# Copyright 2015 gRPC authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. require 'spec_helper' require 'google/protobuf/well_known_types' require 'google/rpc/status_pb' require_relative '../pb/src/proto/grpc/testing/messages_pb' describe GRPC::BadStatus do describe :attributes do it 'has attributes' do code = 1 details = 'details' metadata = { 'key' => 'val' } exception = GRPC::BadStatus.new(code, details, metadata) expect(exception.code).to eq code expect(exception.details).to eq details expect(exception.metadata).to eq metadata end end describe :new_status_exception do let(:codes_and_classes) do [ [GRPC::Core::StatusCodes::OK, GRPC::Ok], [GRPC::Core::StatusCodes::CANCELLED, GRPC::Cancelled], [GRPC::Core::StatusCodes::UNKNOWN, GRPC::Unknown], [GRPC::Core::StatusCodes::INVALID_ARGUMENT, GRPC::InvalidArgument], [GRPC::Core::StatusCodes::DEADLINE_EXCEEDED, GRPC::DeadlineExceeded], [GRPC::Core::StatusCodes::NOT_FOUND, GRPC::NotFound], [GRPC::Core::StatusCodes::ALREADY_EXISTS, GRPC::AlreadyExists], [GRPC::Core::StatusCodes::PERMISSION_DENIED, GRPC::PermissionDenied], [GRPC::Core::StatusCodes::UNAUTHENTICATED, GRPC::Unauthenticated], [GRPC::Core::StatusCodes::RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED, GRPC::ResourceExhausted], [GRPC::Core::StatusCodes::FAILED_PRECONDITION, GRPC::FailedPrecondition], [GRPC::Core::StatusCodes::ABORTED, GRPC::Aborted], [GRPC::Core::StatusCodes::OUT_OF_RANGE, GRPC::OutOfRange], [GRPC::Core::StatusCodes::UNIMPLEMENTED, GRPC::Unimplemented], [GRPC::Core::StatusCodes::INTERNAL, GRPC::Internal], [GRPC::Core::StatusCodes::UNAVAILABLE, GRPC::Unavailable], [GRPC::Core::StatusCodes::DATA_LOSS, GRPC::DataLoss], [99, GRPC::BadStatus] # Unknown codes default to BadStatus ] end it 'maps codes to the correct error class' do codes_and_classes.each do |code, grpc_error_class| exception = GRPC::BadStatus.new_status_exception(code) expect(exception).to be_a grpc_error_class end end end describe :to_status do it 'gets status' do code = 1 details = 'details' metadata = { 'key' => 'val' } exception = GRPC::BadStatus.new(code, details, metadata) status = Struct::Status.new(code, details, metadata) expect(exception.to_status).to eq status end end describe :to_rpc_status do let(:simple_request_any) do Google::Protobuf::Any.new.tap do |any| any.pack( Grpc::Testing::SimpleRequest.new( payload: Grpc::Testing::Payload.new(body: 'request') ) ) end end let(:simple_response_any) do Google::Protobuf::Any.new.tap do |any| any.pack( Grpc::Testing::SimpleResponse.new( payload: Grpc::Testing::Payload.new(body: 'response') ) ) end end let(:payload_any) do Google::Protobuf::Any.new.tap do |any| any.pack(Grpc::Testing::Payload.new(body: 'payload')) end end it 'decodes proto values' do rpc_status = Google::Rpc::Status.new( code: 1, message: 'matching message', details: [simple_request_any, simple_response_any, payload_any] ) rpc_status_proto = Google::Rpc::Status.encode(rpc_status) code = 1 details = 'details' metadata = { 'grpc-status-details-bin' => rpc_status_proto } exception = GRPC::BadStatus.new(code, details, metadata) expect(exception.to_rpc_status).to eq rpc_status end it 'does not raise when decoding a bad proto' do code = 1 details = 'details' metadata = { 'grpc-status-details-bin' => 'notavalidprotostream' } exception = GRPC::BadStatus.new(code, details, metadata) expect(exception.to_rpc_status).to be nil error_msg = 'parse error: to_rpc_status failed' error_desc = ' ' \ 'Error occurred during parsing: Invalid wire type' # Check that the parse error was logged correctly log_contents = @log_output.read expect(log_contents).to include "WARN GRPC : #{error_msg}" expect(log_contents).to include "WARN GRPC : #{error_desc}" end end end