require 'nokogiri' class Dress class Line attr_reader :dresses def initialize(dresses) @dresses = dresses end def |(obj) case obj when Line + obj.dresses) when Dress + [obj]) else raise "expects a Dress or a Line" end end def length dresses.length end def on(node) @dresses.each do |dress| dress.on(node) end node end end class << self attr_reader :transforms def match(matcher,&block) @transforms ||= [] @transforms << [:search,matcher,block] end def at(matcher,&block) @transforms ||= [] @transforms << [:at,matcher,block] end # destructive transform of node def on(node) node = case node when Nokogiri::XML::Node node when String,IO Nokogiri::XML(node) else raise "bad xml document: #{node}" end dresser = node end def style(&block) c = c.class_eval(&block) c end def |(dress2) raise "expects a Dress" unless dress2.ancestors.include?(Dress)[self,dress2]) end end attr_reader :me def initialize(node) self.class.transforms.each do |(method,matcher,block)| # method == :at | :search @me = node.send(method,matcher) self.instance_eval(&block) # this is so we can define helper methods on the dress end end def method_missing(method,*args,&block) if block @me.send(method,*args,&block) else @me.send(method,*args) end end end def Dress(&block) end