# Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Kouichirou Eto, All rights reserved. # This is free software with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. # You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU GPL 2. $LOAD_PATH.unshift '..' unless $LOAD_PATH.include? '..' module Qwik class Action D_PluginMap = { :dt => 'Map plugin', :dd => 'You can embed a map and create makers.', :dc => "* Example {{{ {{map(139.7005, 35.6595, 3) * [139.7005,35.6595] Shibuya - Hachiko Mae * [139.7030,35.6715] Harajuku - Takeshita St. }} }}} See [[PluginMap]] for example. * Thanks I use '[[Google Local|http://maps.google.com/]]' for the map. Thank you very much. " } def plg_map(clat, clng, mag=0) # Prepare maplink div. href = ".map?s=#{@req.sitename}&k=#{@req.base}" fullhref = "#{href}&m=full" #href = c_relative_to_root(href) #fullhref = c_relative_to_root(fullhref) href = "/#{href}" fullhref = "/#{fullhref}" div = [:div, {:class=>'maplink'}, [:iframe, {:src=>href, :style=>'width:700px;height:400px;border:0;'}, ''], [:br], [:div, {:style=>'margin: 0 0 1em 0;'}, [:a, {:href=>fullhref, :style=>'font-size:x-small;'}, _('Show map in full screen.')]]] content = yield elements = c_res(content) div += elements return div end def pre_act_map sitename = @req.query['s'] pagekey = @req.query['k'] mode = @req.query['m'] # Prepare site. @site = @memory.farm.get_site(sitename) if @site.nil? @site = @memory.farm.get_top_site return action_no_such_site(@req.sitename) end if ! @site.is_open? c_require_member # IMPORTANT: Security check. end page = @site[pagekey] c_nerror('No such page.') if page.nil? plugin = get_first_plugin(page, 'map') param = plugin[1][:param] args = Action.plugin_parse_args(param) clat = args.shift.to_f clng = args.shift.to_f mag = args.shift.to_i content = plugin[2] ar = [] ar << map_style maparea = map_maparea(clat, clng, mag, content, mode) ar << maparea title = 'map' c_plain(title){ar} head = @res.body.get_path('/head') head << map_initial_script head << map_script(clat, clng, mag, content, mode) body = @res.body.get_path('/body') body[1][:onload] = 'qwikMakeMap();' footer= @res.body.get_path("//div[@class='footer']") footer.clear if ! @config.test map_make_page_utf8 end end def map_make_page_utf8 @res.body = @res.body.format_xml.page_to_xml @res['Content-Type'] = "text/html; charset=#{Charset::UTF8}" end def get_first_plugin(page, method) str = page.load elements = c_parse(str) elements.each {|element| if element[0] == :plugin && element[1][:method] == method return element end } return nil end GOOGLE_MAPS_API_KEY_FILE = 'google-maps-api-key.txt' def map_get_api_key file = @config.etc_dir.path+GOOGLE_MAPS_API_KEY_FILE return if ! file.exist? return file.open {|f| f.gets }.chomp end def map_style return [:style, '.header { display: none ! important; } body { background: #fff; }'] end def map_initial_script key = map_get_api_key #return if key.nil? # Fatal error. key ||= '' # Ad hoc. src = "http://maps.google.com/maps?file=api&v=1&key=#{key}" return [:script, {:src=>src, :type=>'text/javascript'}, ''] end def map_script(clat, clng, mag, content, mode='iframe') maparea = [] # Prepare markers. elements = c_parse(content) markers = [] marker = nil elements.each {|element| if element[0] == :h2 marker = [] markers << marker marker << element else if marker marker << element end end } ms = [] markers.each {|marker| h2 = marker[0] if h2[1] == '[' && h2[3] == ']' lat, lng = h2[2].split(',') h2[1] = '' # Destruct headers. h2[2] = '' h2[3] = '' ms << [lat, lng, marker] end } marker_script = '' ms.each {|lat, lng, marker| s = marker.rb_format_xml(-1, -1) s = s.sub(/\n/, '') marker_script << "qwikSetMark(#{lat}, #{lng}, '#{s}');\n" } # Add script. clat = clat.to_f clng = clng.to_f mag = mag.to_i # You should set width for div element in the marker. script = " function qwikMakeMap() { if (GBrowserIsCompatible()) { // Define the function inside. function qwikSetMark(lat, lng, body) { var point = new GPoint(lng, lat); var html=\"
\"; var marker = new GMarker(point); map.addOverlay(marker); GEvent.addListener(marker, 'click', function() { marker.openInfoWindowHtml(html); }); marker.openInfoWindowHtml(html); } var map = new GMap(document.getElementById('map')); map.addControl(new GLargeMapControl()); map.addControl(new GMapTypeControl()); map.centerAndZoom(new GPoint(#{clng}, #{clat}), #{mag}); GEvent.addListener(map, 'moveend', function() { var center = map.getCenterLatLng(); var latLngStr = '* [' + center.y + ',' + center.x + '] '; document.getElementById('message').innerHTML = latLngStr; }); #{marker_script} } } " maparea << [:script, {:type=>'text/javascript'}, "\n//", [:'![CDATA[', "\n\n"+script+"\n//"], "\n"] return maparea end def map_maparea(clat, clng, mag, content, mode='iframe') maparea = [:div, {:class=>'maparea'}] # Add initial script. #maparea << map_initial_script # Add
style = 'width: 696px; height: 382px;' style = 'width: 100%; height: 600px;' if mode == 'full' maparea << [:div, {:id=>'map', :style=>style}, ''] maparea << [:div, {:id=>'message', :style=>'font-size:x-small;'}, ''] end end end if $0 == __FILE__ require 'qwik/test-common' require 'qwik/wabisabi-format-xml' $test = true end if defined?($test) && $test class TestActMap < Test::Unit::TestCase include TestSession TEST_MAP_CONTENT = ' {{map(139.7005, 35.6595, 3) * [139.7005,35.6595] Shibuya - Hachiko Mae * [139.7030,35.6715] Harajuku - Takeshita St. }} ' def test_all t_add_user page = @site.create_new str = TEST_MAP_CONTENT page.store(str) res = session '/test/1.html' ok_title '1' w = res.body.get_path("//div[@class='maplink']") eq [:div, {:class=>'maplink'}, [:iframe, {:src=>'/.map?s=test&k=1', :style=>'width:700px;height:400px;border:0;'}, '']], w[0..2] res = session '/.map?s=test&k=1' ok_title 'map' w = res.body.get_path("//div[@class='maparea']") end def nutest_map str = ' {{map(1, 2, 3, 400, 300) * StoreA ,4,5 - List1 - http://example.com/StoreA > CommentA * StoreB ,6,7 {{file(StoreB.jpg)}} - List2 - http://example.com/StoreB > CommentB }} ' end end end