== 2013-12-18 version 0.10.97

* import:commit accepts --wait option.
* import:jar_update command to download correct jar file
* Fix no error message when impala query failed immediately

== 2013-12-04 version 0.10.96

* Add --format option to some subcommands to specify render format. json, csv and tsv.
* job:show and query subcommand now accept --format option without --output
* Show -k option in command result message if -k option is given.
* Support import:jar_update subcommand to update td-import seperately

== 2013-11-20 version 0.10.95

* Fix import:prepare command. It cannot parse time-format options that includes ',' charactor.
* Fix import:upload command. It cannot re-upload data by the problem of retry mechanism.

== 2013-11-14 version 0.10.94

* Update td-client-ruby to 0.8.56

== 2013-11-14 version 0.10.93

* Improve import:prepare command. 'all-string' option is added.
* Fix import:prepare command. NumberFormatException often occurs. (When sample method in CSVFileReader class is executed. SimpleDateFormat objects are used in non synchronized block.)
* Fix import:prepare command. There are incompatibility with bulk_import command regarding 'NULL' string.
* Fix import:prepare command. NullPointerException occurs when unknown column type is specified as 'column-types' option.
* Support item type in table:create
* Remove organization, role and ip_limit subcommands
* Enable query result download even if job status is error

== 2013-11-05 version 0.10.92

* Improve import commands. It can parse string values of 'HH:mm:ss' time format automatically without specifying '%T' and transfer into long unix timestamp.
* Improve import commands. It can parse string values of 'yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss' time format automatically without specifying 'time-format' and transfer into long unix timestamp.
* Improve import commands. It can parse string values of 'yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss Z' time format automatically without specifying 'time-format' and transfer into long unix timestamp.
* Add 'regex' to source file format option of import:prepare command.
* Fix import:upload command. NullPointerException often occurs when data files are uploaded.

== 2013-10-04 version 0.10.91

* Fix import command doesn't work on Windows

== 2013-10-02 version 0.10.90

* Fix table:import permission error with sub user
* Fix import:prepare command. NullPointerException occurred when value of 'time' column was null.
* Fix import:prepare command. 'time' column parser was not  thread-safe.
* Improve import:prepare command. Users can use %L in 'time-format' as milliseconds representation.
* Improve help message of import:auto command

== 2013-09-25 version 0.10.89

* Update td-bulk-import.jar to 0.2.5
* import command now support nested json format

== 2013-09-13 version 0.10.88

* Update td-client-ruby to 0.8.55
* Update td-bulk-import.jar to 0.2.4
* Add import:java_version subcommand to show bundled td-bulk-import-java version

== 2013-09-05 version 0.10.87

* Add auto-delete option to import:auto subcommand
* Update td-bulk-import.jar to 0.2.2

== 2013-08-26 version 0.10.86

* Improve bulk_import and import command explanation
* Add import:auto subcommand

== 2013-08-23 version 0.10.85

* Fix 'undefined method job_priority_id_of' error
* Add table:expire_days subcommand
* Update bulk-import-java to 0.2.1
* Add import command to support new bulk import

== 2013-07-25 version 0.10.84

* bulk_import now checks first argument is correct session name
* Convert bignum into string type. Please use cast in your query.
* Improve error message of export -F option
* td-client v0.8.53

== 2013-07-03 version 0.10.83

* Add -x option to query, exlude result from automatically being downloaded
* Update td-bulk-import-java to 0.2.0-snapshot
* Add line-json.gz format to bulk_export

== 2013-06-24 version 0.10.82

* table:list shows 'last log timestamp' column

== 2013-06-17 version 0.10.81

* 0.10.80 is yanked because rubygems is unstable and rubygems generates broken gem

== 2013-06-17 version 0.10.80

* Relax dependent gem version

== 2013-06-13 version 0.10.79

* -h option shows --version option
* Show more messages when network related error occurred
* Fix bulk import encoding issue when -e option is specified
* Add user:apikey:add subcommand
* Add user:apikey:remove subcommand

== 2013-05-27 version 0.10.78

* Add -q(--query) option to sched:create command
* Add -x option to job:show, exlude result from automatically being downloaded
* Update parallel gem dependency to 0.6.1 or later
* user:add now requires email and password
* td-client v0.8.50

== 2013-05-06 version 0.10.77

* Fix 'invalid byte sequence in UTF-8' at job result writing to CSV
* Fix installed version check mechanizm of auto updater
* Remove using curses to detect terminal height for Windows unexpected behaviour
* Set User-Agent header

