# # Fluentd # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # require 'fileutils' require 'fluent/config' require 'fluent/counter' require 'fluent/env' require 'fluent/engine' require 'fluent/error' require 'fluent/log' require 'fluent/plugin' require 'fluent/rpc' require 'fluent/system_config' require 'serverengine' if Fluent.windows? require 'windows/library' require 'windows/synchronize' require 'windows/system_info' include Windows::Library include Windows::Synchronize include Windows::SystemInfo require 'win32/ipc' require 'win32/event' end module Fluent module ServerModule def before_run @start_time = Time.now @rpc_server = nil @counter = nil if config[:rpc_endpoint] @rpc_endpoint = config[:rpc_endpoint] @enable_get_dump = config[:enable_get_dump] run_rpc_server end install_supervisor_signal_handlers if config[:signame] @signame = config[:signame] install_windows_event_handler end if counter = config[:counter_server] run_counter_server(counter) end socket_manager_path = ServerEngine::SocketManager::Server.generate_path ServerEngine::SocketManager::Server.open(socket_manager_path) ENV['SERVERENGINE_SOCKETMANAGER_PATH'] = socket_manager_path.to_s end def after_run stop_rpc_server if @rpc_endpoint stop_counter_server if @counter Fluent::Supervisor.cleanup_resources end def run_rpc_server @rpc_server = RPC::Server.new(@rpc_endpoint, $log) # built-in RPC for signals @rpc_server.mount_proc('/api/processes.interruptWorkers') { |req, res| $log.debug "fluentd RPC got /api/processes.interruptWorkers request" Process.kill :INT, $$ nil } @rpc_server.mount_proc('/api/processes.killWorkers') { |req, res| $log.debug "fluentd RPC got /api/processes.killWorkers request" Process.kill :TERM, $$ nil } @rpc_server.mount_proc('/api/processes.flushBuffersAndKillWorkers') { |req, res| $log.debug "fluentd RPC got /api/processes.flushBuffersAndKillWorkers request" if Fluent.windows? $log.warn "operation 'flushBuffersAndKillWorkers' is not supported on Windows now." else Process.kill :USR1, $$ Process.kill :TERM, $$ end nil } @rpc_server.mount_proc('/api/plugins.flushBuffers') { |req, res| $log.debug "fluentd RPC got /api/plugins.flushBuffers request" unless Fluent.windows? Process.kill :USR1, $$ end nil } @rpc_server.mount_proc('/api/config.reload') { |req, res| $log.debug "fluentd RPC got /api/config.reload request" if Fluent.windows? # restart worker with auto restarting by killing kill_worker else Process.kill :HUP, $$ end nil } @rpc_server.mount_proc('/api/config.dump') { |req, res| $log.debug "fluentd RPC got /api/config.dump request" $log.info "dump in-memory config" supervisor_dump_config_handler nil } @rpc_server.mount_proc('/api/config.getDump') { |req, res| $log.debug "fluentd RPC got /api/config.dump request" $log.info "get dump in-memory config via HTTP" res.body = supervisor_get_dump_config_handler [nil, nil, res] } if @enable_get_dump @rpc_server.start end def stop_rpc_server @rpc_server.shutdown end def run_counter_server(counter_conf) @counter = Fluent::Counter::Server.new( counter_conf.scope, {host: counter_conf.bind, port: counter_conf.port, log: $log, path: counter_conf.backup_path} ) @counter.start end def stop_counter_server @counter.stop end def install_supervisor_signal_handlers trap :HUP do $log.debug "fluentd supervisor process get SIGHUP" supervisor_sighup_handler end unless Fluent.windows? trap :USR1 do $log.debug "fluentd supervisor process get SIGUSR1" supervisor_sigusr1_handler end unless Fluent.windows? end def install_windows_event_handler Thread.new do ev = Win32::Event.new(@signame) begin ev.reset until WaitForSingleObject(ev.handle, 0) == WAIT_OBJECT_0 sleep 1 end kill_worker stop(true) ensure ev.close end end end def supervisor_sighup_handler kill_worker end def supervisor_sigusr1_handler if log = config[:logger_initializer] # Creating new thread due to mutex can't lock # in main thread during trap