require 'spec_helper.rb' describe Daru::Core::GroupBy do before do @df ={ a: %w{foo bar foo bar foo bar foo foo}, b: %w{one one two three two two one three}, c: [1 ,2 ,3 ,1 ,3 ,6 ,3 ,8], d: [11 ,22 ,33 ,44 ,55 ,66 ,77 ,88] }) @sl_group = @df.group_by(:a) @dl_group = @df.group_by([:a, :b]) @tl_group = @df.group_by([:a,:b,:c]) @sl_index =['bar', 'foo']) @dl_multi_index = Daru::MultiIndex.from_tuples([ ['bar', 'one'], ['bar', 'three'], ['bar', 'two'], ['foo', 'one'], ['foo', 'three'], ['foo', 'two'] ]) @tl_multi_index = Daru::MultiIndex.from_tuples([ ['bar', 'one' , 2], ['bar', 'three', 1], ['bar', 'two' , 6], ['foo', 'one' , 1], ['foo', 'one' , 3], ['foo', 'three', 8], ['foo', 'two' , 3] ]) end context 'with nil values' do before do @df[:w_nils] =[11 ,nil ,33 ,nil ,nil ,66 ,77 ,88]) end it 'groups by nil values' do expect(@df.group_by(:w_nils).groups[[nil]]).to eq([1,3,4]) end end context "#initialize" do it "groups by a single tuple" do expect(@sl_group.groups).to eq({ ['bar'] => [1,3,5], ['foo'] => [0,2,4,6,7] }) end it "groups by a double layer hierarchy" do expect(@dl_group.groups).to eq({ ['foo', 'one'] => [0,6], ['bar', 'one'] => [1], ['foo', 'two'] => [2,4], ['bar', 'three'] => [3], ['bar', 'two'] => [5], ['foo', 'three'] => [7] }) end it "groups by a triple layer hierarchy" do expect(@tl_group.groups).to eq({ ['bar', 'one' , 2] => [1], ['bar', 'three', 1] => [3], ['bar', 'two' , 6] => [5], ['foo', 'one' , 1] => [0], ['foo', 'one' , 3] => [6], ['foo', 'three', 8] => [7], ['foo', 'two' , 3] => [2,4] }) end it "raises error if a non-existent vector is passed as args" do expect { @df.group_by([:a, :ted]) }.to raise_error end end context "#size" do it "returns a vector containing the size of each group" do expect(@dl_group.size).to eq([1,1,1,2,1,2], index: @dl_multi_index)) end end context "#get_group" do it "returns the whole sub-group for single layer grouping" do expect(@sl_group.get_group(['bar'])).to eq({ a: ['bar', 'bar', 'bar'], b: ['one', 'three', 'two'], c: [2,1,6], d: [22,44,66] }, index: [1,3,5] )) end it "returns the whole sub-group for double layer grouping" do expect(@dl_group.get_group(['bar', 'one'])).to eq({ a: ['bar'], b: ['one'], c: [2], d: [22] }, index: [1] )) end it "returns the whole sub-group for triple layer grouping" do expect(@tl_group.get_group(['foo','two',3])).to eq({ a: ['foo', 'foo'], b: ['two', 'two'], c: [3,3], d: [33,55] }, index: [2,4] )) end it "raises error for incomplete specification" do expect { @tl_group.get_group(['foo']) }.to raise_error end it "raises error for over specification" do expect { @sl_group.get_group(['bar', 'one']) }.to raise_error end end context "#aggregate" do pending end context "#mean" do it "computes mean of the numeric columns of a single layer group" do expect(@sl_group.mean).to eq({ :c => [3.0, 3.6], :d => [44.0, 52.8] }, index: @sl_index )) end it "computes mean of the numeric columns of a double layer group" do expect(@dl_group.mean).to eq({ c: [2,1,6,2,8,3], d: [22,44,66,44,88,44] }, index: @dl_multi_index)) end it "computes mean of the numeric columns of a triple layer group" do expect(@tl_group.mean).to eq({ d: [22,44,66,11,77,88,44] }, index: @tl_multi_index )) end end context "#sum" do it "calculates the sum of the numeric columns of a single layer group" do expect(@sl_group.sum).to eq({ c: [9, 18], d: [132, 264] }, index: @sl_index )) end it "calculates the sum of the numeric columns of a double layer