require_relative "souls/version" require "active_support/core_ext/string/inflections" require_relative "souls/init" require_relative "souls/api" require_relative "souls/worker" require_relative "souls/cli" require "date" require "json" require "fileutils" require "net/http" require "paint" require "whirly" require "tty-prompt" module Souls SOULS_METHODS = %w[ model query mutation type resolver policy rspec_factory rspec_model rspec_query rspec_mutation rspec_resolver rspec_policy ].freeze public_constant :SOULS_METHODS class Error < StandardError; end class << self attr_accessor :configuration def update_repo(service_name: "api", update_kind: "patch") current_dir_name = FileUtils.pwd.to_s.match(%r{/([^/]+)/?$})[1] current_ver = get_latest_version_txt(service_name: service_name) new_ver = version_detector(current_ver: current_ver, update_kind: update_kind) bucket_url = "gs://souls-bucket/boilerplates" file_name = "#{service_name}-v#{new_ver}.tgz" release_name = "#{service_name}-latest.tgz" case current_dir_name when "souls" system("echo '#{new_ver}' > lib/souls/versions/.souls_#{service_name}_version") system("echo '#{new_ver}' > apps/#{service_name}/.souls_#{service_name}_version") system("cd apps/ && tar -czf ../#{service_name}.tgz #{service_name}/ && cd ..") when "api", "worker", "console", "admin", "media" system("echo '#{new_ver}' > lib/souls/versions/.souls_#{service_name}_version") system("echo '#{new_ver}' > .souls_#{service_name}_version") system("cd .. && tar -czf ../#{service_name}.tgz #{service_name}/ && cd #{service_name}") else raise(StandardError, "You are at wrong directory!") end system("gsutil cp #{service_name}.tgz #{bucket_url}/#{service_name.pluralize}/#{file_name}") system("gsutil cp #{service_name}.tgz #{bucket_url}/#{service_name.pluralize}/#{release_name}") system("gsutil cp .rubocop.yml #{bucket_url}/.rubocop.yml") FileUtils.rm("#{service_name}.tgz") "#{service_name}-v#{new_ver} Succefully Stored to GCS! " end def version_detector(current_ver: [0, 0, 1], update_kind: "patch") case update_kind when "patch" "#{current_ver[0]}.#{current_ver[1]}.#{current_ver[2] + 1}" when "minor" "#{current_ver[0]}.#{current_ver[1] + 1}.0" when "major" "#{current_ver[0] + 1}.0.0" else raise(StandardError, "Wrong version!") end end def overwrite_version(new_version: "0.1.1") FileUtils.rm("./lib/souls/version.rb") file_path = "./lib/souls/version.rb", "w") do |f| f.write(<<~TEXT) module Souls VERSION = "#{new_version}".freeze public_constant :VERSION end TEXT end overwrite_gemfile_lock(new_version: new_version) true rescue StandardError, e raise(StandardError, e) end def overwrite_gemfile_lock(new_version: "0.1.1") file_path = "Gemfile.lock" new_file_path = "Gemfile.lock.tmp", "r") do |f|, "w") do |new_line| f.each_line.with_index do |line, i| if i == 3 new_line.write(" souls (#{new_version})\n") else new_line.write(line) end end end end FileUtils.rm(file_path), file_path) end def get_latest_version_txt(service_name: "api") case service_name when "gem" return Souls::VERSION.split(".").map(&:to_i) when "api", "worker", "console", "admin", "media" file_path = "#{Gem.dir}/gems/souls-#{Souls::VERSION}/lib/souls/versions/.souls_#{service_name}_version" else raise(StandardError, "You are at wrong directory!") end, "r") do |f| f.readlines[0].strip.split(".").map(&:to_i) end end def update_service_gemfile(service_name: "api", version: "0.0.1") file_dir = "./apps/#{service_name}" file_path = "#{file_dir}/Gemfile" gemfile_lock = "#{file_dir}/Gemfile.lock" tmp_file = "#{file_dir}/tmp/Gemfile", "r") do |f|, "w") do |new_line| f.each_line do |line| gem = line.gsub("gem ", "").gsub("\"", "").gsub("\n", "").gsub(" ", "").split(",") if gem[0] == "souls" old_ver = gem[1].split(".") old_ver[2] = (old_ver[2].to_i + 1).to_s new_line.write(" gem \"souls\", \"#{version}\"\n") else new_line.write(line) end end end end FileUtils.rm(file_path) FileUtils.rm(gemfile_lock) if File.exist?