0.2.0 2014-05-12

 - Raise an error if a healthcheck URI is set for healthchecks using protocols
   other than HTTP.

0.1.6 2014-02-04

 - Print the HTTP response body from the vCloud endpoint to aid

0.1.5 2014-01-15

 - Exit code 1 if config request fails.

0.1.4 2014-01-09

 - Documentation changes only.
 - Previous version wasn't published to rubygems.

0.1.3 2013-08-15

 - License addition
 - Removed the dependency on tree structure

0.1.2 2013-08-13

 - Exit when no rules provided
 - Made the presence of files in directory tree as optional

0.1.1 2013-08-13

 - Renaming the gem to vcloud-net-spinner

0.1.0 2013-08-07

 - Introucing vcloud-network-configurator