context Thread.new { log.reopen! }.run end if config[:worker_pid] config[:worker_pid].each_value do |pid| Process.kill(:USR1, pid) # don't rescue Errno::ESRCH here (invalid status) end end end def kill_worker if config[:worker_pid] pids = config[:worker_pid].clone config[:worker_pid].clear pids.each_value do |pid| if Fluent.windows? Process.kill :KILL, pid else Process.kill :TERM, pid end end end end def supervisor_dump_config_handler $log.info config[:fluentd_conf].to_s end def supervisor_get_dump_config_handler {conf: config[:fluentd_conf].to_s} end end module WorkerModule def spawn(process_manager) main_cmd = config[:main_cmd] env = { 'SERVERENGINE_WORKER_ID' => @worker_id.to_i.to_s, } @pm = process_manager.spawn(env, *main_cmd) end def after_start (config[:worker_pid] ||= {})[@worker_id] = @pm.pid end end class Supervisor def self.load_config(path, params = {}) pre_loadtime = 0 pre_loadtime = params['pre_loadtime'].to_i if params['pre_loadtime'] pre_config_mtime = nil pre_config_mtime = params['pre_config_mtime'] if params['pre_config_mtime'] config_mtime = File.mtime(path) # reuse previous config if last load time is within 5 seconds and mtime of the config file is not changed if Time.now - Time.at(pre_loadtime) < 5 and config_mtime == pre_config_mtime return params['pre_conf'] end config_fname = File.basename(path) config_basedir = File.dirname(path) # Assume fluent.conf encoding is UTF-8 config_data = File.open(path, "r:utf-8:utf-8") {|f| f.read } inline_config = params['inline_config'] if inline_config == '-' config_data << "\n" << STDIN.read elsif inline_config config_data << "\n" << inline_config.gsub("\\n","\n") end fluentd_conf = Fluent::Config.parse(config_data, config_fname, config_basedir, params['use_v1_config']) system_config = SystemConfig.create(fluentd_conf) # these params must NOT be configured via system config here. # these may be overridden by command line params. workers = params['workers'] root_dir = params['root_dir'] log_level = params['log_level'] suppress_repeated_stacktrace = params['suppress_repeated_stacktrace'] log_path = params['log_path'] chuser = params['chuser'] chgroup = params['chgroup'] log_rotate_age = params['log_rotate_age'] log_rotate_size = params['log_rotate_size'] rpc_endpoint = system_config.rpc_endpoint enable_get_dump = system_config.enable_get_dump counter_server = system_config.counter_server log_opts = {suppress_repeated_stacktrace: suppress_repeated_stacktrace} logger_initializer = Supervisor::LoggerInitializer.new( log_path, log_level, chuser, chgroup, log_opts, log_rotate_age: log_rotate_age, log_rotate_size: log_rotate_size ) # this #init sets initialized logger to $log logger_initializer.init(:supervisor, 0) logger = $log command_sender = Fluent.windows? ? "pipe" : "signal" # ServerEngine's "daemonize" option is boolean, and path of pid file is brought by "pid_path" pid_path = params['daemonize'] daemonize = !!params['daemonize'] main_cmd = params['main_cmd'] signame = params['signame'] se_config = { worker_type: 'spawn', workers: workers, log_stdin: false, log_stdout: false, log_stderr: false, enable_heartbeat: true, auto_heartbeat: false, unrecoverable_exit_codes: [2], stop_immediately_at_unrecoverable_exit: true, root_dir: root_dir, logger: logger, log: logger.out, log_path: log_path, log_level: log_level, logger_initializer: logger_initializer, chuser: chuser, chgroup: chgroup, chumask: 0, suppress_repeated_stacktrace: suppress_repeated_stacktrace, daemonize: daemonize, rpc_endpoint: rpc_endpoint, counter_server: counter_server, enable_get_dump: enable_get_dump, windows_daemon_cmdline: [ServerEngine.ruby_bin_path, File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'daemon.rb'), ServerModule.name, WorkerModule.name, path, JSON.dump(params)], command_sender: command_sender, fluentd_conf: fluentd_conf, main_cmd: main_cmd, signame: signame, } if daemonize