require 'boris/profiler_core' module Boris; module Profilers class LinuxCore include ProfilerCore def self.connection_type Boris::SSHConnector end def get_file_systems super file_system_command = %q{df -P -T | grep "^/" | awk '{print $1 "|" $3 / 1024 "|" $5 / 1024 "|" $7}'} @connector.values_at(file_system_command).each do |file_system| h = file_system_template file_system = file_system.split('|') h[:capacity_mb] = file_system[1].to_i h[:file_system] = file_system[0] h[:mount_point] = file_system[3] h[:used_space_mb] = file_system[2].to_i @file_systems << h end @file_systems end def get_hardware super cpu_arch_data = @connector.value_at('uname -m') @hardware[:cpu_architecture] = cpu_arch_data =~ /ia|_(64)/ ? 64 : 32 cpu_data = @connector.values_at('cat /proc/cpuinfo | egrep -i "processor|vendor|mhz|name|cores"') @hardware[:cpu_physical_count] = cpu_data.grep(/processor/i).last.after_colon.to_i + 1 @hardware[:cpu_model] = cpu_data.grep(/model name/i)[0].after_colon @hardware[:cpu_vendor] = cpu_data.grep(/vendor_id/i)[0].after_colon @hardware[:cpu_speed_mhz] = cpu_data.grep(/cpu mhz/i)[0].after_pipe.to_i # cpu cores aren't always displayed via /proc/cpuinfo cpu_cores = cpu_data.grep(/cpu cores/i)[0] @hardware[:cpu_core_count] = cpu_cores.after_colon.to_i if cpu_cores memory_data = @connector.value_at("cat /proc/meminfo | grep -i memtotal | awk '{print $2 / 1024}'") @hardware[:memory_installed_mb] = memory_data.to_i hardware_data = @connector.values_at('/usr/bin/sudo /usr/sbin/dmidecode -t 0,1,4', true) if hardware_data.any? # grab the cpu speed again (because its value is usually more useful/relevant than that found via /proc/cpuinfo) @hardware[:cpu_speed_mhz] = hardware_data.grep(/current speed/i)[0].after_colon.extract(/(\d+)/).to_i @hardware[:firmware_version] = hardware_data.grep(/version/i)[0].after_colon @hardware[:model] = hardware_data.grep(/product name/i)[0].after_colon @hardware[:serial] = hardware_data.grep(/serial number/i)[0].after_colon @hardware[:vendor] = hardware_data.grep(/manufacturer/i)[0].after_colon else info 'no hardware information available (give me sudo access for dmidecode!)' end @hardware end def get_hosted_shares; super; end def get_installed_applications; super; end def get_installed_patches; super; end def get_installed_services; super; end def get_local_user_groups super user_data = @connector.values_at('cat /etc/passwd | grep -v "^#"') group_data = @connector.values_at('cat /etc/group | grep -v "^#"') users = [] groups = [] user_data.each do |x| h = {} x = x.split(':') h[:status] = nil h[:primary_group_id] = x[3] h[:username] = x[0] users << h end group_data.each do |group| group = group.split(':') h = {:members=>[], :name=>group[0]} h[:members] ={|user| (user[:primary_group_id] == group[2])}.collect{|user| user[:username]} @local_user_groups << h end @local_user_groups end def get_network_id super hostname = @connector.value_at('hostname').split('.') @network_id[:hostname] = hostname.shift domain = @connector.value_at('domainname') domain = nil if domain =~ /\(none\)/i @network_id[:domain] = domain.nil? ? hostname.join('.') : domain @network_id end def get_network_interfaces super # grab the make/model/slot info for all ethernet/fc ports ports = @connector.values_at('/sbin/lspci -mmv | egrep -i "class:[[:space:]]*(ethernet controller|fibre channel)" -B1 -A5') ## ETHERNET # get some basic info that will apply to all ethernet interfaces dns_servers = @connector.values_at("cat /etc/resolv.conf | grep ^nameserver | awk '{print $2}'") found_ethernet_interfaces = ports.join("\n").split('--').grep(/ethernet controller/i) found_fibre_interfaces = ports.join("\n").split('--').grep(/fibre channel/i) if found_ethernet_interfaces.any? # get info on all ethernet interfaces ethernet_mapping_data = @connector.values_at(%q{ls /sys/class/net | awk '{cmd="readlink -f /sys/class/net/" $1 "/device/"; cmd | getline link; print $1 "|" link}'}) link_properties = @connector.values_at(%q{find -L /sys/class/net/ -mindepth 2 -maxdepth 2 2>/dev/null | awk '{cmd = "cat " $0 " 2>/dev/null"; cmd | getline value; print $0 "|" value;}'}) ip_addr_data = @connector.values_at(%q{/sbin/ip addr | awk '{if($0 ~ /^[0-9]:/) {print "\n" $0} else {print $0}}'}) found_ethernet_interfaces.each do |interface| interface = interface.split("\n") h = network_interface_template h[:dns_servers] = dns_servers h[:type] = 'ethernet' h[:model] = interface.grep(/^.*sdevice:/i)[0].after_colon h[:vendor] = interface.grep(/^.*svendor:/i)[0].after_colon pci_slot = interface.grep(/^.*slot:/i)[0].after_colon h[:name] = ethernet_mapping_data.grep(/#{pci_slot}$/)[0].before_pipe interface_config = link_properties.grep(/\/#{h[:name]}\//) h[:mac_address] = interface_config.grep(/\/address\|/)[0].after_pipe.upcase # operstate sometimes gives reports interface as 'unknown' when it is up # and working. checking the value of carrier (0 for not plugged in, 1 for # plugged in) in conjunction with the 'ip' command output is a good fallback wired_connection = interface_config.grep(/\/carrier\|/)[0].after_pipe ip_config = ip_addr_data.join("\n").strip.split(/\n\n/).grep(/^.*:\s#{h[:name]}:/)[0].split(/\n/) h[:status] = (ip_config[0] =~ /,up,/i && wired_connection =~ /1/i) ? 'up' : 'down' if h[:status] == 'up' # speed & duplex are not always available (in case of a virtual machine # or hardware failure, etc) speed = interface_config.grep(/\/speed\|/)[0] h[:current_speed_mbps] = speed.after_pipe.to_i if speed duplex = interface_config.grep(/\/duplex\|/)[0] h[:duplex] = duplex.after_pipe if duplex h[:mtu] = interface_config.grep(/\/mtu\|/)[0].after_pipe.to_i ip_config.grep(/^.*inet /).each do |ip| ip_address = ip.split[1].before_slash netmask_bits = ip.split[1].after_slash h[:ip_addresses] << {:ip_address=>ip_address, :subnet=>NetAddr.i_to_ip(NetAddr.netmask_to_i(netmask_bits))} end end @network_interfaces << h end end if found_fibre_interfaces.any? fibre_mapping_data = @connector.values_at("find /sys/devices/pci* -regex '.*fc_host/host[0-9]'") interface_config = @connector.values_at(%q{find -L /sys/class/fc_host/ -mindepth 2 -maxdepth 2 | awk '{value=""; "cat " $1 " 2>/dev/null" | getline value; print $1 "|" value;}'}) found_fibre_interfaces.each do |interface| interface = interface.split("\n") h = network_interface_template h[:type] = 'fibre' h[:model] = interface.grep(/^.*device:/i)[0].after_colon h[:vendor] = interface.grep(/^.*vendor:/i)[0].after_colon pci_slot = interface.grep(/^.*slot:/i)[0].split[1] h[:name] = fibre_mapping_data.grep(/0000:#{pci_slot}\//)[0].after_slash interface_config = interface_config.grep(/fc_host\/#{h[:name]}\//) status = interface_config.grep(/\/port_state\|/)[0].after_pipe h[:status] = status =~ /online/i ? 'up' : 'down' if h[:status] == 'up' speed = interface_config.grep(/\/speed\|/)[0].after_pipe.split h[:current_speed_mbps] = speed[0].to_i * 1000 h[:fabric_name] = interface_config.grep(/\/fabric_name\|/)[0].after_pipe.sub(/^0x/, '') h[:node_wwn] = interface_config.grep(/\/node_name\|/)[0].after_pipe.sub(/^0x/, '') h[:port_wwn] = interface_config.grep(/\/port_name\|/)[0].after_pipe.sub(/^0x/, '') end @network_interfaces << h end end @network_interfaces end def get_operating_system; super; end def get_running_processes super now = DateTime.parse(@connector.value_at('date')) process_data = @connector.values_at('ps -eo time,etime,comm | tail -n +2 | grep -v defunct') process_data.each do |process| process = process.split h = running_process_template h[:cpu_time] = process.shift.pad_elapsed_time h[:date_started] = DateTime.parse_start_date(now, process.shift) h[:command] = process.join(' ') @running_processes << h end @running_processes end end end; end