module IrbHacks module CoreExtensions #:nodoc: module Kernel #:nodoc: module SingletonMethods #:nodoc: # See InstanceMethods for documentation. def less(*args, &block) if not block # Non-block invocation. if args.size < 1 # We're interactive anyway. Why not give user a quick prompt? STDERR.puts "Nothing to show. Invoke as less(args) or less(options, &block)" else File.popen(IrbHacks.conf.less_cmd, "w") do |f| f.puts args end end else # Block invocation. # Handle options. options = {} args.each do |arg| if arg.is_a? Hash ##p "arg hash", arg options.merge! arg elsif [Symbol, String].include? arg.class ##p "arg sym/str", arg options.merge! arg.to_sym => true else raise ArgumentError, "Unsupported argument #{arg.inspect}" end end o_stderr = (v = options.delete(:stderr)).nil?? false : v raise ArgumentError, "Unknown option(s): #{options.inspect}" if not options.empty? old_stdout = STDOUT.clone old_stderr = STDERR.clone if o_stderr File.popen(IrbHacks.conf.less_cmd, "w") do |f| STDOUT.reopen(f) STDERR.reopen(f) if o_stderr yield STDOUT.reopen(old_stdout) STDERR.reopen(old_stderr) if o_stderr end end # if block nil end # less end # SingletonMethods module InstanceMethods private # Dump program data with GNU <tt>less</tt> or the other configured OS pager. # # Plain form: # # less "hello", "world" # less mydata # # Block form: # # less do # puts "hello, world" # end # # less(:stderr => true) do # puts "to stdout" # STDERR.puts "to stderr" # end # # Block form options: # # :stderr => T|F # Redirect STDERR too. # # If block form option is String or Symbol, it's automatically # converted to Hash like <tt>{:var => true}</tt>. Thus, you can write <tt>less(:stderr)</tt> # for <tt>less(:stderr => true)</tt>, they are functionally identical. # # See also IrbHacks::Config::less_cmd. def less(*args, &block) ::Kernel.less(*args, &block) end end # InstanceMethods end # Kernel end # CoreExtensions end Kernel.extend IrbHacks::CoreExtensions::Kernel::SingletonMethods module Kernel #:nodoc: include IrbHacks::CoreExtensions::Kernel::InstanceMethods end # Reinclude module into those using it. ObjectSpace.each_object(Module) {|m| (m.class_eval {include Kernel} if m.include? Kernel) rescue nil}