se_config[:pid_path] = pid_path end pre_params = params.dup params['pre_loadtime'] = Time.now.to_i params['pre_config_mtime'] = config_mtime params['pre_conf'] = se_config # prevent pre_conf from being too big by reloading many times. pre_params['pre_conf'] = nil params['pre_conf'][:windows_daemon_cmdline][5] = JSON.dump(pre_params) return se_config end class LoggerInitializer def initialize(path, level, chuser, chgroup, opts, log_rotate_age: nil, log_rotate_size: nil) @path = path @level = level @chuser = chuser @chgroup = chgroup @opts = opts @log_rotate_age = log_rotate_age @log_rotate_size = log_rotate_size end def init(process_type, worker_id) @opts[:process_type] = process_type @opts[:worker_id] = worker_id if @path && @path != "-" @logdev = if @log_rotate_age || @log_rotate_size Fluent::LogDeviceIO.new(@path, shift_age: @log_rotate_age, shift_size: @log_rotate_size) else File.open(@path, "a") end if @chuser || @chgroup chuid = @chuser ? ServerEngine::Privilege.get_etc_passwd(@chuser).uid : nil chgid = @chgroup ? ServerEngine::Privilege.get_etc_group(@chgroup).gid : nil File.chown(chuid, chgid, @path) end else @logdev = STDOUT end dl_opts = {} # subtract 1 to match serverengine daemon logger side logging severity. dl_opts[:log_level] = @level - 1 logger = ServerEngine::DaemonLogger.new(@logdev, dl_opts) $log = Fluent::Log.new(logger, @opts) $log.enable_color(false) if @path $log.enable_debug if @level <= Fluent::Log::LEVEL_DEBUG end def stdout? @logdev == STDOUT end def reopen! if @path && @path != "-" @logdev.reopen(@path, "a") end self end def apply_options(opts) $log.format = opts[:format] if opts[:format] $log.time_format = opts[:time_format] if opts[:time_format] end def level=(level) @level = level $log.level = level end end def self.default_options { config_path: Fluent::DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH, plugin_dirs: [Fluent::DEFAULT_PLUGIN_DIR], log_level: Fluent::Log::LEVEL_INFO, log_path: nil, daemonize: nil, libs: [], setup_path: nil, chuser: nil, chgroup: nil, root_dir: nil, suppress_interval: 0, suppress_repeated_stacktrace: true, without_source: nil, use_v1_config: true, supervise: true, standalone_worker: false, signame: nil, } end def self.cleanup_resources unless Fluent.windows? if ENV.has_key?('SERVERENGINE_SOCKETMANAGER_PATH') FileUtils.rm_f(ENV['SERVERENGINE_SOCKETMANAGER_PATH']) end end end def initialize(opt) @daemonize = opt[:daemonize] @supervise = opt[:supervise] @standalone_worker= opt[:standalone_worker] @config_path = opt[:config_path] @inline_config = opt[:inline_config] @use_v1_config = opt[:use_v1_config] @log_path = opt[:log_path] @dry_run = opt[:dry_run] @show_plugin_config = opt[:show_plugin_config] @libs = opt[:libs] @plugin_dirs = opt[:plugin_dirs] @chgroup = opt[:chgroup] @chuser = opt[:chuser] @rpc_server = nil @process_name = nil @workers = opt[:workers] @root_dir = opt[:root_dir] @log_level = opt[:log_level] @log_rotate_age = opt[:log_rotate_age] @log_rotate_size = opt[:log_rotate_size] @suppress_interval = opt[:suppress_interval] @suppress_config_dump = opt[:suppress_config_dump] @log_event_verbose = opt[:log_event_verbose] @without_source = opt[:without_source] @signame = opt[:signame] @suppress_repeated_stacktrace = opt[:suppress_repeated_stacktrace] log_opts = {suppress_repeated_stacktrace: @suppress_repeated_stacktrace} @log = LoggerInitializer.new( @log_path, @log_level, @chuser, @chgroup, log_opts, log_rotate_age: @log_rotate_age, log_rotate_size: @log_rotate_size ) @finished = false end def run_supervisor @log.init(:supervisor, 0) show_plugin_config if @show_plugin_config read_config set_system_config @log.apply_options(format: @system_config.log.format, time_format: @system_config.log.time_format) $log.info :supervisor, "parsing config file is succeeded", path: @config_path if @workers < 1 raise Fluent::ConfigError, "invalid number of workers (must be > 0):#{@workers}" end if @root_dir if File.exist?