z) }. to raise_error(Statesman::TransitionFailedError, "Cannot transition from 'x' to 'z'") end end context "when the state can be transitioned to" do it "changes state" do instance.transition_to!(:y) expect(instance.current_state).to eq("y") end it "creates a new transition object" do expect { instance.transition_to!(:y) }. to change(instance.history, :count).by(1) expect(instance.history.first). to be_a(Statesman::Adapters::MemoryTransition) expect(instance.history.first.to_state).to eq("y") end it "sends metadata to the transition object" do meta = { "my" => "hash" } instance.transition_to!(:y, meta) expect(instance.history.first.metadata).to eq(meta) end it "sets an empty hash as the metadata if not specified" do instance.transition_to!(:y) expect(instance.history.first.metadata).to eq({}) end specify { expect(instance.transition_to!(:y)).to be_truthy } context "with a guard" do let(:result) { true } let(:guard_cb) { ->(*_args) { result } } before { machine.guard_transition(from: :x, to: :y, &guard_cb) } context "and an object to act on" do let(:instance) { } it "passes the object to the guard" do expect(guard_cb).to receive(:call).once. with(my_model, instance.last_transition, {}).and_return(true) instance.transition_to!(:y) end end context "which passes" do it "changes state" do instance.transition_to!(:y) expect(instance.current_state).to eq("y") end end context "which fails" do let(:result) { false } it "raises an exception" do expect { instance.transition_to!(:y) }. to raise_error(Statesman::GuardFailedError) end context "and a guard failed callback defined" do let(:guard_failure_result) { true } let(:guard_failure_cb) { ->(*_args) { guard_failure_result } } before { machine.after_guard_failure(from: :x, to: :y, &guard_failure_cb) } it "calls the failure callback" do expect(guard_failure_cb).to receive(:call).once.with( my_model, nil ).and_return(guard_failure_result) expect { instance.transition_to!(:y) }. to raise_error(Statesman::GuardFailedError) end end end end context "with a transition failed callback" do let(:result) { true } let(:transition_failed_cb) { ->(*_args) { result } } let(:instance) { } before do machine.after_transition_failure(&transition_failed_cb) end it "raises and exception and calls the callback" do expect(transition_failed_cb).to receive(:call).once. with(my_model, nil).and_return(true) expect { instance.transition_to!(:z) }. to raise_error(Statesman::TransitionFailedError) end end end end describe "#transition_to" do subject { instance.transition_to(:some_state, metadata) } let(:instance) { } let(:metadata) { { some: :metadata } } context "when it is succesful" do before do expect(instance).to receive(:transition_to!).once. with(:some_state, metadata).and_return(:some_state) end it { be(:some_state) } end context "when it is unsuccesful" do before do allow(instance).to receive(:transition_to!). and_raise(Statesman::GuardFailedError) end it { be_falsey } end context "when a non statesman exception is raised" do before do allow(instance).to receive(:transition_to!). and_raise(RuntimeError, "user defined exception") end it "does not rescue the exception" do expect { instance.transition_to(:some_state, metadata) }. to raise_error(RuntimeError, "user defined exception") end end end shared_examples "a callback filter" do |definer, phase| before do machine.class_eval do state :x state :y state :z transition from: :x, to: :y transition from: :y, to: :z end end let(:instance) { } let(:callbacks) { instance.send(:callbacks_for, phase, from: :x, to: :y) } context "with no defined callbacks" do specify { expect(callbacks).to eq([]) } end context "with defined callbacks" do let(:callback_1) { -> { "Hi" } } let(:callback_2) { -> { "Bye" } } before do machine.send(definer, from: :x, to: :y, &callback_1) machine.send(definer, from: :y, to: :z, &callback_2) end it "contains the relevant callback" do expect( include(callback_1) end it "does not contain the irrelevant callback" do expect( include(callback_2) end end end describe "#guards_for" do it_behaves_like "a callback filter", :guard_transition, :guards end describe "#before_callbacks_for" do it_behaves_like "a callback filter", :before_transition, :before end describe "#after_callbacks_for" do it_behaves_like "a callback filter", :after_transition, :after end end