require 'validator/cmdline' require 'spec_id' module SpecID module Precision class Prob class CmdlineParser DEFAULTS = SpecID::Precision::Prob::PN_DEFAULTS.merge( { :output => [[:csv, nil]], } ) COMMAND_LINE = { :sort_by_init => ['--sort_by_init', "sort the proteins based on init probability"], :perc_qval => ['--perc_qval', "use percolator q-values to calculate precision"], :to_qvalues => ['--to_qvalues', "transform probabilities into q-values", "(includes pi_0 correction)", "uses PROB [TYPE] if given and supercedes", "the prob validation type", "*NOTE: include all PeptideProphet results", "(don't use any low prob cutoff) for", "accurate results!"], :prob => ['--prob [TYPE]', "use prophet probabilites to calculate precision", "TYPE = nsp [default] prophet nsp", " (nsp also should be used for PeptideProphet results)", " = init (for ProteinProphet results) use initial", "probability instead of nsp probability", ], # OUTPUT :proteins => ["--proteins", "includes proteins (and validation)"], :output => ["-o", "--output format[:FILENAME]", "format to output filtering results.", "can be used multiple times", ":FILENAME is the filename to use (defaults to STDOUT)", "valid formats are:", " csv (default)", " to_plot", " calc_bkg_to_plot", " yaml", #" protein_summary (need to implement)", #" html_table (need to implement)" ], # VALIDATION MODIFIERS: :pephits => ["--pephits .srg", "an srg file pointing to the srf files for", "the given -prot.xml run", "[this or --digestion must be used for applicable]", "validators (validators depending on a", "false/total ratio)]"], }.merge( Validator::Cmdline::COMMAND_LINE ) # returns (spec_id_obj, options, option_parser_obj) def parse(args) opts = {} opts[:output] = [] @out_used = false opts[:sequest] = {} opts[:validators] = [] # defaults option_parser = do |op| def op.opt(arg, &block) on(*COMMAND_LINE[arg], &block) end def op.val_opt(arg, opts) on(*COMMAND_LINE[arg]) {|ar| Validator::Cmdline::PrepArgs[arg].call(ar, opts) } end def op.exact_opt(opts, arg) on(*COMMAND_LINE[arg]) {|v| opts[arg] = v} end op.banner = "USAGE: #{File.basename($0)} [OPTS] -prot.xml | .sqg" op.separator "" op.separator " RETURNS: precision across the number of hits" op.separator " (based on probability or q-value)" op.separator " (optional) other validation of the results." op.separator "" op.separator "OUTPUT OPTIONS: " op.opt(:proteins) {|v| opts[:proteins] = true } op.opt(:output) do |output| # copied from rspec: # This funky regexp checks whether we have a FILE_NAME or not where = nil if (output =~ /([a-zA-Z_]+(?:::[a-zA-Z_]+)*):?(.*)/) && ($2 != '') output = $1 where = $2 else raise "When using several --output options only one of them can be without a file" if @out_used @out_used = true end opts[:output] << [output, where] end op.separator "GENERAL OPTIONS:" op.separator "" op.opt(:sort_by_init) {|v| opts[:sort_by_init] = true } op.separator "VALIDATION OPTIONS: " op.separator " each option will calculate the precision" op.separator "" op.val_opt(:prob, opts) op.val_opt(:perc_qval, opts) op.val_opt(:to_qvalues, opts) op.val_opt(:decoy, opts) op.val_opt(:pephits, opts) # sets opts[:ties] = false op.val_opt(:digestion, opts) op.val_opt(:bias, opts) op.val_opt(:bad_aa, opts) op.val_opt(:bad_aa_est, opts) op.val_opt(:tmm, opts) op.val_opt(:fasta, opts) op.val_opt(:tps, opts) op.separator "" op.separator "VALIDATION MODIFIERS: " op.val_opt(:false_on_tie, opts) # sets opts[:ties] = false end option_parser.parse!(args) # prepare validators if args.size > 0 spec_id_obj =[0]) if opts[:ties] == nil # will be nil or false opts[:ties] = Validator::Cmdline::DEFAULTS[:ties] end postfilter = if spec_id_obj.class == SQTGroup or spec_id_obj.class == Proph::PepSummary #puts 'making background estimates with: top_per_scan' :top_per_scan else #puts 'making background estimates with: top_per_aaseq_charge' :top_per_aaseq_charge end opts[:validators] = Validator::Cmdline.prepare_validators(opts, !opts[:ties], opts[:interactive], postfilter, spec_id_obj) if opts[:output].size == 0 opts[:output] = DEFAULTS[:output] end else spec_id_obj = nil end [spec_id_obj, opts, option_parser] end # parse end # CmdlineParser end # Prob end # Precision end # SpecID