# encoding: utf-8 require "march_hare/shutdown_listener" require "set" require "march_hare/thread_pools" module MarchHare java_import com.rabbitmq.client.ConnectionFactory java_import com.rabbitmq.client.Connection java_import com.rabbitmq.client.BlockedListener # Connection to a RabbitMQ node. # # Used to open and close connections and open (create) new channels. # # @see .connect # @see #create_channel # @see #close # @see http://rubymarchhare.info/articles/getting_started.html Getting Started guide # @see http://rubymarchhare.info/articles/connecting.html Connecting to RabbitMQ guide class Session # # API # # Default reconnection interval for TCP connection failures DEFAULT_NETWORK_RECOVERY_INTERVAL = 5.0 # Connects to a RabbitMQ node. # # @param [Hash] options Connection options # # @option options [String] :host ("") Hostname or IP address to connect to # @option options [Integer] :port (5672) Port RabbitMQ listens on # @option options [String] :username ("guest") Username # @option options [String] :password ("guest") Password # @option options [String] :vhost ("/") Virtual host to use # @option options [Integer] :heartbeat (600) Heartbeat interval. 0 means no heartbeat. # @option options [Boolean] :tls (false) Set to true to use TLS/SSL connection. This will switch port to 5671 by default. # @option options [java.util.concurrent.ThreadFactory] :thread_factory Thread factory RabbitMQ Java client will use (useful in restricted PaaS platforms such as GAE) # # @see http://rubymarchhare.info/articles/connecting.html Connecting to RabbitMQ guide def self.connect(options={}) cf = ConnectionFactory.new cf.uri = options[:uri] if options[:uri] cf.host = hostname_from(options) if include_host?(options) cf.port = options[:port].to_i if options[:port] cf.virtual_host = vhost_from(options) if include_vhost?(options) cf.connection_timeout = timeout_from(options) if include_timeout?(options) cf.username = username_from(options) if include_username?(options) cf.password = password_from(options) if include_password?(options) cf.requested_heartbeat = heartbeat_from(options) if include_heartbeat?(options) cf.connection_timeout = connection_timeout_from(options) if include_connection_timeout?(options) cf.thread_factory = thread_factory_from(options) if include_thread_factory?(options) cf.exception_handler = exception_handler_from(options) if include_exception_handler?(options) tls = (options[:ssl] || options[:tls]) case tls when true then cf.use_ssl_protocol when String then if options[:trust_manager] cf.use_ssl_protocol(tls, options[:trust_manager]) else cf.use_ssl_protocol(tls) end end new(cf, options) end # @return [Array] Channels opened on this connection attr_reader :channels # @private def initialize(connection_factory, opts = {}) @cf = connection_factory # executors cannot be restarted after shutdown, # so we really need a factory here. MK. @executor_factory = opts[:executor_factory] || build_executor_factory_from(opts) @connection = self.new_connection_impl @channels = JavaConcurrent::ConcurrentHashMap.new # should automatic recovery from network failures be used? @automatically_recover = if opts[:automatically_recover].nil? && opts[:automatic_recovery].nil? true else opts[:automatically_recover] || opts[:automatic_recovery] end @network_recovery_interval = opts.fetch(:network_recovery_interval, DEFAULT_NETWORK_RECOVERY_INTERVAL) @shutdown_hooks = Array.new if @automatically_recover self.add_automatic_recovery_hook end end # Opens a new channel. # # @param [Integer] (nil): Channel number. Pass nil to let MarchHare allocate an available number # in a safe way. # # @return [MarchHare::Channel] Newly created channel # @see MarchHare::Channel # @see http://rubymarchhare.info/articles/getting_started.html Getting Started guide def create_channel(n = nil) jc = if n @connection.create_channel(n) else @connection.create_channel end ch = Channel.new(self, jc) register_channel(ch) ch end # Closes connection gracefully. # # This includes shutting down consumer work pool gracefully, # waiting up to 5 seconds for all consumer deliveries to be # processed. def close @channels.select { |_, ch| ch.open? }.each do |_, ch| ch.close end maybe_shut_down_executor @connection.close end # @return [Boolean] true if connection is open, false otherwise def open? @connection.open? end alias connected? open? # @return [Boolean] true if this channel is closed def closed? !@connection.open? end # Defines a shutdown event callback. Shutdown events are # broadcasted when a connection is closed, either explicitly # or forcefully, or due to a network/peer failure. def on_shutdown(&block) sh = ShutdownListener.new(self, &block) @shutdown_hooks << sh @connection.add_shutdown_listener(sh) sh end # Defines a connection.blocked handler def on_blocked(&block) self.add_blocked_listener(BlockBlockedUnblockedListener.for_blocked(block)) end # Defines a connection.unblocked handler def on_unblocked(&block) self.add_blocked_listener(BlockBlockedUnblockedListener.for_unblocked(block)) end # Clears all callbacks defined with #on_blocked and #on_unblocked. def clear_blocked_connection_callbacks @connection.clear_blocked_listeners end # @private def add_automatic_recovery_hook fn = Proc.new do |_, signal| if !signal.initiated_by_application self.automatically_recover end end @automatic_recovery_hook = self.on_shutdown(&fn) end # @private def disable_automatic_recovery @connetion.remove_shutdown_listener(@automatic_recovery_hook) if @automatic_recovery_hook end # Begins automatic connection recovery (typically only used internally # to recover from network failures) def automatically_recover ms = @network_recovery_interval * 1000 # recovering immediately makes little sense. Wait a bit first. MK. java.lang.Thread.sleep(ms) new_connection = converting_rjc_exceptions_to_ruby do reconnecting_on_network_failures(ms) do self.new_connection_impl end end @thread_pool = ThreadPools.dynamically_growing self.recover_shutdown_hooks(new_connection) # sorting channels by id means that the cases like the following: # # ch1 = conn.create_channel # ch2 = conn.create_channel # # x = ch1.topic("logs", :durable => false) # q = ch2.queue("", :exclusive => true) # # q.bind(x) # # will recover correctly because exchanges and queues will be recovered # in the order the user expects and before bindings. @channels.sort_by {|id, _| id}.each do |id, ch| begin ch.automatically_recover(self, new_connection) rescue Exception, java.io.IOException => e # TODO: logging $stderr.puts e end end @connection = new_connection end # @private def recover_shutdown_hooks(connection) @shutdown_hooks.each do |sh| connection.add_shutdown_listener(sh) end end # Flushes the socket used by this connection. def flush @connection.flush end # @private def heartbeat=(n) @connection.heartbeat = n end # No-op, exists for better API compatibility with Bunny. def start # no-op # # This method mimics Bunny::Session#start in Bunny 0.9. # Without it, #method_missing will proxy the call to com.rabbitmq.client.AMQConnection, # which happens to have a #start method which is not idempotent. # # So we stub out #start in case someone migrating from Bunny forgets to remove # the call to #start. MK. end def method_missing(selector, *args) @connection.__send__(selector, *args) end # @return [String] def to_s "#<#{self.class.name}:#{object_id} #{@cf.username}@#{@cf.host}:#{@cf.port}, vhost=#{@cf.virtual_host}>" end # # Implementation # # @private def register_channel(ch) @channels[ch.channel_number] = ch end # @private def unregister_channel(ch) @channels.delete(ch.channel_number) end protected # @private def self.hostname_from(options) options[:host] || options[:hostname] || ConnectionFactory::DEFAULT_HOST end # @private def self.include_host?(options) !!(options[:host] || options[:hostname]) end # @private def self.vhost_from(options) options[:virtual_host] || options[:vhost] || ConnectionFactory::DEFAULT_VHOST end # @private def self.include_vhost?(options) !!(options[:virtual_host] || options[:vhost]) end # @private def self.timeout_from(options) options[:connection_timeout] || options[:timeout] end # @private def self.include_timeout?(options) !!(options[:connection_timeout] || options[:timeout]) end # @private def self.username_from(options) options[:username] || options[:user] || ConnectionFactory::DEFAULT_USER end # @private def self.heartbeat_from(options) options[:heartbeat_interval] || options[:requested_heartbeat] || ConnectionFactory::DEFAULT_HEARTBEAT end # @private def self.connection_timeout_from(options) options[:connection_timeout_interval] || options[:connection_timeout] || ConnectionFactory::DEFAULT_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT end # @private def self.include_username?(options) !!(options[:username] || options[:user]) end # @private def self.password_from(options) options[:password] || options[:pass] || ConnectionFactory::DEFAULT_PASS end # @private def self.include_password?(options) !!(options[:password] || options[:pass]) end # @private def self.include_heartbeat?(options) !!(options[:heartbeat_interval] || options[:requested_heartbeat] || options[:heartbeat]) end # @private def self.include_connection_timeout?(options) !!(options[:connection_timeout_interval] || options[:connection_timeout]) end # @private def self.thread_factory_from(opts) opts[:thread_factory] end # @private def self.include_thread_factory?(opts) !!opts[:thread_factory] end # @private def self.exception_handler_from(opts) opts[:exception_handler] end # @private def self.include_exception_handler?(opts) !!opts[:exception_handler] end # Executes a block, catching Java exceptions RabbitMQ Java client throws and # transforms them to Ruby exceptions that are then re-raised. # # @private def converting_rjc_exceptions_to_ruby(&block) begin block.call rescue java.net.ConnectException => e raise ConnectionRefused.new("Connection to #{@cf.host}:#{@cf.port} refused") rescue java.net.UnknownHostException => e raise ConnectionRefused.new("Connection to #{@cf.host}:#{@cf.port} refused: host unknown") rescue com.rabbitmq.client.AuthenticationFailureException => e raise AuthenticationFailureError.new(@cf.username, @cf.virtual_host, @cf.password.bytesize) rescue com.rabbitmq.client.PossibleAuthenticationFailureException => e raise PossibleAuthenticationFailureError.new(@cf.username, @cf.virtual_host, @cf.password.bytesize) end end # @private def reconnecting_on_network_failures(interval_in_ms, &fn) begin fn.call rescue IOError, MarchHare::ConnectionRefused, java.io.IOException => e java.lang.Thread.sleep(interval_in_ms) retry end end # @private def new_connection_impl converting_rjc_exceptions_to_ruby do if @executor_factory @executor = @executor_factory.call @cf.new_connection(@executor) else @cf.new_connection end end end # @private def maybe_shut_down_executor @executor.shutdown if @executor end # Makes it easier to construct executor factories. # @private def build_executor_factory_from(opts) # if we are given a thread pool size, construct # a callable that creates a fixed size executor # of that size. MK. if n = opts[:thread_pool_size] return Proc.new { MarchHare::ThreadPools.fixed_of_size(n) } end end # Ruby blocks-based BlockedListener that handles # connection.blocked and connection.unblocked. # @private class BlockBlockedUnblockedListener include com.rabbitmq.client.BlockedListener def self.for_blocked(block) new(block, noop_fn1) end def self.for_unblocked(block) new(noop_fn0, block) end # Returns a no-op function of arity 0. def self.noop_fn0 Proc.new {} end # Returns a no-op function of arity 1. def self.noop_fn1 Proc.new { |_| } end def initialize(on_blocked, on_unblocked) @blocked = on_blocked @unblocked = on_unblocked end def handle_blocked(reason) @blocked.call(reason) end def handle_unblocked() @unblocked.call() end end end end