#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'rubygems' require 'multi_json' require 'geoptima/daterange' require 'geoptima/locationrange' require 'geoptima/locator' require 'geoptima/timer' begin require 'png' rescue LoadError puts "No PNG library installed, ignoring PNG output of GPX results" end # # The Geoptima Module provides support for the Geoptima Client JSON file format # module Geoptima SHORT = 256*256 MIN_VALID_DATETIME = DateTime.parse("1970-01-01") MAX_VALID_DATETIME = DateTime.parse("2040-01-01") MIN_DATETIME = DateTime.parse("2008-01-01") MAX_DATETIME = DateTime.parse("2040-01-01") class Config DEFAULT={:min_datetime => MIN_DATETIME, :max_datetime => MAX_DATETIME} def self.config(options={}) @@options = (@@options || DEFAULT).merge(options) end def self.options @@options ||= DEFAULT end def self.[](key) options[key] end def self.[]=(key,value) options[key] = value end end class Trace attr_reader :dataset, :data_id, :data_id_hashset, :name, :tracename attr_reader :bounds, :events, :totals, :scale, :padding def initialize(dataset, options={}) @dataset = dataset @trace_type = options[:type] @data_id = nil @data_id_hashset = {} @name = options[:name] || dataset.name @events = [] initialize_tags end def initialize_tags case @trace_type when /ways/ @ptag = 'wpt' when /route/ @ttag = 'rte' @ptag = 'rtept' else @ttag = 'trk' @stag = 'trkseg' @ptag = 'trkpt' end end def data_ids puts "About to sort data ids: #{@data_id_hashset.keys.join(',')}" if($debug) @data_id_hashset.keys.compact.sort end def <<(e) if gpx_id = e.gpx_id @tracename ||= "#{name}-#{e.time}" @data_id ||= e.gpx_id @data_id_hashset[e.gpx_id] ||= 0 @data_id_hashset[e.gpx_id] += 1 check_bounds(e) check_totals(e) @events << e unless(co_located(e,@events[-1])) elsif $debug puts "Ignoring event with nil GPX id: #{e.inspect}" end end def co_located(event,other) event && other && event.latitude == other.latitude && event.longitude == other.longitude end def length events.length end def to_s tracename || name end def check_totals(e) @totals ||= [0.0,0.0,0] @totals[0] += e.latitude @totals[1] += e.longitude @totals[2] += 1 end def check_bounds(e) @bounds ||= {} check_bounds_min :minlat, e.latitude check_bounds_min :minlon, e.longitude check_bounds_max :maxlat, e.latitude check_bounds_max :maxlon, e.longitude @width = nil @height = nil end def check_bounds_min(key,value) if value.is_a? String raise "Passed a string value: #{value.inspect}" end begin @bounds[key] = value if(!value.nil? &&(@bounds[key].nil? || @bounds[key] > value)) rescue raise "Failed to set bounds using current:#{@bounds.inspect}, value=#{value.inspect}" end end def check_bounds_max(key,value) @bounds[key] = value if(!value.nil? &&(@bounds[key].nil? || @bounds[key] < value)) end def check_trace_bounds(t) @bounds ||= {} check_bounds_min :minlat, t.bounds[:minlat] check_bounds_min :minlon, t.bounds[:minlon] check_bounds_max :maxlat, t.bounds[:maxlat] check_bounds_max :maxlon, t.bounds[:maxlon] @width = nil @height = nil end def each events.each{|e| yield e} end def scale=(a) @rescaled = false @scale = a && (a.respond_to?('max') ? a : [a.to_i,a.to_i]) || [100,100] end def padding=(a) @padding = a && (a.respond_to?('max') ? a : [a.to_i,a.to_i]) || [0,0] end def size @size = [scale[0]+2*padding[0],scale[1]+2*padding[1]] end def scale @scale ||= [100,100] unless @rescaled major = [width,height].max puts "About to rescale scale=#{@scale.inspect} using major=#{major}, height=#{height}, width=#{width}" if($debug) @scale[0] = (@scale[0].to_f * width / major).to_i @scale[1] = (@scale[1].to_f * height / major).to_i @rescaled = true end @scale end def width @width ||= @bounds[:maxlon].to_f - @bounds[:minlon].to_f end def height @height ||= @bounds[:maxlat].to_f - @bounds[:minlat].to_f end def left @left ||= @bounds[:minlon].to_f end def bottom @bottom ||= @bounds[:minlat].to_f end def average [totals[0] / totals[2], totals[1] / totals[2]] end def remove_outliers if @bounds && (width > 0.1 || height > 0.1) distances = [] total_distance = 0.0 max_distance = 0.0 center = Point.new(*average) self.each do |e| distance = e.distance_from(center) distances << [e,distance] total_distance += distance max_distance = distance if(max_distance < distance) end average_distance = total_distance / distances.length threshold = max_distance / 3 if threshold > average_distance * 3 puts "Average distance #{average_distance} much less than max distance #{max_distance}, trimming all beyond #{threshold}" @bounds = {} distances.each do |d| check_bounds(d[0]) if(d[1] < threshold) end else puts "Average distance #{average_distance} not much less than max distance #{max_distance}, not trimming outliers" end end end def scale_event(e) p = [e.longitude.to_f, e.latitude.to_f] if scale p[0] = padding[0] + ((p[0] - left) * (scale[0].to_f - 1) / (width)).to_i p[1] = padding[1] + ((p[1] - bottom) * (scale[1].to_f - 1) / (height)).to_i end p end def too_far(other) events && events[-1] && (events[-1].days_from(other) > 0.5 || events[-1].distance_from(other) > 0.002) end def bounds_as_gpx "" end def event_as_gpx(e,elevation=0.0) "<#{@ptag} lat=\"#{e.latitude}\" lon=\"#{e.longitude}\">#{elevation}#{e.name}#{e.description}" end def as_gpx return unless(length>0) case @trace_type when /way/ as_gpx_ways when /route/ as_gpx_route else as_gpx_track end end def as_gpx_ways gpx = %{ #{bounds_as_gpx} #{tracename} } + traces.map do |trace| trace.events.map do |e| event_as_gpx(e) end.join("\n ") end.join("\n ") + """ """ end def as_gpx_route gpx = %{ #{bounds_as_gpx} #{tracename} } + traces.map do |trace| trace.events.map do |e| event_as_gpx(e,ei) end.join("\n ") end.join("\n ") + """ """ end def as_gpx_track ei = 0 gpx = %{ #{bounds_as_gpx} #{tracename} } + traces.map do |trace| trace.events.map do |e| ei += 1 event_as_gpx(e,ei) end.join("\n ") end.join("\n \n \n ") + """ """ end def as_csv traces.map do |trace| trace.events.map do |e| [e.time_key,e.latitude,e.longitude].join("\t") end.join("\n") end.join("\n") end def fix_options(options={}) options.keys.each do |key| val = options[key] if val.to_s =~ /false/i val = false elsif val != true && val.to_i.to_s == val val = val.to_i end options[key] = val end puts "Fixed options: #{options.inspect}" options['show_line'].nil? && (options['show_line']=true) if @trace_type =~ /ways/ options['show_line'] = false options['point_size'] = (options['point_size'].to_i + 1) * 2 puts "Adjusted line/point settings for ways: show_line:#{options['show_line']}, point_size:#{options['point_size']}" end end def traces [self] end def colors @colors ||= PNG::Color.constants.reject{|c| (c.is_a?(PNG::Color)) || c.to_s =~ /max/i || c.to_s =~ /background/i}.map{|c| PNG::Color.const_get c}.reject{|c| c == PNG::Color::Background || c == PNG::Color::Black || c == PNG::Color::White} end def color(index=1) self.colors[index%(self.colors.length)] end def to_png(filename, options={}) return unless(length>0) fix_options options puts "Exporting with options: #{options.inspect}" self.scale = options['scale'] self.padding = options['padding'] remove_outliers ['scale','padding','size','bounds','width','height'].each do |a| puts "\t#{a}: #{self.send(a).inspect}" end begin canvas = PNG::Canvas.new size[0],size[1] rescue puts "Unable to initialize PNG:Canvas - is 'png' gem installed? #{$!}" return end data_idm = data_ids.inject({}){|a,v| a[v]=a.length;a} puts "Created map of data ids from available set: #{data_ids.inspect}" if data_ids.length > 1 data_ids.each do |did| puts "\t#{color(data_idm[did])}\t#{data_id_hashset[did]}\t#{did}" end end traces.each_with_index do |trace,index| line_color = PNG::Color.from "0x00006688" point_color = color(index) if options['point_color'] && !(options['point_color'] =~ /auto/i) pc = options['point_color'].gsub(/^\#/,'').gsub(/^0x/,'').upcase pc = "0x#{pc}FFFFFFFF"[0...10] begin point_color = PNG::Color.from pc rescue puts "Failed to interpret color #{pc}, use format 0x00000000: #{$!