require "parallel" require "parallel_tests/railtie" if defined? Rails::Railtie require "rbconfig" module ParallelTests WINDOWS = (RbConfig::CONFIG['host_os'] =~ /cygwin|mswin|mingw|bccwin|wince|emx/) RUBY_BINARY = File.join(RbConfig::CONFIG['bindir'], RbConfig::CONFIG['ruby_install_name']) autoload :CLI, "parallel_tests/cli" autoload :VERSION, "parallel_tests/version" autoload :Grouper, "parallel_tests/grouper" autoload :Pids, "parallel_tests/pids" class << self def determine_number_of_processes(count) [ count, ENV["PARALLEL_TEST_PROCESSORS"], Parallel.processor_count ].detect{|c| not c.to_s.strip.empty? }.to_i end def with_pid_file'parallel_tests-pidfile') do |f| begin ENV['PARALLEL_PID_FILE'] = f.path # Pids object should be created before threads will start adding pids to it # Otherwise we would have to use Mutex to prevent creation of several instances @pids = pids yield ensure ENV['PARALLEL_PID_FILE'] = nil @pids = nil end end end def pids @pids ||= end def pid_file_path ENV.fetch('PARALLEL_PID_FILE') end def stop_all_processes pids.all.each { |pid| Process.kill(:INT, pid) } end # copied from Bundler::SharedHelpers#find_gemfile def bundler_enabled? return true if Object.const_defined?(:Bundler) previous = nil current = File.expand_path(Dir.pwd) until ! || current == previous filename = File.join(current, "Gemfile") return true if File.exist?(filename) current, previous = File.expand_path("..", current), current end false end def first_process? ENV["TEST_ENV_NUMBER"].to_i <= 1 end def last_process? current_process_number = ENV['TEST_ENV_NUMBER'] total_processes = ENV['PARALLEL_TEST_GROUPS'] return true if current_process_number.nil? && total_processes.nil? current_process_number = '1' if current_process_number.nil? current_process_number == total_processes end def with_ruby_binary(command) WINDOWS ? "#{RUBY_BINARY} -- #{command}" : command end def wait_for_other_processes_to_finish return unless ENV["TEST_ENV_NUMBER"] sleep 1 until number_of_running_processes <= 1 end def number_of_running_processes pids.count end def now Process.clock_gettime(Process::CLOCK_MONOTONIC) end def delta before = now.to_f yield now.to_f - before end end end