require File.expand_path("spec_helper", File.dirname(File.dirname(__FILE__))) require 'uri' describe "sinatra_helpers plugin" do def sin_app(&block) app(:sinatra_helpers, &block) end def status_app(code, &block) #code += 2 if [204, 205, 304].include? code block ||= proc{} sin_app do |r| status code instance_eval(&block).inspect end end it 'status returns the response status code if not given an argument' do status_app(207){status} body.should == "207" end it 'status sets the response status code if given an argument' do status_app 207 status.should == 207 end it 'not_found? is true only if status == 404' do status_app(404){not_found?} body.should == 'true' status_app(405){not_found?} body.should == 'false' status_app(403){not_found?} body.should == 'false' end it 'informational? is true only for 1xx status' do status_app(100 + rand(100)){informational?} body.should == 'true' status_app(200 + rand(400)){informational?} body.should == 'false' end it 'success? is true only for 2xx status' do status_app(200 + rand(100)){success?} body.should == 'true' status_app(100 + rand(100)){success?} body.should == 'false' status_app(300 + rand(300)){success?} body.should == 'false' end it 'redirect? is true only for 3xx status' do status_app(300 + rand(100)){redirect?} body.should == 'true' status_app(200 + rand(100)){redirect?} body.should == 'false' status_app(400 + rand(200)){redirect?} body.should == 'false' end it 'client_error? is true only for 4xx status' do status_app(400 + rand(100)){client_error?} body.should == 'true' status_app(200 + rand(200)){client_error?} body.should == 'false' status_app(500 + rand(100)){client_error?} body.should == 'false' end it 'server_error? is true only for 5xx status' do status_app(500 + rand(100)){server_error?} body.should == 'true' status_app(200 + rand(300)){server_error?} body.should == 'false' end describe 'body' do it 'takes a block for deferred body generation' do sin_app{body{'Hello World'}; nil} body.should == 'Hello World' header('Content-Length').should == '11' end it 'supports #join' do sin_app{body{'Hello World'}; nil} req[2].join.should == 'Hello World' end it 'takes a String, Array, or other object responding to #each' do sin_app{body 'Hello World'; nil} body.should == 'Hello World' header('Content-Length').should == '11' sin_app{body ['Hello ', 'World']; nil} body.should == 'Hello World' header('Content-Length').should == '11' o = def o.each; yield 'Hello World' end sin_app{body o; nil} body.should == 'Hello World' header('Content-Length').should == '11' end end describe 'redirect' do it 'uses a 302 when only a path is given' do sin_app do redirect '/foo' fail 'redirect should halt' end status.should == 302 body.should == '' header('Location').should == '/foo' end it 'adds script_name if given a path' do sin_app{redirect "/foo"} header('Location', '/bar', 'SCRIPT_NAME'=>'/foo').should == '/foo' end it 'does not adds script_name if not given a path' do sin_app{redirect} header('Location', '/bar', 'SCRIPT_NAME'=>'/foo', 'REQUEST_METHOD'=>'POST').should == '/foo/bar' end it 'respects :absolute_redirects option' do sin_app{redirect} app.opts[:absolute_redirects] = true header('Location', '/bar', 'HTTP_HOST'=>'', 'SCRIPT_NAME'=>'/foo', 'REQUEST_METHOD'=>'POST').should == '' end it 'respects :prefixed_redirects option' do sin_app{redirect "/bar"} app.opts[:prefixed_redirects] = true header('Location', 'SCRIPT_NAME'=>'/foo').should == '/foo/bar' end it 'ignores :prefix_redirects option if not given a path' do sin_app{redirect} app.opts[:prefix_redirects] = true header('Location', "/bar", 'SCRIPT_NAME'=>'/foo', 'REQUEST_METHOD'=>'POST').should == '/foo/bar' end it 'uses the code given when specified' do sin_app{redirect '/foo', 301} status.should == 301 end it 'redirects back to request.referer when passed back' do sin_app{redirect back} header('Location', 'HTTP_REFERER' => '/foo').should == '/foo' end it 'uses 303 for post requests if request is HTTP 1.1, 302 for 1.0' do sin_app{redirect '/foo'} status('HTTP_VERSION' => 'HTTP/1.1', 'REQUEST_METHOD'=>'POST').should == 303 status('HTTP_VERSION' => 'HTTP/1.0', 'REQUEST_METHOD'=>'POST').should == 302 end end describe 'error' do it 'sets a status code and halts' do sin_app do error fail 'error should halt' end status.should == 500 body.should == '' end it 'accepts status code' do sin_app{error 501} status.should == 501 body.should == '' end it 'accepts body' do sin_app{error '501'} status.should == 500 