= LaTeX Converter Manual
James Carlson
:stem: latexmath

== Introduction

TexConverter translates a file written
in a subset of Asciidoc to LaTeX.  The
subset is described below.  While not
complete, it is adequate for the preparation
of a wide range of mathematical documents,
from one-page handouts to articles to entire books.

As a demonstration of the current state of this
project, the file you are looking at, `manual.adoc`,
can be rendered into HTML by
  $ asciidoctor manual.adoc
or can be rendered as a LaTeX file via
  $ asciidoctor-latex manual.adoc
  # => manual.tex
The `.tex` file can in turn be rendred into pdf via

Mathematical text in Asciidoc can be written as
one usually does in LaTeX if one invokes the
latex option.footnote:[This option exists but has not yet been released.  To use
	the option at http://noteshare.io[noteshare.io], include the code `:latex:` in
	your document].  You do this via  `asciidoctor -latex foo.adoc`.
Thus for the Pythagorean
theorem $a^2  + b^2 = c^2$, one writes

    $ a^2 + b^2 = c^2 $

For the famous formula of Euler,
  e^{2\pi \sqrt{-1}} = 1
one writes

  e^{2\pi \sqrt{-1}} = 1

== The Asciidoc-LaTeX subset

=== Sections, levels 1 through 5

=== Ordered and unordered lists

In Asciidoc, an unordered list like

* Pay Bills
* Get Groceries
** Milk
** Bread
** Orange Juice
* Change Oil Filter on Car

is written like this

    * Pay Bills
    * Get Groceries
    ** Milk
    ** Bread
    ** Orange Juice
    * Change Oil Filter on Car

Its translation into LaTeX is

   \item Pay Bills
   \item Get Groceries
       \item Milk
       \item Bread
       \item Orange Juice
   \item Change Oil Filter on Car

The corresponding ordered list,

. Pay Bills
. Get Groceries
.. Milk
.. Bread
.. Orange Juice
. Change Oil Filter on Car

is written as

   . Pay Bills
   . Get Groceries
   .. Milk
   .. Bread
   .. Orange Juice
   . Change Oil Filter on Car

with the following source in LaTex:

	\item Pay Bills
	\item Get Groceries
	    \item Milk
	    \item Bread
	    \item Orange Juice
	\item Change Oil Filter on Car

=== Bold, italic, and monospaced text

The text "She said _potatoes_ but he said *potaatoes*", written
in Asciidoc as

    She said _potatoes_ but he said *potaatoes*
is mapped to

    She said \emph{potatoes} but he said \textbf{potaatoes}

The text


is mapped to

    {\tt monospaced}

=== Quotations

The text

    [quote, Abraham Lincoln, Soldiers' National Cemetery Dedication]
    Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth
    on this continent a new nation
is mapped to

      Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth
      on this continent a new nation

=== Footnotes

Text like this
    Ho hum.footnote:[An epression of boredem]
is mapped to

    Ho hum\footnote{An epression of boredem}

=== References and labels

The label

    Ho hum[[foo]]

is mapped to

    Ho hum\label{foo}

The cross-reference

    Please see <<foo>>

is mapped to

   Please see \ref{foo}

=== Hyperlinks

The hyperlink

    http://nytimes.com[All the news that is fit to print]

is mapped to

   \href{http://nytimes.com}{All the news that is fit to print}

=== Line breaks `+`

=== Listing

=== Open blocks

=== Literal

=== Page break

=== Pass

  INLINE_TYPES = %w( inline_quoted)
  BLOCK_TYPES = %w(admonition listing literal page_break paragraph stem pass open quote)

== Mathematical text

We distinguish between _inner text_ amd _outer text_.  the first
appears between math delimiters, while the second does not.

=== Inner text

As noted in the introduction, mathematical text is enclosed in the
standard delimiters and is written in the normal way.  Environments
supported in display math mode are

* matrix
* equation, including the label macro

=== Outer text

To write a theorem, do this:

.Theorem {counter:theorem}
For all $a$, $b$, $c$, the relation $a(b+c) = ab + ac$ holds.

This will render in Asciidoc as

.Theorem {counter:theorem}
_For all $a$, $b$, $c$, the relation $a(b+c) = ab + ac$ holds._