(@root_dir) unless Dir.exist?(@root_dir) raise Fluent::InvalidRootDirectory, "non directory entry exists:#{@root_dir}" end else begin FileUtils.mkdir_p(@root_dir) rescue => e raise Fluent::InvalidRootDirectory, "failed to create root directory:#{@root_dir}, #{e.inspect}" end end end dry_run_cmd if @dry_run supervise end def options { 'config_path' => @config_path, 'pid_file' => @daemonize, 'plugin_dirs' => @plugin_dirs, 'log_path' => @log_path, 'root_dir' => @root_dir, } end def run_worker begin require 'sigdump/setup' rescue Exception # ignore LoadError and others (related with signals): it may raise these errors in Windows end worker_id = ENV['SERVERENGINE_WORKER_ID'].to_i process_type = case when @standalone_worker then :standalone when worker_id == 0 then :worker0 else :workers end @log.init(process_type, worker_id) show_plugin_config if @show_plugin_config read_config set_system_config @log.apply_options(format: @system_config.log.format, time_format: @system_config.log.time_format) Process.setproctitle("worker:#{@process_name}") if @process_name if @standalone_worker && @workers != 1 raise Fluent::ConfigError, "invalid number of workers (must be 1 or unspecified) with --no-supervisor: #{@workers}" end install_main_process_signal_handlers # This is the only log messsage for @standalone_worker $log.info "starting fluentd-#{Fluent::VERSION} without supervision", pid: Process.pid, ruby: RUBY_VERSION if @standalone_worker main_process do create_socket_manager if @standalone_worker change_privilege if @standalone_worker init_engine run_configure run_engine self.class.cleanup_resources if @standalone_worker exit 0 end end private def create_socket_manager socket_manager_path = ServerEngine::SocketManager::Server.generate_path ServerEngine::SocketManager::Server.open(socket_manager_path) ENV['SERVERENGINE_SOCKETMANAGER_PATH'] = socket_manager_path.to_s end def dry_run_cmd $log.info "starting fluentd-#{Fluent::VERSION} as dry run mode", ruby: RUBY_VERSION @system_config.suppress_config_dump = true dry_run exit 0 rescue => e $log.error "dry run failed: #{e}" exit 1 end ## Set Engine's dry_run_mode true to override all target_id of worker sections def dry_run begin Fluent::Engine.dry_run_mode = true change_privilege init_engine run_configure rescue Fluent::ConfigError => e $log.error "config error", file: @config_path, error: e $log.debug_backtrace exit!(1) ensure Fluent::Engine.dry_run_mode = false end end def show_plugin_config name, type = @show_plugin_config.split(":") # input:tail $log.info "Use fluent-plugin-config-format --format=txt #{name} #{type}" exit 0 end def supervise # Make dumpable conf, which is set corresponding_proxies for all elements in all worker sections dry_run Process.setproctitle("supervisor:#{@process_name}") if @process_name $log.info "starting fluentd-#{Fluent::VERSION}", pid: Process.pid, ruby: RUBY_VERSION rubyopt = ENV["RUBYOPT"] fluentd_spawn_cmd = [ServerEngine.ruby_bin_path, "-Eascii-8bit:ascii-8bit"] fluentd_spawn_cmd << rubyopt if rubyopt fluentd_spawn_cmd << $0 fluentd_spawn_cmd += $fluentdargv fluentd_spawn_cmd << "--under-supervisor" $log.info "spawn command to main: ", cmdline: fluentd_spawn_cmd params = {} params['main_cmd'] = fluentd_spawn_cmd params['daemonize'] = @daemonize params['inline_config'] = @inline_config params['log_path'] = @log_path params['log_rotate_age'] = @log_rotate_age params['log_rotate_size'] = @log_rotate_size params['chuser'] = @chuser params['chgroup'] = @chgroup params['use_v1_config'] = @use_v1_config # system config parameters params['workers'] = @workers params['root_dir'] = @root_dir params['log_level'] = @log_level params['suppress_repeated_stacktrace'] = @suppress_repeated_stacktrace params['signame'] = @signame se = ServerEngine.create(ServerModule, WorkerModule){ Fluent::Supervisor.load_config(@config_path, params) } se.run