== 2013-04-22 version 0.10.76

* Add auto update feature for td-toolbelt
* Add -T to specify query type
* Include Ruby binary for Mac TD toolbelt
* td-client v0.8.48

== 2013-04-09 version 0.10.75

* Fix unparsed regexp pattern in Ruby 1.8
* Move gems directory into under vendor directory

== 2013-03-29 version 0.10.74

* Include zsh and bash completion
* Use SSL by default
* Add --insecure option to disable SSL
* Add IP limitation features:
  * ip_limit:set <org> <ip_range...>
  * ip_limit:delete <org>
  * ip_limit:list
  * ip_limit:show <org>
* td-client v0.8.46

== 2013-03-15 version 0.10.73

* Add --sampling option to query subcommand
* Add --show-bytes option to table:list subcommand
* Update README and Rakefile for td-toolbelt building
* Show warn message if table name is Hive reserved keyword

== 2013-02-27 version 0.10.72

* Add -q(--query) option to query subcommand
* Hide password input on Windows
* 'td help sample' is now available

== 2013-02-05 version 0.10.71

* bulk_import:upload_parts: improved retry algorithm to use exponential wait time
* bulk_import:upload_parts: improved error messages

== 2013-01-25 version 0.10.70

* Add status to job subcommand, td job:status job_id
* td-client v0.8.45

== 2013-01-23 version 0.10.69

* Fixed the undefined local variable problem of table:list when no databases
* Add --org option to some subcommands
* td-client v0.8.43

== 2013-01-22 version 0.10.68

* Fixed cmdline argument handling problems of bulk_import:prepare_parts2 subcommand

== 2013-01-18 version 0.10.67

* Added bulk_import:prepare_parts2 subcommand which is faster and more reliable

== 2013-01-16 version 0.10.66

* td-client v0.8.42
* query, sched:create, sched:update subcommands support -R, --retry option

== 2012-12-27 version 0.10.65

* td-client v0.8.40
* Use Yajl.dump instead of to_json to avoid invalid encoding problem.
* Fix table:list displays broken database list in Ruby 1.8
* Fix -e option handling in bulk_import
* Add 'Last import' column to table:list

== 2012-12-10 version 0.10.64

* td-client v0.8.39
* Add 'bulk_import' to "Basic commands" list

== 2012-12-05 version 0.10.63

* bulk_import:prepare_parts handles binary data which is invalid in UTF-8

== 2012-12-05 version 0.10.62

* Add --slow option to job:list subcommand.

== 2012-11-19 version 0.10.61

* Add --auto-create-table option to table:import subcommand. issue #9

== 2012-11-16 version 0.10.60

* td-client v0.8.37

== 2012-11-16 version 0.10.59

* td-client v0.8.35
* td-logger v0.3.16
* remove json gem from dependency

== 2012-11-02 version 0.10.58

* status and table:list display each table size

== 2012-10-30 version 0.10.57

* job:show and query subcommands support --format 'msgpack.gz' option
* query subcommand reads SQL from STDIN if the first argument is '-'

== 2012-10-11 version 0.10.56

* Updated td-client v0.8.33 which supports deflate and gzip compressed data

== 2012-10-09 version 0.10.55

* Added table:swap subcommand
* user:create supports -G option to create an organization at the same time

== 2012-10-04 version 0.10.54

* job:result checks invalid byte sequence in UTF-8 string before rendering
results on console

== 2012-10-02 version 0.10.53

* bulk_import:prepare_parts works with Ruby 1.8
* bulk_import:prepare_parts supports 'msgpack' format
* bulk_import:prepare_parts supports gzip decompression

== 2012-09-26 version 0.10.52

* bulk_import:upload_parts subcommand supports --parallel option to upload
  files in parallel (default=2, max=8)

== 2012-09-21 version 0.10.51

* job:list and job:show show database name
* Widened display table size of job:list

== 2012-09-20 version 0.10.50

* Changed packaging method from Jeweler to Bundler
* Updated packaging scripts for Windows
* Updated packaging scripts for Mac OS X

== 2012-09-19 version 0.10.49

* query and job:show subcommands support -G, --vertical option

== 2012-09-17 version 0.10.48

* Fixed an encoding problem with job:result command to display results
  to the console

== 2012-09-13 version 0.10.47

* Added account:usage subcommand
* Name length limit is changed from 32 characters to 256 characters