body.should == '501' end it 'accepts status code and body' do sin_app{error 502, '501'} status.should == 502 body.should == '501' end end describe 'not_found' do it 'halts with a 404 status' do sin_app do not_found fail 'not_found should halt' end status.should == 404 body.should == '' end it 'accepts optional body' do sin_app{not_found 'nf'} status.should == 404 body.should == 'nf' end end describe 'headers' do it 'sets headers on the response object when given a Hash' do sin_app do headers 'X-Foo' => 'bar' 'kthx' end header('X-Foo').should == 'bar' body.should == 'kthx' end it 'returns the response headers hash when no hash provided' do sin_app{headers['X-Foo'] = 'bar'} header('X-Foo').should == 'bar' end end describe 'mime_type' do before do sin_app{|r| mime_type(r.path).to_s} end it "looks up mime types in Rack's MIME registry" do Rack::Mime::MIME_TYPES['.foo'] = 'application/foo' body('foo').should == 'application/foo' body(:foo).should == 'application/foo' body('.foo').should == 'application/foo' end it 'returns nil when given nil' do body('PATH_INFO'=>nil).should == '' end it 'returns nil when media type not registered' do body('bizzle').should == '' end it 'returns the argument when given a media type string' do body('text/plain').should == 'text/plain' end it 'supports mime types registered at the class level' do app.mime_type :foo, 'application/foo' body(:foo).should == 'application/foo' end end describe 'content_type' do it 'sets the Content-Type header' do sin_app do content_type 'text/plain' 'Hello World' end header('Content-Type').should == 'text/plain' body.should == 'Hello World' end it 'takes media type parameters (like charset=)' do sin_app{content_type 'text/html', :charset => 'latin1'} header('Content-Type').should == 'text/html;charset=latin1' end it "looks up symbols in Rack's mime types dictionary" do sin_app{content_type :foo} Rack::Mime::MIME_TYPES['.foo'] = 'application/foo' header('Content-Type').should == 'application/foo' end it 'fails when no mime type is registered for the argument provided' do sin_app{content_type :bizzle} proc{body}.should raise_error(Roda::RodaError) end it 'handles already present params' do sin_app{content_type 'foo/bar;level=1', :charset => 'utf-8'} header('Content-Type').should == 'foo/bar;level=1, charset=utf-8' end it 'does not add charset if present' do sin_app{content_type 'text/plain;charset=utf-16', :charset => 'utf-8'} header('Content-Type').should == 'text/plain;charset=utf-16' end it 'properly encodes parameters with delimiter characters' do sin_app{|r| content_type 'image/png', :comment => r.path } header('Content-Type', 'Hello, world!').should == 'image/png;comment="Hello, world!"' header('Content-Type', 'semi;colon').should == 'image/png;comment="semi;colon"' header('Content-Type', '"Whatever."').should == 'image/png;comment="\"Whatever.\""' end end describe 'attachment' do before do sin_app{|r| attachment r.path; 'b'} end it 'sets the Content-Disposition header' do header('Content-Disposition', '/foo/test.xml').should == 'attachment; filename="test.xml"' body.should == 'b' end it 'sets the Content-Disposition header even when a filename is not given' do sin_app{attachment} header('Content-Disposition', '/foo/test.xml').should == 'attachment' end it 'sets the Content-Type header' do header('Content-Type', 'test.xml').should == 'application/xml' end it 'does not modify the default Content-Type without a file extension' do header('Content-Type', 'README').should == 'text/html' end it 'should not modify the Content-Type if it is already set' do sin_app do content_type :atom attachment 'test.xml' end header('Content-Type', 'README').should == 'application/atom+xml' end end describe 'send_file' do before(:all) do file = @file = 'spec/assets/css/raw.css' @content = sin_app{send_file file, env['OPTS'] || {}} end it "sends the contents of the file" do status.should == 200 body.should == @content end it 'sets the Content-Type response header if a mime-type can be located' do header('Content-Type').should == 'text/css' end it 'sets the Content-Type response header if type option is set to a file extension' do header('Content-Type', 'OPTS'=>{:type => 'html'}).should == 'text/html' end it 'sets the Content-Type response header if type option is set to a mime type' do header('Content-Type', 'OPTS'=>{:type => 'application/octet-stream'}).should == 'application/octet-stream' end it 'sets the Content-Length response header' do