group" do expect(@dl_group.sum).to eq({ c: [2,1,6,4,8,6], d: [22,44,66,88,88,88] }, index: @dl_multi_index)) end it "calculates the sum of the numeric columns of a triple layer group" do expect(@tl_group.sum).to eq({ d: [22,44,66,11,77,88,88] }, index: @tl_multi_index)) end end context "#product" do it "calculates product for single layer groups" do # TODO end it "calculates product for double layer groups" do # TODO end it "calculates product for triple layer groups" do # TODO end end context "#count" do it "counts the number of elements in a single layer group" do expect(@sl_group.count).to eq({ b: [3,5], c: [3,5], d: [3,5] }, index: @sl_index)) end it "counts the number of elements in a double layer group" do expect(@dl_group.count).to eq({ c: [1,1,1,2,1,2], d: [1,1,1,2,1,2] }, index: @dl_multi_index)) end it "counts the number of elements in a triple layer group" do expect(@tl_group.count).to eq({ d: [1,1,1,1,1,1,2] }, index: @tl_multi_index)) end end context "#std" do it "calculates sample standard deviation for single layer groups" do # TODO end it "calculates sample standard deviation for double layer groups" do # TODO end it "calculates sample standard deviation for triple layer groups" do # TODO end end context "#max" do it "calculates max value for single layer groups" do # TODO end it "calculates max value for double layer groups" do # TODO end it "calculates max value for triple layer groups" do # TODO end end context "#min" do it "calculates min value for single layer groups" do # TODO end it "calculates min value for double layer groups" do # TODO end it "calculates min value for triple layer groups" do # TODO end end context "#median" do it "calculates median for single layer groups" do # TODO end it "calculates median for double layer groups" do # TODO end it "calculates median for triple layer groups" do # TODO end end context "#head" do it "returns first n rows of each single layer group" do expect(@sl_group.head(2)).to eq({ a: ['bar', 'bar','foo','foo'], b: ['one', 'three','one', 'two'], c: [2, 1, 1, 3], d: [22, 44, 11, 33] }, index: [1,3,0,2])) end it "returns first n rows of each double layer group" do expect(@dl_group.head(2)).to eq({ a: ['bar','bar','bar','foo','foo','foo','foo','foo'], b: ['one','three','two','one','one','three','two','two'], c: [2,1,6,1,3,8,3,3], d: [22,44,66,11,77,88,33,55] }, index: [1,3,5,0,6,7,2,4])) end it "returns first n rows of each triple layer group" do expect(@tl_group.head(1)).to eq({ a: ['bar','bar','bar','foo','foo','foo','foo'], b: ['one','three','two','one','one','three','two'], c: [2,1,6,1,3,8,3], d: [22,44,66,11,77,88,33] }, index: [1,3,5,0,6,7,2])) end end context "#tail" do it "returns last n rows of each single layer group" do expect(@sl_group.tail(1)).to eq({ a: ['bar','foo'], b: ['two', 'three'], c: [6,8], d: [66,88] }, index: [5,7])) end it "returns last n rows of each double layer group" do expect(@dl_group.tail(2)).to eq({ a: ['bar','bar','bar','foo','foo','foo','foo','foo'], b: ['one','three','two','one','one','three','two','two'], c: [2,1,6,1,3,8,3,3], d: [22,44,66,11,77,88,33,55] }, index: [1,3,5,0,6,7,2,4])) end it "returns last n rows of each triple layer group" do expect(@tl_group.tail(1)).to eq({ a: ['bar','bar','bar','foo','foo','foo','foo'], b: ['one','three','two','one','one','three','two'], c: [2,1,6,1,3,8,3], d: [22,44,66,11,77,88,55] }, index: [1,3,5,0,6,7,4])) end end context "#[]" do pending end end