== 2012-09-12 version 0.10.45

* bulk_import:prepare_parts supports --true and --false type conversion options
* bulk_import:prepare_parts supports --time-value option
* bulk_import:prepare_parts convers /null/i to NULL by default

== 2012-09-04 version 0.10.44

* Added password:change subcommand

== 2012-09-04 version 0.10.43

* Updated user:password:change subcomamnd

== 2012-09-04 version 0.10.42

* Added user:password:change subcomamnd

== 2012-08-30 version 0.10.41

* Supports HTTP_PROXY environemnt variable to use a proxy server

== 2012-08-07 version 0.10.40

* Added bulk_import:delete_parts
* Hide obsoleted bulk_import:upload_part and :delete_part subcommands
* bulk_import:upload_parts supports --auto-perform option

== 2012-08-07 version 0.10.39

* Added bulk_import:prepare_parts and bulk_import:upload_parts subcommands

== 2012-08-06 version 0.10.38

* *:list and *:show: subcommands show organization name if it's set

== 2012-08-06 version 0.10.37

* Added access control
  * acl:list
  * acl:grant <subject> <action> <scope>
  * acl:revoke <subject> <action> <scope>
* Added multiuser features
  * org:list
  * org:show <name>
  * org:create <name>
  * org:delete <name>
  * user:list
  * user:show <name>
  * user:create <name>
  * user:delete <name>
  * user:apikey:list <name>
  * role:list
  * role:show <name>
  * role:create <name>
  * role:delete <name>
  * role:grant <name> <user>
  * role:revoke <name> <user>

== 2012-07-27 version 0.10.36

* More friendly message for 'td account'

== 2012-07-23 version 0.10.35

* Updated td-client-ruby v0.8.20

== 2012-07-23 version 0.10.34

* Fixed bulk_import with ruby-1.8

== 2012-07-05 version 0.10.33

* Improved compatibility with ruby-1.8.7 when table:import deals with msgpack.gz format

== 2012-07-03 version 0.10.32

* Added table:partial_delete subcommand
* query, sched:create and sched:update subcommands support -P, --priority option

== 2012-06-27 version 0.10.31

* table:tail supports -P option which enable pretty printing

== 2012-06-26 version 0.10.30

* job:show with -o option doesn't read all data into memory

== 2012-06-25 version 0.10.29

* job:list shows 'Type' field

== 2012-06-21 version 0.10.28

* query and job:show rescue network related errors and retry upto 10 times

== 2012-06-12 version 0.10.27

* Consider binary/text modes for Windows

== 2012-06-11 version 0.10.26

* Updated job:list --running, --success and --error options to proceed them on the server

== 2012-05-31 version 0.10.25

* Updated dependency: td-logger-0.3.12
* query subcommand doesn't show progress url which is not implemented

== 2012-05-10 version 0.10.24

* Added bulk_import subcommands
  * bulk_import:list
  * bulk_import:show <name>
  * bulk_import:create <name> <db> <table>
  * bulk_import:upload_part <name> <id> <path.msgpack.gz>
  * bulk_import:delete_part <name> <id>
  * bulk_import:perform <name>
  * bulk_import:error_records <name>
  * bulk_import:commit <name>
  * bulk_import:delete <name>
  * bulk_import:freeze <name>
  * bulk_import:unfreeze <name>

== 2012-04-26 version 0.10.23

* Added result:list, result:create and result:delete subcommands
* query subcommand supports -r <result URL> option
* sched:create subcommand supports -r <result URL> option
* Added table:export subcommand

== 2012-04-04 version 0.10.22

* Added missing data/sample_apache.json file

== 2012-04-04 version 0.10.21

* Added sample:apache subcommand
* table:import --json and --msgpack use 'time' as the default value for --time-key option

== 2012-04-03 version 0.10.20

* db:list: show number of records

== 2012-04-03 version 0.10.19

* job:show: show result column names

== 2012-03-12 version 0.10.18

* sched:run shows IDs of submitted jobs
* Use td-client v0.8.12

== 2012-03-01 version 0.10.17

* Use td-client v0.8.11

== 2012-02-27 version 0.10.16

* apikey:show shows the apikey if it's already set by heroku-td or -k arguments

== 2012-02-27 version 0.10.15

* Updated dependency: td-logger-0.3.8
* sched:run: shows the scheduled time at the end of command