header('Content-Length').should == @content.length.to_s end it 'sets the Last-Modified response header' do header('Last-Modified').should == File.mtime(@file).httpdate end it 'allows passing in a different Last-Modified response header with :last_modified' do time = @app.plugin :caching header('Last-Modified', 'OPTS'=>{:last_modified => time}).should == time.httpdate end it "returns a 404 when not found" do sin_app{send_file 'this-file-does-not-exist.txt'} status.should == 404 end it "does not set the Content-Disposition header by default" do header('Content-Disposition').should == nil end it "sets the Content-Disposition header when :disposition set to 'attachment'" do header('Content-Disposition', 'OPTS'=>{:disposition => 'attachment'}).should == 'attachment; filename="raw.css"' end it "does not set add a file name if filename is false" do header('Content-Disposition', 'OPTS'=>{:disposition => 'inline', :filename=>false}).should == 'inline' end it "sets the Content-Disposition header when :disposition set to 'inline'" do header('Content-Disposition', 'OPTS'=>{:disposition => 'inline'}).should == 'inline; filename="raw.css"' end it "sets the Content-Disposition header when :filename provided" do header('Content-Disposition', 'OPTS'=>{:filename => 'foo.txt'}).should == 'attachment; filename="foo.txt"' end it 'allows setting a custom status code' do status('OPTS'=>{:status=>201}).should == 201 end it "is able to send files with unknown mime type" do header('Content-Type', 'OPTS'=>{:type => '.foobar'}).should == 'application/octet-stream' end it "does not override Content-Type if already set and no explicit type is given" do file = @file sin_app do content_type :png send_file file end header('Content-Type').should == 'image/png' end it "does override Content-Type even if already set, if explicit type is given" do file = @file sin_app do content_type :png send_file file, :type => :gif end header('Content-Type').should == 'image/gif' end end describe 'uri' do describe "without arguments" do before do sin_app{uri} end it 'generates absolute urls' do body('HTTP_HOST'=>'').should == '' end it 'includes path_info' do body('/foo', 'HTTP_HOST'=>'').should == '' end it 'includes script_name' do body('/bar', 'HTTP_HOST'=>'', "SCRIPT_NAME" => '/foo').should == '' end it 'handles standard HTTP and HTTPS ports' do body('SERVER_NAME'=>'', 'SERVER_PORT' => '80').should == '' body('SERVER_NAME'=>'', 'SERVER_PORT' => '443', 'HTTPS'=>'on').should == '' end it 'handles non-standard HTTP port' do body('SERVER_NAME'=>'', 'SERVER_PORT' => '81').should == '' body('SERVER_NAME'=>'', 'SERVER_PORT' => '443').should == '' end it 'handles non-standard HTTPS port' do body('SERVER_NAME'=>'', 'SERVER_PORT' => '444', 'HTTPS'=>'on').should == '' body('SERVER_NAME'=>'', 'SERVER_PORT' => '80', 'HTTPS'=>'on').should == '' end it 'handles reverse proxy' do body('SERVER_NAME'=>'', 'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST' => '', 'SERVER_PORT' => '8080').should == '' end end it 'allows passing an alternative to path_info' do sin_app{uri '/bar'} body('HTTP_HOST'=>'').should == '' body('HTTP_HOST'=>'', "SCRIPT_NAME" => '/foo').should == '' end it 'handles absolute URIs' do sin_app{uri ''} body('HTTP_HOST'=>'').should == '' end it 'handles different protocols' do sin_app{uri ''} body('HTTP_HOST'=>'').should == '' end it 'allows turning off host' do sin_app{uri '/foo', false} body('HTTP_HOST'=>'').should == '/foo' body('HTTP_HOST'=>'', "SCRIPT_NAME" => '/bar').should == '/bar/foo' end it 'allows turning off script_name' do sin_app{uri '/foo', true, false} body('HTTP_HOST'=>'').should == '' body('HTTP_HOST'=>'', "SCRIPT_NAME" => '/bar').should == '' end it 'is aliased to #url' do sin_app{url} body('HTTP_HOST'=>'').should == '' end it 'is aliased to #to' do sin_app{to} body('HTTP_HOST'=>'').should == '' end it 'accepts a URI object instead of a String' do sin_app{uri URI.parse('')} body.should == '' end end it 'logger logs to rack.logger' do sin_app{ "foo"} o = def o.method_missing(*a) (@a ||= []) << a end def o.logs @a end status('rack.logger'=>o).should == 404 o.logs.should == [[:info, 'foo']] end it 'supports disabling delegation if :delegate=>false option is provided' do app(:bare) do plugin :sinatra_helpers, :delegate=>false route do |r| r.root{content_type}"req"){r.ssl?.to_s}"res"){response.not_found?.inspect} end end proc{body}.should raise_error(NameError) body('/req').should == 'false' body('/res').should == 'nil' end end