# encoding: utf-8 module AMQ module Client # # Adapters # class TCPConnectionFailed < StandardError # # API # attr_reader :settings def initialize(settings) @settings = settings super("Could not establish TCP connection to #{@settings[:host]}:#{@settings[:port]}") end end # Base exception class for data consistency and framing errors. class InconsistentDataError < StandardError end # Raised by adapters when frame does not end with {final octet AMQ::Protocol::Frame::FINAL_OCTET}. # This suggest that there is a bug in adapter or AMQ broker implementation. # # @see http://bit.ly/amqp091spec AMQP 0.9.1 specification (Section 2.3) class NoFinalOctetError < InconsistentDataError def initialize super("Frame doesn't end with #{AMQ::Protocol::Frame::FINAL_OCTET} as it must, which means the size is miscalculated.") end end # Raised by adapters when actual frame payload size in bytes is not equal # to the size specified in that frame's header. # This suggest that there is a bug in adapter or AMQ broker implementation. # # @see http://bit.ly/amqp091spec AMQP 0.9.1 specification (Section 2.3) class BadLengthError < InconsistentDataError def initialize(expected_length, actual_length) super("Frame payload should be #{expected_length} long, but it's #{actual_length} long.") end end # # Client # class MissingHandlerError < StandardError def initialize(frame) super("No callback registered for #{frame.method_class}") end end class ConnectionClosedError < StandardError def initialize(frame) if frame.respond_to?(:method_class) super("Trying to send frame through a closed connection. Frame is #{frame.inspect}, method class is #{frame.method_class}") else super("Trying to send frame through a closed connection. Frame is #{frame.inspect}") end end # initialize end # class ConnectionClosedError module Logging # Raised when logger object passed to {AMQ::Client::Adapter.logger=} does not # provide API it supposed to provide. # # @see AMQ::Client::Adapter.logger= class IncompatibleLoggerError < StandardError def initialize(required_methods) super("Logger has to respond to the following methods: #{required_methods.inspect}") end end end # Logging class PossibleAuthenticationFailureError < StandardError # # API # def initialize(settings) super("AMQP broker closed TCP connection before authentication succeeded: this usually means authentication failure due to misconfiguration or that RabbitMQ version does not support AMQP 0.9.1. Please see http://bit.ly/amqp-gem-080-and-rabbitmq-versions and check your configuration. Settings are #{settings.inspect}.") end # initialize(settings) end # PossibleAuthenticationFailureError class UnknownExchangeTypeError < StandardError BUILTIN_TYPES = [:fanout, :direct, :topic, :headers].freeze def initialize(types, given) super("#{given.inspect} exchange type is unknown. Standard types are #{BUILTIN_TYPES.inspect}, custom exchange types must begin with x-, for example: x-recent-history") end end end # Client end # AMQ