}" end else point_color = color(index) puts "Got point color #{point_color} from trace index #{index}" if($debug) end prev = nil trace.events.each do |e| p = scale_event(e) if data_idm.length > 1 point_color = color(data_idm[e.gpx_id]) puts "Got point color #{point_color} from data ID '#{e.gpx_id}' index #{data_idm[e.gpx_id]}" if($debug) end begin # draw an anti-aliased line if options['show_line'] && prev && prev != p canvas.line prev[0], prev[1], p[0], p[1], line_color end if options['points'] # Set a point to a color n = options['point_size'].to_i / 2 r = (-n..n) r.each do |x| r.each do |y| canvas[p[0]+x, p[1]-y] = point_color end end end rescue puts "Error in writing PNG: #{$!}" end prev = p end end png = PNG.new canvas png.save filename end end class MergedTrace < Trace attr_reader :traces def initialize(dataset) @dataset = dataset @name = dataset.name @data_id_hashset = {} @traces = [] initialize_tags end def tracename @tracename ||= "Merged-#{traces.length}-traces-#{traces[0]}" end def <<(t) check_trace_totals(t) check_trace_bounds(t) @data_id_hashset = @data_id_hashset.merge(t.data_id_hashset) @traces << t end def each traces.each do |t| t.events.each do |e| yield e end end end def length @length ||= traces.inject(0){|a,t| a+=t.length;a} end def check_trace_totals(t) @totals ||= [0.0,0.0,0] [0,1,2].each{|i| @totals[i] += t.totals[i]} end end module ErrorCounter attr_reader :errors def errors @errors ||= {} end def incr_error(name) errors[name] ||= 0 errors[name] += 1 end def combine_errors(other) puts "Combining errors(#{other.class}:#{other.errors.inspect}) into self(#{self.class}:#{errors.inspect})" if($debug) other.errors.keys.each do |name| errors[name] = errors[name].to_i + other.errors[name].to_i end end def report_errors(prefix=nil) if errors && errors.keys.length > 0 puts "#{prefix}Have #{errors.keys.length} known errors in #{self}:" errors.keys.sort.each do |name| puts "#{prefix}\t#{name}:\t#{errors[name]}" end end end end # The Geoptima::Event class represents and individual record or event class Event KNOWN_HEADERS = { "gps" => ["timeoffset","latitude","longitude","altitude","accuracy","direction","speed"], "service" => ["timeoffset","plmn","cell_id","lac","mnc","mcc"], "call" => ["timeoffset","status","number"], "runningApps" => ["timeoffset","appName","state"], "batteryState" => ["timeoffset","state"], "trafficSpeed" => ["timeoffset","interface","direction","delay","speed"], "storageStatus" => ["timeoffset","path","totalSize","freeSize"], "signal" => ["timeoffset","strength","rxqual","ecio"], "roundtrip" => ["timeoffset","interface","address","type","roundtripTime"], "httpRequest" => ["timeoffset","interface","address","delay","speed"], "dnsLookup" => ["timeoffset","interface","address","lookupTime","ip"], "ftpSpeed" => ["timeoffset","interface","direction","delay","peak","speed"], "browserDedicatedTest" => ["timeoffset","url","pageRenders","pageRendered","pageSize","success"], "pingTest" => ["timeoffset","interface","address","count","length","pingTime","packetLossPercent","jitter","error"] } HEADER_BUGS = { 'ftpSpeed' => '#4303', 'pingTest' => '#4509' } ALT_HEADERS = { "pingTest" => [ ["timeoffset","interface","address","count","length","pingTime","packetLossPercent","jitter","error"], ["timeoffset","id","interface","address","count","length","pingTime","packetLossPercent","jitter","error"] ], "ftpSpeed" => [ ["timeoffset","interface","direction","delay","speed"], ["timeoffset","interface","direction","delay","peak","speed"], ["timeoffset","interface","direction","delay","peak","speed","error"], ["timeoffset","interface","direction","delay","peak","speed","size","error"] ] } include ErrorCounter include Locatable attr_reader :file, :gps, :header, :name, :data, :fields, :time, :latitude, :longitude, :timeoffset def initialize(file,start,name,header,data,previous=nil) @file = file @name = name @header = header @data = data @fields = @header.inject({}) do |a,v| a[v] = check_field(@data[a.length]) a end @timeoffset = (@fields['timeoffset'].to_f / MSPERDAY.to_f) @time = start + timeoffset # Note we set this again later after corrections (need it now for puts output) if(@timeoffset<-0.0000001) puts "Have negative time offset: #{@fields['timeoffset']}" if($debug) incr_error "#4506 negative offsets" end if previous prev_to = previous.timeoffset puts "Comparing timeoffset:#{timeoffset} to previous:#{prev_to}" if($debug) if @timeoffset == prev_to puts "Found the same timeoffset in consecutive events: #{name}:#{timeoffset} == #{previous.name}:#{previous.timeoffset}" incr_error "#4576 same timeoffset" @timeoffset = @timeoffset + 1.0 / MSPERDAY.to_f end end @time = start + timeoffset @fields.reject!{|k,v| k=~/timeoffset/} if @fields['cell_id'].to_i > SHORT @fields['cell_id'] = @fields['cell_id'].to_i % SHORT end incr_error "Empty data" if(data.length == 0) puts "Created Event: #{self}" if($debug) end def check_field(field) (field && field.respond_to?('length') && field =~ /\d\,\d/) ? field.gsub(/\,/,'.').to_f : field end def utc time.new_offset(0) end def time_key utc.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%3N").gsub(/\.(\d{3})\d+/,'.\1') end def days_from(other) (other.time - time).abs end def distance_from(other) Math.sqrt((other.latitude.to_f - latitude.to_f)**2 + (other.longitude.to_f - longitude.to_f)**2) end def [](key) @fields[key] || @fields[key.gsub(/#{name}\./,'')] end def []=(key,value) @fields[key] ||= value end def -(other) (self.time - other.time) * SPERDAY end def closer_than(other,seconds=60) (self - other).abs < seconds end def latitude @latitude ||= self['latitude'] end def longitude @longitude ||= self['longitude'] end def location @location ||= latitude && Point.new(latitude,longitude) end def set_location(gps) incr_error "GPS String Data" if(gps['latitude'].is_a? String) @latitude = gps['latitude'].to_f @longitude = gps['longitude'].to_f @location = nil @gps = gps end def puts line Kernel.puts "#{name}[#{time}]: #{line}" end def to_s "#{name}[#{time}]: #{@fields.inspect}" end def description "#{name}" end def valid_gpx? location end def gpx_id file.id end def to_type case name when 'runningApps' RunningApps.new(self) else self end end end class AppCategory attr_reader :key, :category, :app_class, :name def initialize(key, category, app_class, name) @key, @category, @app_class, @name = key, category, app_class, name end end class AppCategories attr_reader :app_categories def initialize(path) begin @app_categories = File.open(path).inject({}) do |a,l| f=l.chomp.split(/\,/).map{|v| v.gsub(/^\s+/,'').gsub(/\s+$/,'')} a[f[0]] = AppCategory.new(*f) unless(f[0] =~ /appName.unique/i) a end rescue puts "Failed to load app categories from '#{path}': #{$!}" @app_categories = {} end end def length @app_categories.length end def [](key) @app_categories[key] end def apps @apps ||= @app_categories.keys.compact.sort.uniq end def categories @categories ||= @app_categories.values.map{|c| c.category}.compact.sort.uniq end def app_classes @app_classes ||= @app_categories.values.map{|c| c.app_class}.compact.sort.uniq end def to_s "#{length} apps, #{categories.length} categories, #{app_classes.length} classes" end def a_to_s(a) (a.length > 3 ? a[0..2]+['...'] : a).join(',') end def describe "#{length} apps, #{categories.length} categories (#{a_to_s(categories)}), #{app_classes.length} classes (#{a_to_s(app_classes)})" end end # This class allows the 'runningApps' event to behave differently than # normal events. It is used by the GPX exporter to color code these based # on the app category class RunningApps attr_reader :inner_event def initialize(event) @inner_event = event end def method_missing(symbol,*args,&block) @inner_event.send symbol, *args, &block end def description @inner_event['appName'] end def valid_gpx? @inner_event.valid_gpx? && @inner_event['state'] == 'STARTED' end def gpx_id app = @inner_event['appName'] if $app_categories && $app_categories.length > 0 puts "Choosing internal GPX ID based on specified categories: #{$app_categories.describe}" if($debug) if $app_categories.categories.length == 1 puts "Filtering on only one category, using app name for GPX ID: #{app}" if($debug) if (a=$app_categories[app]) && a.category =~ /\w/ a.key else nil end elsif (a=$app_categories[app]) && a.category =~ /\w/ puts "Found matching category app[#{app}] => #{a.category}" if($debug) a.category else nil end else app end end end # The Geoptima::Data is an entire JSON file of events class Data include ErrorCounter attr_reader :path, :name, :json, :count def initialize(path) @path = path @name = File.basename(path) # @json = JSON.parse(File.read(path)) @json = MultiJson.decode(File.read(path)) @fields = {} @errors = {} if $debug puts "Read Geoptima: #{geoptima.to_json}" puts "\tSubscriber: #{subscriber.to_json}" puts "\tIMSI: #{self['imsi']}" puts "\tIMEI: #{self['imei']}" puts "\tMCC: #{self['MCC']}" puts "\tMNC: #{self['MNC']}" puts "\tStart: #{start}" end end def incr_error(name) @errors[name] ||= 0 @errors[name] += 1 end def to_s json.to_json[0..100] end def puts line Kernel.puts "#{name}: #{line}" end def geoptima @geoptima ||= json['geoptima'] end def version @version ||= geoptima['Version'] || geoptima['version'] end def subscriber @subscriber ||= geoptima['subscriber'] end def imei @imei ||= self['imei'] end def id @id ||= self['id'] || self['udid'] || self['imei'] end def [](key) @fields[key] ||= subscriber[key] || subscriber[key.downcase] end def start @start ||= subscriber['start'] && DateTime.parse(subscriber['start'].gsub(/Asia\/Bangkok/,'GMT+7'))#.gsub(/Mar 17 2044/,'Feb 14 2012')) end def valid? start && start >= (Data.min_start-1) && start < Data.max_start end def self.min_start @@min_start ||= MIN_VALID_DATETIME end def self.max_start @@max_start ||= MAX_VALID_DATETIME end def events @events ||= make_events end def first events && @first end def last events && @last end def events_names events.keys.sort end def make_hash(name) puts "About to process json hash: #{geoptima[name].to_json}" if($debug) geoptima[name].inject({}) do |a,md| if md.respond_to? 'keys' key = md.keys[0] a[key]=md[key] else puts "Invalid hash format for '#{name}': #{md.to_json[0..70]}..." end a end end def make_events @count = 0 @events_metadata = make_hash('events-metadata') events_data = {} geoptima['events'].each do |data| events = data['values'] event_type = data.keys.reject{|k| k=~/values/}[0] event_count = data[event_type].to_i header = @events_metadata[event_type] # If the JSON is broken (known bug on some releases of the iPhone app) # Then get the header information from a list of known headers unless header puts "No header found for '#{event_type}', trying known Geoptima headers" header = Event::KNOWN_HEADERS[event_type] puts "Found known header '#{event_type}' => #{header.inspect}" if(header) end # Double-check the header length matches a multiple of the data length if header mismatch_records = events.length - header.length * event_count if mismatch_records != 0 puts "'#{event_type}' header length #{header.length} incompatible with data length #{events.length} and record count #{event_count}" proposed_header = header header = nil incr_error "Metadata mismatch" if events.length == proposed_header.length * event_count * 2 && event_type == 'roundtrip' incr_error "#4593 iPhone roundtrip event counts" event_count *= 2 header = proposed_header elsif Event::ALT_HEADERS.keys.grep(event_type).length>0 incr_error "#{Event::HEADER_BUGS[event_type]} #{event_type}" [Event::KNOWN_HEADERS[event_type],*(Event::ALT_HEADERS[event_type])].each do |alt_header| puts "Trying alternative header: #{alt_header.inspect}" if($debug) if alt_header && (events.length == alt_header.length * event_count) puts "\tAlternative header length matches: #{alt_header.inspect}" if($debug) records_valid = (0...[10,event_count].min).inject(true) do |vt,ri| timeoffset = events[ri*alt_header.length] vt &&= timeoffset.is_a?