end def install_main_process_signal_handlers # Fluentd worker process (worker of ServerEngine) don't use code in serverengine to set signal handlers, # because it does almost nothing. # This method is the only method to set signal handlers in Fluentd worker process. # When user use Ctrl + C not SIGINT, SIGINT is sent to all process in same process group. # ServerEngine server process will send SIGTERM to child(spawned) processes by that SIGINT, so # worker process SHOULD NOT do anything with SIGINT, SHOULD just ignore. trap :INT do $log.debug "fluentd main process get SIGINT" # When Fluentd is launched without supervisor, worker should handle ctrl-c by itself if @standalone_worker @finished = true $log.debug "getting start to shutdown main process" Fluent::Engine.stop end end trap :TERM do $log.debug "fluentd main process get SIGTERM" unless @finished @finished = true $log.debug "getting start to shutdown main process" Fluent::Engine.stop end end trap :USR1 do flush_buffer end unless Fluent.windows? if Fluent.windows? command_pipe = STDIN.dup STDIN.reopen(File::NULL, "rb") command_pipe.binmode command_pipe.sync = true Thread.new do loop do cmd = command_pipe.gets.chomp case cmd when "GRACEFUL_STOP", "IMMEDIATE_STOP" $log.debug "fluentd main process get #{cmd} command" @finished = true $log.debug "getting start to shutdown main process" Fluent::Engine.stop break else $log.warn "fluentd main process get unknown command [#{cmd}]" end end end end end def flush_buffer # Creating new thread due to mutex can't lock # in main thread during trap context Thread.new { begin $log.debug "fluentd main process get SIGUSR1" $log.info "force flushing buffered events" @log.reopen! Fluent::Engine.flush! $log.debug "flushing thread: flushed" rescue Exception => e $log.warn "flushing thread error: #{e}" end }.run end def logging_with_console_output yield $log unless @log.stdout? logger = ServerEngine::DaemonLogger.new(STDOUT) log = Fluent::Log.new(logger) log.level = @log_level console = log.enable_debug yield console end end def main_process(&block) Process.setproctitle("worker:#{@process_name}") if @process_name unrecoverable_error = false begin block.call rescue Fluent::ConfigError => e logging_with_console_output do |log| log.error "config error", file: @config_path, error: e log.debug_backtrace end unrecoverable_error = true rescue Fluent::UnrecoverableError => e logging_with_console_output do |log| log.error e.message, error: e log.error_backtrace end unrecoverable_error = true rescue ScriptError => e # LoadError, NotImplementedError, SyntaxError logging_with_console_output do |log| if e.respond_to?(:path) log.error e.message, path: e.path, error: e else log.error e.message, error: e end log.error_backtrace end unrecoverable_error = true rescue => e logging_with_console_output do |log| log.error "unexpected error", error: e log.error_backtrace end end exit!(unrecoverable_error ? 2 : 1) end def read_config @config_fname = File.basename(@config_path) @config_basedir = File.dirname(@config_path) @config_data = File.open(@config_path, "r:utf-8:utf-8") {|f| f.read } if @inline_config == '-' @config_data << "\n" << STDIN.read elsif @inline_config @config_data << "\n" << @inline_config.gsub("\\n","\n") end @conf = Fluent::Config.parse(@config_data, @config_fname, @config_basedir, @use_v1_config) end def set_system_config @system_config = SystemConfig.create(@conf) # @conf is set in read_config @system_config.attach(self) @system_config.apply(self) end def change_privilege ServerEngine::Privilege.change(@chuser, @chgroup) end def init_engine Fluent::Engine.init(@system_config) @libs.each {|lib| require lib } @plugin_dirs.each {|dir| if Dir.exist?(dir) dir = File.expand_path(dir) Fluent::Engine.add_plugin_dir(dir) end } end def run_configure Fluent::Engine.run_configure(@conf) end def run_engine Fluent::Engine.run end end end