# # Copyright (C) 2014 Conjur Inc # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of # this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in # the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to # use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of # the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, # subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all # copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR # COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER # IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN # CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. # require 'conjur-asset-policy' class Conjur::Command::Policy < Conjur::DSLCommand def self.load filename script = script_from_filename filename loader.load script, filename end def self.script_from_filename filename if filename if File.exists?(filename) File.read(filename) else require 'open-uri' uri = URI.parse(filename) raise "Unable to read this kind of URL : #{filename}" unless uri.respond_to?(:read) begin uri.read rescue OpenURI::HTTPError raise "Unable to read URI #{filename} : #{$!.message}" end end else STDIN.read end end def self.loader mod = Conjur::Policy.const_get 'YAML' mod.const_get "Loader" end def self.execute api, records, options = {} actions = [] records.each do |record| executor_class = Conjur::Policy::Executor.class_for(record) executor = executor_class.new(record, actions) executor.execute end Conjur::Policy::HTTPExecutor.new(api).execute actions end def self.save_context_to_file context, path existing = if File.file?(path) JSON.load(File.read(path)) else {} end File.write(path, existing.merge(context).to_json) rescue => ex # It would suck to lose all your API keys by fat-fingering the filename -- write it to the stdout if # anything goes wrong. $stderr.puts "Error saving context to #{path}: #{ex}. Context will be written to the stdout" $stderr.puts ex.backtrace.join("\n\t") if ENV['DEBUG'] puts context.to_json end desc "Manage policies" command :policy do |policy| policy.desc "Load a policy from Conjur YAML" policy.long_desc <<-DESC Using this command, Conjur data can be specified as Ruby or YAML statements and loaded into the server. Each statement performs one of the following functions: * Find or create a record, for example a group * Give a permission on a resource, e.g. permission to 'execute' a variable * Grant a role, e.g. add a member to a group. When finding or creating a record, the "namespace" option can be used to prepend a common prefix to each record. If the statements are enclosed by a "policy", the id of the policy is also prepended to the id of each record, after the namespace. This command can load the policy directly into Conjur, and it can also operate in "dry run" mode. In dry run mode, an execution plan will be computed and printed, but the actions will not be performed. The execution plan includes only the minimal set of commands which are required to apply the policy to Conjur. In effect, it's a "diff" between the policy and the current state of the Conjur database. The execution plan can be printed in machine-readable YAML format, or in a more human-friendly text format. The YAML output of dry run mode can be used as input for the "conjur policy import" command. Therefore, a policy can be loaded in three steps, if desired: 1) Load the policy in dry run mode to print the execution plan. 2) Review the execution plan, manually or programatically. 3) Import the execution plan. DESC policy.arg_name "(policy-file | STDIN)" policy.command :load do |c| acting_as_option(c) c.desc "Policy namespace (optional)" c.flag [:namespace] c.desc "Print the actions that would be performed" c.switch [:"dry-run"] c.desc "Output format of --dry-run mode (text, yaml)" c.default_value "yaml" c.flag [:format] c.desc "File to store API keys for created roles (defaults to stdout)" c.flag [:context] c.desc "Don't save the context anywhere (including the stdout)" c.switch [:'no-context'] c.action do |global_options,options,args| Conjur.log = "stderr" filename = args.pop records = load filename ownerid = options[:ownerid] unless ownerid user_kind, user_id = api.username.split('/', 2) unless user_id user_id = user_kind user_kind = 'user' end ownerid = [ Conjur.configuration.account, user_kind, user_id ].join(":") end records = Conjur::Policy::Resolver.resolve(records, Conjur.configuration.account, ownerid, options[:namespace]) plan = Conjur::Policy::Planner.plan(records, api) if options[:"dry-run"] case options[:"format"] when 'text' puts plan.actions.map(&:to_s) else puts plan.actions.to_yaml end else $stderr.puts plan.actions.map(&:to_s) context = execute api, plan.actions if options[:context] save_context_to_file context, options[:context] else puts context.to_json unless options[:'no-context'] end end end end policy.desc "Import policy statements from a policy plan (aka --dry-run)" policy.arg_name "(statements-file | STDIN)" policy.command :import do |c| acting_as_option(c) c.action do |global_options,options,args| Conjur.log = "stderr" filename = args.pop script = script_from_filename filename actions = Conjur::Policy::YAML::Loader.load(script, filename) context = execute api, actions, options if options[:context] save_context_to_file context, options[:context] else puts context.to_json unless options[:'no-context'] end end end policy.desc 'Decommision a policy' policy.arg_name 'POLICY' policy.command :retire do |c| retire_options c c.action do |global_options, options, args | id = "policy:#{require_arg(args, 'POLICY')}" # policy isn't a rolsource (yet), but we can pretend Policy = Struct.new(:role, :resource) pol = Policy.new(api.role(id), api.resource(id)) validate_retire_privileges(pol, options) retire_resource(pol) # The policy resource is owned by the policy role. Having the # policy role is what allows us to administer it. So, we have # to give the resource away before we can revoke the role. give_away_resource(pol, options) retire_role(pol) puts 'Policy retired' end end end end