(Fixnum) end if records_valid header = alt_header puts "Found alternative header that matches #{event_type}: #{header.join(',')}" break end end end end end else puts "No header found for event type: #{event_type}" end # Now process the single long data array into a list of events with timestamps if header events_data[event_type] = (0...event_count).inject([]) do |a,block| index = header.length * block record = events[index...(index+header.length)] if record && record.length == header.length @count += 1 event = Event.new(self,start,event_type,header,record,a[-1]) combine_errors event puts "About to add new event #{event} to existing list of #{a.length} events (previous: #{a[-1] && a[-1].time})" if($debug) a << event else puts "Invalid '#{event_type}' data block #{block}: #{record.inspect}" incr_error "Invalid data block" break a end end if $debug puts "Have '#{event_type}' event data:" puts "\t#{header.join("\t")}" events_data[event_type].each do |d| puts "\t#{d.data.join("\t")}" end end end end find_first_and_last(events_data) events_data end def find_first_and_last(events_data) @first = nil @last = nil events_data.each do |event_type,data| if data.length > 0 @first ||= data[0] @last ||= data[-1] @first = data[0] if(@first && @first.time > data[0].time) @last = data[-1] if(@last && @last.time < data[-1].time) end end if $debug puts "For data: #{self}" puts "\tFirst event: #{@first}" puts "\tLast event: #{@last}" end end end class Dataset include ErrorCounter attr_reader :name, :options def initialize(name,options={}) @name = name @data = [] @options = options @time_range = options[:time_range] || DateRange.new(Config[:min_datetime],Config[:max_datetime]) @location_range = options[:location_range] || LocationRange.everywhere @geolocation_options = options[:geolocation_options] || {} @fields = {} end def <<(data) @sorted = nil @data << data end def file_count @data.length end def imsi imsis[0] end def imsis @imsis ||= make_all_from_metadata('imsi') end def imei imeis[0] end def imeis @imeis ||= make_all_from_metadata('imei') end def make_all_from_metadata(field_name) @data.inject({}) do |a,d| a[d[field_name]] ||= 0 a[d[field_name]] += d.count.to_i a end.to_a.sort do |a,b| b[1]<=>a[1] end.map do |x| #puts "Have #{field_name}: #{x.join('=')}" x[0] end.compact.uniq end def recent(event,key,seconds=60) unless event[key] timer("export.event.recent").start timer("export.event.recent.#{key}").start if imei = event.file.imei puts "Searching for recent values for '#{key}' starting at event #{event}" if($debug) ev,prop=key.split(/\./) ar=sorted puts "\tSearching through #{ar && ar.length} events for event type #{ev} and property #{prop}" if($debug) if i=ar.index(event) afe = while(i>0) fe = ar[i-=1] puts "\t\tTesting event[#{i}]: #{fe}" if($debug) break(fe) if(fe.nil? || (event.time - fe.time) * SPERDAY > seconds || (fe.name == ev && fe.file.imei == imei)) end if afe && afe.name == ev puts "\t\tFound event[#{i}] with #{prop} => #{afe[prop]} and time gap of #{(event.time - fe.time) * SPERDAY} seconds" if($debug) event[key] = afe[prop] end else puts "Event not found in search for recent '#{key}': #{event}" end else puts "Not searching for correlated data without imei: #{event}" end timer("export.event.recent.#{key}").stop timer("export.event.recent").stop end # @recent[key] ||= '' event[key] end def [](key) @fields[key.downcase] ||= @data.map{|d| d[key]}.compact.uniq end def platforms self['Platform'] end def models self['Model'] end def oses self['OS'] end def first merge_events unless @sorted @sorted[nil][0] end def last merge_events unless @sorted @sorted[nil][-1] end def length sorted.length end def sorted(event_type=nil) merge_events unless @sorted unless @sorted[event_type] || event_type.nil? timer("sorted.#{event_type}").start @sorted[event_type] = @sorted[nil].reject do |event| event.name != event_type end timer("sorted.#{event_type}").stop end @sorted[event_type] end def header(names=nil) merge_events unless @sorted (names || events_names).map do |event_type| [(s=sorted(event_type)[0]) && s.header] end.flatten end def stats merge_events unless @sorted unless @stats timer('stats').start @stats = {} event_count = 0 sorted.each do |event| event_count += 1 event.header.each do |field| key = "#{event.name}.