module AnnotateRb module ModelAnnotator module SchemaInfo # rubocop:disable Metrics/ModuleLength # Don't show default value for these column types NO_DEFAULT_COL_TYPES = %w[json jsonb hstore].freeze # Don't show limit (#) on these column types # Example: show "integer" instead of "integer(4)" NO_LIMIT_COL_TYPES = %w[integer bigint boolean].freeze INDEX_CLAUSES = { unique: { default: 'UNIQUE', markdown: '_unique_' }, where: { default: 'WHERE', markdown: '_where_' }, using: { default: 'USING', markdown: '_using_' } }.freeze END_MARK = '== Schema Information End'.freeze class << self # Use the column information in an ActiveRecord class # to create a comment block containing a line for # each column. The line contains the column name, # the type (and length), and any optional attributes def generate(klass, header, options = {}) # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength info = "# #{header}\n" info << get_schema_header_text(klass, options) max_size = max_schema_info_width(klass, options) md_names_overhead = 6 md_type_allowance = 18 bare_type_allowance = 16 if options[:format_markdown] info << format("# %-#{max_size + md_names_overhead}.#{max_size + md_names_overhead}s | %-#{md_type_allowance}.#{md_type_allowance}s | %s\n", 'Name', 'Type', 'Attributes') info << "# #{'-' * (max_size + md_names_overhead)} | #{'-' * md_type_allowance} | #{'-' * 27}\n" end cols = columns(klass, options) cols.each do |col| col_type = get_col_type(col) attrs = get_attributes(col, col_type, klass, options) col_name = if with_comments?(klass, options) && col.comment "#{}(#{col.comment.gsub(/\n/, '\\n')})" else end if options[:format_rdoc] info << format("# %-#{max_size}.#{max_size}s%s", "*#{col_name}*::", attrs.unshift(col_type).join(', ')).rstrip + "\n" elsif options[:format_yard] info << sprintf("# @!attribute #{col_name}") + "\n" ruby_class = col.respond_to?(:array) && col.array ? "Array<#{map_col_type_to_ruby_classes(col_type)}>" : map_col_type_to_ruby_classes(col_type) info << sprintf("# @return [#{ruby_class}]") + "\n" elsif options[:format_markdown] name_remainder = max_size - col_name.length - non_ascii_length(col_name) type_remainder = (md_type_allowance - 2) - col_type.length info << format("# **`%s`**%#{name_remainder}s | `%s`%#{type_remainder}s | `%s`", col_name, ' ', col_type, ' ', attrs.join(', ').rstrip).gsub('``', ' ').rstrip + "\n" else info << format_default(col_name, max_size, col_type, bare_type_allowance, attrs) end end info << get_index_info(klass, options) if options[:show_indexes] && klass.table_exists? info << get_foreign_key_info(klass, options) if options[:show_foreign_keys] && klass.table_exists? info << get_schema_footer_text(klass, options) end private def get_schema_header_text(klass, options = {}) info = "#\n" if options[:format_markdown] info << "# Table name: `#{klass.table_name}`\n" info << "#\n" info << "# ### Columns\n" else info << "# Table name: #{klass.table_name}\n" end info << "#\n" end def max_schema_info_width(klass, options) cols = columns(klass, options) if with_comments?(klass, options) max_size = do |column| + (column.comment ? width(column.comment) : 0) end.max || 0 max_size += 2 else max_size = end max_size += options[:format_rdoc] ? 5 : 1 max_size end def with_comments?(klass, options) options[:with_comment] && klass.columns.first.respond_to?(:comment) && { |comment| !comment.nil? } end def width(string) string.chars.inject(0) { |acc, elem| acc + (elem.bytesize == 3 ? 