#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'optparse' require 'time' require 'iron_worker_ng' require 'iron_worker_ng/cli' class IronWorkerCLILoggerFormatter < ::Logger::Formatter def call(severity, time, proname, msg) msg = IronWorkerNG::CLI::LOG_ENTRY + msg unless msg[0, IronWorkerNG::CLI::LOG_GROUP.length] == IronWorkerNG::CLI::LOG_GROUP msg + "\n" end end IronCore::Logger.logger.formatter = IronWorkerCLILoggerFormatter.new @cli = IronWorkerNG::CLI.new def common_opts(opts) opts.on('--config CONFIG', 'config file') do |v| @cli.config = v end opts.on('-e', '--env ENV', 'environment') do |v| @cli.env = v end opts.on('--project-id PROJECT_ID', 'project id') do |v| @cli.project_id = v end opts.on('--token TOKEN', 'token') do |v| @cli.token = v end end if $*.size == 1 && ($*[0] == '-v' || $*[0] == '--version') puts IronWorkerNG.full_version exit 0 end commands = ['upload', 'patch', 'queue', 'retry', 'schedule', 'update', 'log', 'run', 'install', 'webhook', 'info', 'stacks', 'pause', 'resume'] if $*.size == 0 || (not commands.include?($*[0])) puts 'usage: iron_worker COMMAND [OPTIONS]' puts " COMMAND: #{commands.join(', ')}" puts ' run iron_worker COMMAND --help to get more information about each command' exit 1 end command = $*.shift if $*.include?('--debug') IronCore::Logger.logger.level = ::Logger::DEBUG $*.reject! { |p| p == '--debug' } end if command == 'upload' params = {} options = {} opts = OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.banner = "usage: iron_worker upload CODE_PACKAGE_NAME_OR_PATH_TO_WORKERFILE [OPTIONS]" opts.on('-n', '--name NAME', 'override code name') do |v| params[:name] = v end opts.on('-c', '--max-concurrency CONCURRENCY', Integer, 'max number of concurrent workers for this code package') do |v| options[:max_concurrency] = v end opts.on('-p', '--default-priority DEFAULT_PRIORITY', Integer, 'default priority of the tasks') do |v| options[:default_priority] = v end opts.on('-r', '--retries NUM_RETRIES', Integer, 'max number of automatic retries on task fail') do |v| options[:retries] = v end opts.on('-d', '--retries-delay RETRIES_DELAY', Integer, 'delay between each automatic retry') do |v| options[:retries_delay] = v end opts.on('--worker-config CONFIG_FILE', 'config file for worker') do |v| options[:worker_config] = v end opts.on('-h', '--host HOST', String, 'host name, eg: www.mydomain.com') do |v| options[:host] = v end opts.on('-a', '--async', 'don\'t wait for package build') do |v| params[:async] = true end opts.on('--full-remote-build', 'activate full remote build') do |v| params[:full_remote_build] = true end common_opts(opts) end begin opts.parse! rescue OptionParser::ParseError puts $!.to_s exit 1 end unless $*.size == 1 puts 'Please specify code package name or path to workerfile' puts opts exit 1 end @cli.upload($*[0], params, options) elsif command == 'patch' params = {} options = {} opts = OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.banner = "usage: iron_worker patch CODE_PACKAGE_NAME [OPTIONS]" opts.on('-p', '--patch PATCH', 'patch file') do |v| options[:patch] = v end common_opts(opts) end begin opts.parse! rescue OptionParser::ParseError puts $!.to_s exit 1 end unless $*.size == 1 puts 'Please specify code package name' puts opts exit 1 end if options[:patch].nil? puts 'Please specify patch' puts opts exit 1 end @cli.patch($*[0], params, options) elsif command == 'queue' || command == 'schedule' params = {} options = {} opts = OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.banner = "usage: iron_worker #{command} CODE_PACKAGE_NAME [OPTIONS]" opts.on('-p', '--payload PAYLOAD', String, 'payload to pass') do |v| params[:payload] = v end opts.on('-f', '--payload-file PAYLOAD_FILE', String, 'payload file to pass') do |v| params[:payload] = File.read(v) end opts.on('--priority PRIORITY', Integer, '0 (default), 1, 2') do |v| options[:priority] = v end opts.on('--timeout TIMEOUT', Integer, 'maximum run time in seconds from 0 to 3600 (default)') do |v| options[:timeout] = v end desc = command == 'queue' ? 'delay before start in seconds' : 'delay before scheduling tasks in seconds' opts.on('--delay DELAY', Integer, desc) do |v| options[:delay] = v end opts.on('--cluster CLUSTER', String, 'Run task on selected cluster') do |v| options[:cluster] = v end desc = command == 'queue' ? 'task' : 'schedule' opts.on('--label LABEL', String, "Label #{desc} with given name") do |v| options[:label] = v end if command == 'queue' opts.on('--wait', Integer, 'wait for task to complete and print log') do |v| options[:wait] = true end end if command == 'schedule' opts.on('--task-delay DELAY', Integer, 'delay before start of task in seconds') do |v| options[:task_delay] = v end opts.on('--start-at TIME', 'start task at specified time') do |v| options[:start_at] = Time.parse(v) end opts.on('--end-at TIME', 'stop running task at specified time') do |v| options[:end_at] = Time.parse(v) end opts.on('--run-times RUN_TIMES', Integer, 'run task no more times than specified') do |v| options[:run_times] = v end opts.on('--run-every RUN_EVERY', Integer, 'run task every RUN_EVERY seconds') do |v| options[:run_every] = v end end common_opts(opts) end begin opts.parse! rescue OptionParser::ParseError puts $!.to_s exit 1 end unless $*.size == 1 puts 'Please specify code package name' puts opts exit 1 end if command == 'queue' @cli.queue($*[0], params, options) else @cli.schedule($*[0], params, options) end elsif command == 'retry' params = {} options = {} opts = OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.banner = "usage: iron_worker retry TASK_ID [OPTIONS]" opts.on('--delay DELAY', Integer, 'delay before start in seconds') do |v| options[:delay] = v end opts.on('--wait', Integer, 'wait for task to complete and print log') do |v| options[:wait] = true end common_opts(opts) end begin opts.parse! rescue OptionParser::ParseError puts $!.to_s exit 1 end unless $*.size == 1 puts 'Please specify task id' puts opts exit 1 end @cli.retry($*[0], params, options) elsif command == 'log' params = {} options = {} opts = OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.banner = "usage: iron_worker log TASK_ID [OPTIONS]" opts.on('-w', '--wait', 'wait for task to complete') do |v| options[:wait] = true end common_opts(opts) end begin opts.parse! rescue OptionParser::ParseError puts $!.to_s exit 1 end unless $*.size == 1 puts 'Please specify task id' puts opts exit 1 end @cli.getlog($*[0], params, options) elsif command == 'run' params = {} options = {} opts = OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.banner = "usage: iron_worker run CODE_PACKAGE_NAME_OR_PATH_TO_WORKERFILE [OPTIONS]" opts.on('-p', '--payload PAYLOAD', String, 'payload to pass') do |v| params[:payload] = v end opts.on('-f', '--payload-file PAYLOAD_FILE', String, 'payload file to pass') do |v| params[:payload] = File.read(v) end opts.on('--worker-config CONFIG_FILE', 'config file for worker') do |v| options[:worker_config] = v end common_opts(opts) end begin opts.parse! rescue OptionParser::ParseError puts $!.to_s exit 1 end unless $*.size == 1 puts 'Please specify code package name or workerfile' puts opts exit 1 end @cli.run($*[0], params, options) elsif command == 'install' params = {} options = {} opts = OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.banner = 'usage: iron_worker install CODE_PACKAGE_NAME_OR_PATH_TO_WORKERFILE [OPTIONS]' common_opts(opts) end begin opts.parse! rescue OptionParser::ParseError puts $!.to_s exit 1 end unless $*.size == 1 puts 'Please specify code package name or path to workerfile' puts opts exit 1 end @cli.install($*[0], params, options) elsif command == 'webhook' params = {} options = {} opts = OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.banner = 'usage: iron_worker webhook CODE_PACKAGE_NAME [OPTIONS]' common_opts(opts) end begin opts.parse! rescue OptionParser::ParseError puts $!.to_s exit 1 end unless $*.size == 1 puts 'Please specify code package name' puts opts exit 1 end @cli.webhook($*[0], params, options) elsif command == 'info' entities = ['code', 'task', 'schedule'] if $*.size == 0 || (not entities.include?($*[0])) puts 'usage: iron_worker info ENTITY [OPTIONS]' puts " ENTITY: #{entities.join(', ')}" puts ' run iron_worker info ENTITY --help to get more information about each entity' exit 1 end entity = $*.shift if entity == 'code' params = {} options = {} opts = OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.banner = "usage: iron_worker info code CODE_PACAKGE_NAME [OPTIONS]" common_opts(opts) end begin opts.parse! rescue OptionParser::ParseError puts $!.to_s exit 1 end unless $*.size == 1 puts 'Please specify code package name' puts opts exit 1 end @cli.info_code($*[0], params, options) elsif entity == 'task' params = {} options = {} opts = OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.banner = "usage: iron_worker info task TASK_ID [OPTIONS]" common_opts(opts) end begin opts.parse! rescue OptionParser::ParseError puts $!.to_s exit 1 end unless $*.size == 1 puts 'Please specify task id' puts opts exit 1 end @cli.info_task($*[0], params, options) elsif entity == 'schedule' params = {} options = {} opts = OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.banner = "usage: iron_worker info schedule SCHEDULE_ID [OPTIONS]" common_opts(opts) end begin opts.parse! rescue OptionParser::ParseError puts $!.to_s exit 1 end unless $*.size == 1 puts 'Please specify schedule id' puts opts exit 1 end @cli.info_schedule($*[0], params, options) end elsif command == 'stacks' @cli.stacks_list elsif command == 'update' entities = ['schedule'] if $*.size == 0 || (not entities.include?($*[0])) puts 'usage: iron_worker update ENTITY [OPTIONS]' puts " ENTITY: #{entities.join(', ')}" puts ' run iron_worker update ENTITY --help to get more information about each entity' exit 1 end entity = $*.shift if entity == 'schedule' params = {} opts = OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.banner = "usage: iron_worker update schedule SCHEDULED_TASK_ID [OPTIONS]" opts.on('-s', '--schedule SCHEDULE', String, 'schedule params to pass, JSON string') do |v| params[:schedule] = v end common_opts(opts) end begin opts.parse! rescue OptionParser::ParseError puts $!.to_s exit 1 end unless $*.size == 1 puts 'Please specify scheduled task id' puts opts exit 1 end @cli.update_schedule($*[0], params) end elsif command == 'pause' || command == 'resume' params = {} options = {} opts = OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.banner = "usage: iron_worker #{command} CODE_PACKAGE_NAME" common_opts(opts) end begin opts.parse! rescue OptionParser::ParseError puts $!.to_s exit 1 end unless $*.size == 1 puts 'Please specify code package name' puts opts exit 1 end if command == 'resume' @cli.resume($*[0], params, options) else @cli.pause($*[0], params, options) end end