#{field}" value = event[field] @stats[key] ||= {} @stats[key][value] ||= 0 @stats[key][value] += 1 end end timer('stats').stop end @stats.reject! do |k,v| v.length > 500 || v.length > 10 && v.length > event_count / 2 end @stats end def events_names @data.map{ |v| v.events_names }.flatten.uniq.sort end def timer(name) @timers ||= {} @timers[name] ||= Geoptima::Timer.new(name) end def dump_timers(out=STDOUT) out.puts "Printing timer information for #{@timers.length} timers:" @timers.keys.sort.each do |key| t = @timers[key] out.puts "\t#{t.describe}" end end def merge_events @sorted ||= {} unless @sorted[nil] timer('merge_events').start event_hash = {} puts "Creating sorted maps for #{self}" if($debug) events_names.each do |name| is_gps = name == 'gps' puts "Preparing maps for #{name}" if($debug) @data.each do |data| puts "Processing #{(e=data.events[name]) && e.length} events for #{name}" if($debug) (events = data.events[name]) && events.each do |event| puts "\t\tTesting #{event.time} inside #{@time_range}" if($debug) if @time_range.include?(event.time) puts "\t\t\tEvent at #{event.time} is inside #{@time_range}" if($debug) if !is_gps || @location_range.nil? || @location_range.include?(event.location) key = "#{event.time_key} #{name}" event_hash[key] = event end end end combine_errors data end puts "After adding #{name} events, maps are #{event_hash.length} long" if($debug) end puts "Merging and sorting #{event_hash.keys.length} maps" if($debug) timer('merge_events.sort').start @sorted[nil] = event_hash.keys.sort.map{|k| event_hash[k]} timer('merge_events.sort').stop puts "Sorted #{@sorted[nil].length} events" if($debug) timer('merge_events.locate').start locate_events if(options[:locate]) timer('merge_events.locate').stop timer('merge_events').stop end @sorted end def waypoints(waypoints=nil) @waypoints ||= {} event_type = waypoints=='all' ? nil : waypoints unless @waypoints[event_type] @waypoints[event_type] = Trace.new(self, :type => 'ways', :name => "waypoints-#{self.name}") sorted(event_type).each do |e| e = e.to_type @waypoints[event_type] << e if(e.valid_gpx?) end end @waypoints[event_type] end def each_trace trace = nil timer('each_trace').start sorted('gps').each do |gps| trace ||= Trace.new(self) if trace.too_far(gps) yield trace trace = Trace.new(self) end trace << gps end yield trace if(trace) timer('each_trace').stop end def locate_events puts "Locating #{sorted.length} events" if(true||$debug) locator = Geoptima::Locator.new self.sorted, @geolocation_options timer("locate.all").start locator.locate timer("locate.all").stop if (true||$debug) puts "Located #{locator.located.length} / #{sorted.length} events (timed: #{timer("locate.all")}" end end def to_s (imei.to_s.length < 1 || name == imei) ? name : imeis.join(',') end def description "Dataset:#{name}, IMEI:#{imeis.join(',')}, IMSI:#{imsis.join(',')}, Platform:#{platforms.join(',')}, Model:#{models.join(',')}, OS:#{oses.join(',')}, Files:#{file_count}, Events:#{sorted && sorted.length}" end def self.add_file_to_datasets(datasets,file,options={}) if File.directory?(file) add_directory_to_datasets(datasets,file,options) else geoptima=Geoptima::Data.new(file) unless geoptima.valid? puts "INVALID: #{geoptima.start}\t#{file}\n\n" else key = options[:combine_all] ? 'all' : geoptima.id datasets[key] ||= Geoptima::Dataset.new(key, options) datasets[key] << geoptima end end end def self.add_directory_to_datasets(datasets,directory,options={}) Dir.open(directory).each do |file| next if(file =~ /^\./) path = "#{directory}/#{file}" if File.directory? path add_directory_to_datasets(datasets,path,options) elsif file =~ /\.json/i add_file_to_datasets(datasets,path,options) else puts "Ignoring files without JSON extension: #{path}" end end end def self.make_datasets(files, options={}) datasets = {} files.each do |file| add_file_to_datasets(datasets,file,options) end datasets end end end