== 2012-02-22 version 0.10.14

* Added sched:update and sched:run
* sched:list shows 'Database'
* sched:history shows information of the schedule

== 2012-02-21 version 0.10.13

* table:delete asks y/N before deleting a table

== 2012-02-02 version 0.10.12

* Use td-client v0.8.8

== 2012-02-02 version 0.10.11

* Use SSL in the account subcommand

== 2012-01-30 version 0.10.10

* table:tail works without curses
* set Encoding.default_external = 'UTF-8'

== 2012-01-23 version 0.10.9

* table:tail subcommand supports --from option
* schema:set validates types on the server-side only to support array<...>

== 2012-01-19 version 0.10.8

* Updated td-client 0.8.6
* query: shows 'queued...' instead of 'running...'

== 2012-01-19 version 0.10.7

* Fixed job:show on ruby-1.8
* Fixed command aliases on ruby-1.8

== 2011-12-13 version 0.10.6

* Fixed force_encoding error with Ruby 1.8

== 2011-12-04 version 0.10.5

* Added new feature: result
* Added new feature: status
* Refined usage message
* Fixed argument length check
* help subcommand shows commandline examples
* table:tail subcommand reduced default max row number
* job:list subcommand supports --running and --error options

== 2011-11-11 version 0.10.4

* Updated dependency: td-logger-0.3.7

== 2011-11-11 version 0.10.3

* Updated dependency: td-logger-0.3.6

== 2011-11-10 version 0.10.2

* Updated dependency: td-logger-0.3.4

== 2011-11-10 version 0.10.1

* Updated dependency: td-logger-0.3.3

== 2011-11-10 version 0.10.0

* Updated dependency: td-logger-0.3.2

== 2011-11-08 version 0.9.12

* Fixed 'undefined method `localtime' for nil:NilClass' error in job subcommand

== 2011-10-17 version 0.9.11

* Updated dependency: td-logger-0.2.8

== 2011-10-09 version 0.9.10

* Updated dependency: td-logger-0.2.7

== 2011-10-06 version 0.9.9

* Updated dependency: td-logger-0.2.5

== 2011-10-03 version 0.9.8

* Added table:tail subcommand

== 2011-09-30 version 0.9.7

* Use local time zone at job:list and sched:history subcommands
* Updated dependency: td-logger-0.2.5

== 2011-09-13 version 0.9.6

* Implement main routine on TreasureData::Command::Runner to support heroku-td
* Fixed help message to show options

== 2011-09-13 version 0.9.5

* Supports scheduled queries

== 2011-09-13 version 0.9.4

* Updated dependency: td-logger-0.2.4

== 2011-09-13 version 0.9.3

* Fixed import subcommand

== 2011-09-08 version 0.9.2

* Added job:kill subcommand
* Added apikey:show and apikey:set subcommands
* requires td-logger for Rails
* Fixed command/account.rb file is missed

== 2011-09-08 version 0.9.1

* Accepts the 'TREASURE_DATA_API_KEY' environment variable to set API key

== 2011-09-08 version 0.9.0

* Changed subcommands grammer: action-group -> group:action
* Fixed import subcommand to strip \n

== 2011-08-21 version 0.8.0

* Splits API libraries to td-client gem

== 2011-08-18 version 0.7.5

* set-schema: adds column instead of replacing all columns
* set-schema: adds -R, --reset option

== 2011-08-18 version 0.7.4

* Added set-schema subcommand
* Added describe-table subcommand

== 2011-08-15 version 0.7.3

* show-jobs: removed --from and --around options
* changed library namespace from TD to TreasureData

== 2011-08-15 version 0.7.2

* Supports TD_API_KEY and TD_CONFIG_PATH environment variable
* query, show-job: supports --output and --format options
* show-jobs: supports --page, --skip, --from and --around options

== 2011-08-15 version 0.7.1

* Validate name of a database/table on create-database/create-log-table
* -d, --database DB_NAME option is now required on query subcommand
* Uses /v3/job/result?format=msgpack API to get result of a job
* API server can be changed using TD_API_SERVER=HOST:PORT environment variable

== 2011-08-06 version 0.7.0

* import subcommand accepts UNIX time integer value on --json and --msgpack format
* Renamed command name (trd -> td)

== 2011-07-18 version 0.6.3

* show-jobs: shows elapsed time
* query: updated behavior of the -w option for new api
* import: supported --json and --msgpack format
* Added 'version' command

== 2011-06-27 version 0.6.2