name: "Taxonomy navigation" description: "Sidebar navigation for displaying on pages tagged to the GOV.UK taxonomy." body: | This component should not be used directly, the contextual-sidebar component uses this component for content which should present taxonomy navigation. Accepts an array of items. These items are typically the list of taxons the current content page is tagged to. Each item is a hash with a title, url, description, and list of related content associated with that item. Sections of links appear below the main taxonomy-driven navigation items. These are Collections, Policies, Statistical data sets, Topical events and World locations. This implementation is very similar to the related-navigation component in that the same sections are appended. The two components should ultimately be merged to form a consolidated sidebar navigation. accessibility_criteria: | - Should have a role of 'complementary' as it complements the main page content - Should have a role of 'navigation' on any navigation elements inside the component shared_accessibility_criteria: - link examples: default: data: items: - title: "School curriculum" url: /education/school-curriculum description: | Early years, key stages 1 to 5, GCSE and AS and A level reforms, tests, exams and assessments, PSHE and SMSC. related_content: - title: "The national curriculum" link: /national-curriculum - title: "Tests (key stage 1)" url: /key-stage-1-tests description: | Key dates, sample and test materials, administration, moderation, assessing and reporting, statistics, frameworks. related_content: - title: "Key stage 1 teacher assessment" link: /government/collections/key-stage-1-teacher-assessment - title: "Primary assessments: information and resources for 2017" link: /government/publications/primary-assessments-information-and-resources-for-2017 long_example: data: items: - title: "School curriculum for children ages 16 to 19, and 10 to 14" url: /education/school-curriculum description: | Early years, key stages 1 to 5, GCSE and AS and A level reforms, tests, exams and assessments, PSHE and SMSC. Widening participation, funding for children in deprived areas. Improving attainment in schools for looked-after children. related_content: - title: "Further education financial management and data collection" link: /government/collections/key-stage-1-teacher-assessment - title: "Primary assessments: information and resources for 2017" link: /government/publications/primary-assessments-information-and-resources-for-2017 - title: "Slide pack from Phil Beach at the Skills & Employability Summit" link: /government/publications/primary-assessments-information-and-resources-for-2017 - title: "Transport to education and training for people aged 16 to 18" link: /government/publications/primary-assessments-information-and-resources-for-2017 - title: "Tests (key stage 1, 2 and 3), plus further tests outside of school" url: /key-stage-1-tests description: | Key dates, sample and test materials, administration, moderation, assessing and reporting, statistics, frameworks. University and college qualifications. Apprenticeships, traineeships and internships. Funding for further education providers. related_content: - title: "Key stage 1 teacher assessment" link: /government/collections/key-stage-1-teacher-assessment - title: "Primary assessments: information and resources for 2017" link: /government/publications/primary-assessments-information-and-resources-for-2017 collections: - text: "Statistics: outcome based success measures" path: "/government/collections/statistics-outcome-based-success-measures" policies: - text: "Teaching and school leadership" path: "/government/policies/teaching-and-school-leadership" world_locations: - text: "Afghanistan" path: "/world/afghanistan/news" - text: "Albania" path: "/world/albania/news" - text: "Algeria" path: "/world/algeria/news" - text: "Angola" path: "/world/angola/news" - text: "Anguilla" path: "/world/anguilla/news" - text: "Argentina" path: "/world/argentina/news" no_children: description: | The child links are usually pulled from rummager. If rummager doesn’t respond we fallback to a sidebar with a taxon link but without any child content links. data: items: - title: "School curriculum" url: /education/school-curriculum description: | Early years, key stages 1 to 5, GCSE and AS and A level reforms, tests, exams and assessments, PSHE and SMSC. - title: "Tests (key stage 1)" url: /key-stage-1-tests description: | Key dates, sample and test materials, administration, moderation, assessing and reporting, statistics, frameworks. taxon_with_no_link: data: items: - title: "Taxon without a link" description: | Early years, key stages 1 to 5, GCSE and AS and A level reforms, tests, exams and assessments, PSHE and SMSC. related_content: - title: "Key stage 1 teacher assessment" link: /government/collections/key-stage-1-teacher-assessment - title: "Primary assessments: information and resources for 2017" link: /government/publications/primary-assessments-information-and-resources-for-2017