module Fastlane module Actions module SharedValues GET_GITHUB_RELEASE_INFO = :GET_GITHUB_RELEASE_INFO end class GetGithubReleaseAction < Action def "Verifying release on GitHub (#{params[:url]}: #{params[:version]})" require 'excon' result = JSON.parse(Excon.get("{params[:url]}/releases").body) result.each do |current| if current['tag_name'] == params[:version] # Found it if current['body'].to_s.length > 0 Actions.lane_context[SharedValues::GET_GITHUB_RELEASE_INFO] = current "Version is already live on 🚁" return current else raise "No release notes found for #{params[:version]}" end end end Helper.log.error "Couldn't find GitHub release #{params[:version]}".yellow return nil end ##################################################### # @!group Documentation ##################################################### def self.description "This will verify if a given release version is avialable on GitHub" end def self.details sample = ' {"url"=>"", "assets_url"=>"", "upload_url"=>"{?name}", "html_url"=>"", "id"=>1537713, "tag_name"=>"1.8.0", "target_commitish"=>"master", "name"=>"1.8.0 Switch Lanes & Pass Parameters", "draft"=>false, "author"=> {"login"=>"KrauseFx", "id"=>869950, "avatar_url"=>"", "gravatar_id"=>"", "url"=>"", "html_url"=>"", "followers_url"=>"", "following_url"=>"{/other_user}", "gists_url"=>"{/gist_id}", "starred_url"=>"{/owner}{/repo}", "subscriptions_url"=>"", "organizations_url"=>"", "repos_url"=>"", "events_url"=>"{/privacy}", "received_events_url"=>"", "type"=>"User", "site_admin"=>false}, "prerelease"=>false, "created_at"=>"2015-07-14T23:33:01Z", "published_at"=>"2015-07-14T23:44:10Z", "assets"=>[], "tarball_url"=>"", "zipball_url"=>"", "body"=> "This is one of the biggest updates of `fastlane` yet" }' [ "This will return all information about a release. For example:", sample ].join("\n") end def self.output [ ['GET_GITHUB_RELEASE_INFO', 'Contains all the information about this release'] ] end def self.available_options [ :url, env_name: "FL_GET_GITHUB_RELEASE_URL", description: "The path to your repo, e.g. 'KrauseFx/fastlane'", verify_block: do |value| raise "Please only pass the path, e.g. 'KrauseFx/fastlane'".red if value.include?"" raise "Please only pass the path, e.g. 'KrauseFx/fastlane'".red if value.split('/').count != 2 end), :version, env_name: "FL_GET_GITHUB_RELEASE_VERSION", description: "The version tag of the release to check") ] end def self.authors ["KrauseFx"] end def self.is_supported?(platform) true end end end end