2 : 1) } end # TODO: Memoize this since it's called multiple times with the same args def columns(klass, options) cols = klass.columns cols += translated_columns(klass) ignore_columns = options[:ignore_columns] if ignore_columns cols = cols.reject do |col|{ignore_columns}/) end end cols = cols.sort_by(&:name) if options[:sort] cols = classified_sort(cols) if options[:classified_sort] cols end # Add columns managed by the globalize gem if this gem is being used. def translated_columns(klass) return [] unless klass.respond_to? :translation_class ignored_cols = ignored_translation_table_colums(klass) klass.translation_class.columns.reject do |col| ignored_cols.include? end end # These are the columns that the globalize gem needs to work but # are not necessary for the models to be displayed as annotations. def ignored_translation_table_colums(klass) # Construct the foreign column name in the translations table # eg. Model: Car, foreign column name: car_id foreign_column_name = [ klass.translation_class.to_s .gsub('::Translation', '').gsub('::', '_') .downcase, '_id' ].join.to_sym [ :id, :created_at, :updated_at, :locale, foreign_column_name ] end def classified_sort(cols) rest_cols = [] timestamps = [] associations = [] id = nil cols.each do |c| if'id') id = c elsif'created_at') ||'updated_at') timestamps << c elsif[-3, 3].eql?('_id') associations << c else rest_cols << c end end [rest_cols, timestamps, associations].each { |a| a.sort_by!(&:name) } ([id] << rest_cols << timestamps << associations).flatten.compact end def get_col_type(col) if (col.respond_to?(:bigint?) && col.bigint?) || /\Abigint\b/ =~ col.sql_type 'bigint' else (col.type || col.sql_type).to_s end end # Get the list of attributes that should be included in the annotation for # a given column. def get_attributes(column, column_type, klass, options) attrs = [] attrs << "default(#{schema_default(klass, column)})" unless column.default.nil? || hide_default?(column_type, options) attrs << 'unsigned' if column.respond_to?(:unsigned?) && column.unsigned? attrs << 'not null' unless column.null attrs << 'primary key' if klass.primary_key && (klass.primary_key.is_a?(Array) ? klass.primary_key.collect(&:to_sym).include?( : == klass.primary_key.to_sym) if column_type == 'decimal' column_type << "(#{column.precision}, #{column.scale})" elsif !%w[spatial geometry geography].include?(column_type) if column.limit && !options[:format_yard] if column.limit.is_a? Array attrs << "(#{column.limit.join(', ')})" else column_type << "(#{column.limit})" unless hide_limit?(column_type, options) end end end # Check out if we got an array column attrs << 'is an Array' if column.respond_to?(:array) && column.array # Check out if we got a geometric column # and print the type and SRID if column.respond_to?(:geometry_type) attrs << "#{column.geometry_type}, #{column.srid}" elsif column.respond_to?(:geometric_type) && column.geometric_type.present? attrs << "#{column.geometric_type.to_s.downcase}, #{column.srid}" end # Check if the column has indices and print "indexed" if true # If the index includes another column, print it too. if options[:simple_indexes] && klass.table_exists? # Check out if this column is indexed indices = retrieve_indexes_from_table(klass).select { |ind| ind.columns.include? } indices&.sort_by(&:name)&.each do |ind| next if ind.columns.is_a?(String) ind = ind.columns.reject! { |i| i == } attrs << (ind.empty? ? 'indexed' : "indexed => [#{ind.join(', ')}]") end end attrs end def schema_default(klass, column) quote(klass.column_defaults[]) end # Simple quoting for the default column value def quote(value) case value when NilClass then 'NULL' when TrueClass then 'TRUE' when FalseClass then 'FALSE' when Float, Integer then value.to_s # BigDecimals need to be output in a non-normalized form and quoted. when BigDecimal then value.to_s('F') when Array then { |v| quote(v) } else value.inspect end end def hide_default?(col_type, options) excludes = if options[:hide_default_column_types].blank? NO_DEFAULT_COL_TYPES else options[:hide_default_column_types].split(',') end excludes.include?(col_type) end def hide_limit?(col_type, options) excludes = if options[:hide_limit_column_types].blank? NO_LIMIT_COL_TYPES else options[:hide_limit_column_types].split(',') end excludes.include?