(gemfile_lock), file_path) puts(Paint["\nSuccessfully Updated #{service_name} Gemfile!", :green]) end def check_schema(class_name: "user") schema_data = get_columns_num(class_name: class_name) create_migration_data = get_create_migration_type(class_name: class_name) add_migration_data = get_migration_type(class_name: class_name, action: "add") remove_migration_data = get_migration_type(class_name: class_name, action: "remove") migration_data = create_migration_data + add_migration_data - remove_migration_data return "Already Up to date!" if schema_data.size == migration_data.size schema_data - migration_data end def get_columns_num(class_name: "user") file_path = "./db/schema.rb" class_check_flag = false cols = [], "r") do |f| f.each_line.with_index do |line, _i| class_check_flag = true if line.include?("create_table") && line.include?(class_name) if class_check_flag == true && !line.include?("create_table") return cols if line.include?("t.index") || line.strip == "end" types = Souls::Api::Generate.get_type_and_name(line) array = line.include?("array: true") cols << { column_name: types[1], type: types[0], array: array } end end end cols end def get_create_migration_type(class_name: "user") pluralized_class_name = class_name.pluralize file_path = Dir["db/migrate/*_create_#{pluralized_class_name}.rb"][0] class_check_flag = false response = [ { column_name: "created_at", type: "datetime", array: false }, { column_name: "updated_at", type: "datetime", array: false } ] do |f| f.each_line do |line| class_check_flag = true if line.include?("create_table") next unless class_check_flag == true && !line.include?("create_table") return response if line.include?("t.timestamps") || line.strip == "end" types = Souls::Api::Generate.get_type_and_name(line) { |n| n.gsub!(":", "") } array = line.include?("array: true") response << { column_name: types[1], type: types[0], array: array } end end end def get_migration_type(class_name: "user", action: "add") pluralized_class_name = class_name.pluralize file_paths = Dir["db/migrate/*_#{action}_column_to_#{pluralized_class_name}.rb"] new_columns = do |file_path| get_col_name_and_type(class_name: class_name, file_path: file_path, action: action) end new_columns.flatten end def get_last_migration_type(class_name: "user", action: "add") pluralized_class_name = class_name.pluralize file_paths = Dir["db/migrate/*_#{action}_column_to_#{pluralized_class_name}.rb"] file_paths.max resoponse = get_col_name_and_type(class_name: class_name, file_path: file_paths.max, action: action) resoponse.flatten end def get_col_name_and_type( class_name: "user", file_path: "db/migrate/20210816094410_add_column_to_users.rb", action: "add" ) pluralized_class_name = class_name.pluralize response = [] do |line| line.each_line do |file_line| next unless file_line.include?("#{action}_column") array = file_line.include?("array: true") types = file_line.split(",").map(&:strip) { |n| n.gsub!(":", "") } types[0].gsub!("#{action}_column ", "") unless types[0].to_s == pluralized_class_name raise(StandardError, "Wrong class_name!Please Check your migration file!") end response << { column_name: types[1], type: types[2], array: array } end end response end def configure self.configuration ||= yield(configuration) end end class Configuration attr_accessor :app, :strain, :project_id, :github_repo, :worker_endpoint, :fixed_gems def initialize @app = nil @project_id = nil @strain = nil @github_repo = nil @worker_endpoint = nil @fixed_gems = nil end end end