--- en: iiif_print: attributes: alternative_title: label: 'Alternative title' genre: label: 'Article type' held_by: label: 'Held by' text_direction: label: 'Text direction' page_number: label: 'Page' section: label: 'Section' author: label: 'Author' photographer: label: 'Photographer' volume: label: 'Volume' issue_number: label: 'Issue' edition_name: label: 'Edition' edition_number: label: 'Edition #' geographic_coverage: label: 'Coverage' extent: label: 'Extent' publication_date: label: 'Publication date' publication_date_start: label: 'Publication date (start)' publication_date_end: label: 'Publication date (end)' frequency: label: 'Frequency of publication' preceded_by: label: 'Preceded by' succeeded_by: label: 'Succeeded by' issn: label: 'ISSN' lccn: label: 'LCCN' oclcnum: label: 'OCLC #' place_of_publication: label: 'Place of publication' publication_title: label: 'Publication' file_set: split_this: 'Re-Split PDF' confirm_split_this: 'Re-Split PDF' split_submitted: 'Submitted PDF re-splitting job for FileSet ID=%{id}' newspapers_search: title: 'Search Newspapers' text: 'Use this form to search for full-text newspaper content.' help: title: 'Newspapers search tips:' tips: open_date_range: 'For an open-ended date range limit (e.g. before 1850, after 1900, etc.) leave either the "Start" or "End" field blank in the "Date Range" section.' undated_items: 'If a date range is entered in the form in the "Date Range" section, undated items will not be included in the search results.' limiters: 'If no boxes are checked in the field limit section, all values will be included.' quotation_marks: 'Use quotation marks to search as a phrase.' boolean: 'Use "OR", "AND", and "NOT" within the keyword field to create complex boolean logic. You can also use parentheses.' plus: 'Use "+" before a term to make it required.' minus: 'Use "-" before a word or phrase to exclude it.' fields: date_end: 'End year' date_range: 'Date range' date_start: 'Start year' front_pages: 'Limit search to front pages' keyword: 'Keywords' title_search_form: label: 'Search within this newspaper' placeholder: 'Search within this newspaper...' front_pages_link: 'View all front pages' simple_form: hints: defaults: held_by: 'The name of the library or organization that holds the original item.' place_of_publication: 'The location where the item was published.' alternative_title: 'An additional title or subtitle for the item.' edition_name: 'The name of the edition of the item (Evening, Sunday, etc.).' edition_number: "The number of the edition of the item (should be numeric, use '1' as default)." extent: 'A description of the physical extent of the item (number of pages, size, materials, etc.).' frequency: 'The frequency of publication (Daily, Weekly, etc.).' preceded_by: 'The title that preceded this publication.' succeeded_by: 'The title that followed this publication.' publication_date: 'The date of publication (use YYYY-MM-DD format).' publication_date_start: 'The initial date of publication (use YYYY-MM-DD format).' publication_date_end: 'The final date of publication (use YYYY-MM-DD format).' genre: 'Pre-defined categories to describe the article type. More than one may be selected.' author: 'The name of the author of the article.' photographer: 'The name of the photographer for photos accompanying the article.' geographic_coverage: 'The location(s) described in the article.' page_number: 'The pagination information, as written on the page.' text_direction: 'The reading direction of the text. Enter as "ltr" (left-to-right) or "rtl (right-to-left)"' section: 'The section of the newspaper the item appears in (Business, Sports, etc.)' labels: defaults: held_by: 'Holding location' identifier: 'Identifier (local)' issn: 'ISSN' lccn: 'LCCN' oclcnum: 'OCLC #' publication_date_end: 'Publication date (end)' publication_date_start: 'Publication date (start)' blacklight: search: fields: all_text_tsimv: 'Keyword matches' results: snippets: less: '<< less' more: 'more >>'