(col_type) end def retrieve_indexes_from_table(klass) table_name = klass.table_name return [] unless table_name indexes = klass.connection.indexes(table_name) return indexes if indexes.any? || !klass.table_name_prefix # Try to search the table without prefix table_name_without_prefix = table_name.to_s.sub(klass.table_name_prefix, '') klass.connection.indexes(table_name_without_prefix) end def map_col_type_to_ruby_classes(col_type) case col_type when 'integer' then Integer.to_s when 'float' then Float.to_s when 'decimal' then BigDecimal.to_s when 'datetime', 'timestamp', 'time' then Time.to_s when 'date' then Date.to_s when 'text', 'string', 'binary', 'inet', 'uuid' then String.to_s when 'json', 'jsonb' then Hash.to_s when 'boolean' then 'Boolean' end end def non_ascii_length(string) string.to_s.chars.reject(&:ascii_only?).length end def format_default(col_name, max_size, col_type, bare_type_allowance, attrs) format('# %s:%s %s', mb_chars_ljust(col_name, max_size), mb_chars_ljust(col_type, bare_type_allowance), attrs.join(', ')).rstrip + "\n" end def mb_chars_ljust(string, length) string = string.to_s padding = length - width(string) if padding.positive? string + (' ' * padding) else string[0..(length - 1)] end end def get_index_info(klass, options = {}) index_info = if options[:format_markdown] "#\n# ### Indexes\n#\n" else "#\n# Indexes\n#\n" end indexes = retrieve_indexes_from_table(klass) return '' if indexes.empty? max_size = indexes.collect { |index| }.max + 1 indexes.sort_by(&:name).each do |index| index_info << if options[:format_markdown] final_index_string_in_markdown(index) else final_index_string(index, max_size) end end index_info end def final_index_string_in_markdown(index) details = format( '%s%s%s', index_unique_info(index, :markdown), index_where_info(index, :markdown), index_using_info(index, :markdown) ).strip details = " (#{details})" unless details.blank? format( "# * `%s`%s:\n# * **`%s`**\n",, details, index_columns_info(index).join("`**\n# * **`") ) end def final_index_string(index, max_size) format( "# %-#{max_size}.#{max_size}s %s%s%s%s",, "(#{index_columns_info(index).join(',')})", index_unique_info(index), index_where_info(index), index_using_info(index) ).rstrip + "\n" end def index_columns_info(index) Array(index.columns).map do |col| if index.try(:orders) && index.orders[col.to_s] "#{col} #{index.orders[col.to_s].upcase}" else col.to_s.gsub("\r", '\r').gsub("\n", '\n') end end end def index_where_info(index, format = :default) value = index.try(:where).try(:to_s) if value.blank? '' else " #{INDEX_CLAUSES[:where][format]} #{value}" end end def index_unique_info(index, format = :default) index.unique ? " #{INDEX_CLAUSES[:unique][format]}" : '' end def index_using_info(index, format = :default) value = index.try(:using) && index.using.try(:to_sym) if !value.blank? && value != :btree " #{INDEX_CLAUSES[:using][format]} #{value}" else '' end end def get_foreign_key_info(klass, options = {}) fk_info = if options[:format_markdown] "#\n# ### Foreign Keys\n#\n" else "#\n# Foreign Keys\n#\n" end return '' unless klass.connection.respond_to?(:supports_foreign_keys?) && klass.connection.supports_foreign_keys? && klass.connection.respond_to?(:foreign_keys) foreign_keys = klass.connection.foreign_keys(klass.table_name) return '' if foreign_keys.empty? format_name = lambda do |fk| return fk.options[:column] if options[:show_complete_foreign_keys] ? :<=^fk_rails_)[0-9a-f]{10}$/, '...') end max_size = + 1 foreign_keys.sort_by { |fk| [, fk.column] }.each do |fk| ref_info = "#{fk.column} => #{fk.to_table}.#{fk.primary_key}" constraints_info = '' constraints_info += "ON DELETE => #{fk.on_delete} " if fk.on_delete constraints_info += "ON UPDATE => #{fk.on_update} " if fk.on_update constraints_info.strip! fk_info << if options[:format_markdown] format("# * `%s`%s:\n# * **`%s`**\n",, constraints_info.blank? ? '' : " (_#{constraints_info}_)", ref_info) else format("# %-#{max_size}.#{max_size}s %s %s",, "(#{ref_info})", constraints_info).rstrip + "\n" end end fk_info end def get_schema_footer_text(_klass, options = {}) info = '' if options[:format_rdoc] info << "#--\n" info << "# #{END_MARK}\n" info << "#++\n" else info << "#\n" end end end end end end