RSpec.shared_examples 'rack examples' do include Warden::Test::Helpers after { Warden.test_reset! } let(:endpoint) { '' } let(:routes_endpoint) do '' end let(:queries_endpoint) do '' end def wait_for_a_request_with_body(body) allow(Airbrake.notifiers[:performance][:default]). to receive(:notify).and_return(nil) wait_for(a_request(:post, endpoint).with(body: body)). to have_been_made.at_least_once end before do # Make sure the Logger integration doesn't get in the way. allow_any_instance_of(Logger).to receive(:airbrake_notifier).and_return(nil) allow(Airbrake.notifiers[:performance][:default]). to receive(:notify).and_return(nil) stub_request(:post, endpoint).to_return(status: 200, body: '') [routes_endpoint, queries_endpoint].each do |endpoint| stub_request(:put, endpoint).to_return(status: 200, body: '') end end describe "application routes" do describe "/index" do it "successfully returns 200 and body" do get '/' expect(last_response.status).to eq(200) expect(last_response.body).to eq('Hello from index') wait_for(a_request(:post, endpoint)).not_to have_been_made end end describe "/crash" do it "returns 500 and sends a notice to Airbrake" do get '/crash' expect(last_response.status).to eq(500) wait_for_a_request_with_body(/"errors":\[{"type":"AirbrakeTestError"/) end end end describe "context payload" do context "when the user is present" do let(:common_user_params) do { id: 1, email: '', username: 'qa-dept' } end before do login_as( get '/crash' sleep 2 end context "when the user has first and last names" do let(:user_params) do common_user_params.merge(first_name: 'Bingo', last_name: 'Bongo') end it "reports the user's first and last names" do wait_for_a_request_with_body(/ "context":{.* "user":{ "id":"1", "name":"Bingo\sBongo", "username":"qa-dept", "email":""} /x) end end context "when the user has only name" do let(:user_params) do common_user_params.merge(name: 'Bingo') end it "reports the user's name" do wait_for_a_request_with_body(/ "context":{.* "user":{ "id":"1", "name":"Bingo", "username":"qa-dept", "email":""} /x) end end end context "when additional parameters present" do before do get '/crash', nil, 'HTTP_USER_AGENT' => 'Bot', 'HTTP_REFERER' => '' sleep 2 end it "contains url" do wait_for_a_request_with_body( %r("context":{.*"url":"http://example\.org/crash".*}) ) end it "contains hostname" do wait_for_a_request_with_body(/"context":{.*"hostname":".+".*}/) end it "contains userAgent" do wait_for_a_request_with_body(/"context":{.*"userAgent":"Bot".*}/) end it "contains referer" do wait_for_a_request_with_body(/"context":{.*"referer":"".*}/) end it "contains HTTP headers" do wait_for_a_request_with_body( /"context":{.*"headers":{.*"CONTENT_LENGTH":"0".*}/ ) end it "contains HTTP method" do wait_for_a_request_with_body(/"context":{.*"httpMethod":"GET".*}/) end end end end