require 'json' require 'rest-client' require 'active_support/core_ext/object/blank' require 'kaminari/models/array_extension' if defined?(Kaminari) module Waistband class Query attr_accessor :page, :page_size def initialize(index, search_term, options = {}) @index = index @search_term = search_term @wildcards = [] @fields = [] @ranges = [] @sorts = [] @terms = {} @exclude_terms = {} @optional_terms = {} @page = (options[:page] || 1).to_i @page_size = (options[:page_size] || 20).to_i end def paginated_results return Kaminari.paginate_array(results, total_count: total_results).page(@page).per(@page_size) if defined?(Kaminari) raise "Please include the `kaminari` gem to use this method!" end def results do |hit| end end def hits execute!['hits']['hits'] rescue [] end def total_results execute!['hits']['total'] rescue 0 end def add_match(field) @match = field end def add_fields(*fields) @fields |= fields @fields = @fields.compact.uniq end alias :add_field :add_fields def add_wildcard(wildcard, value) @wildcards << { wildcard: wildcard, value: value } end def add_range(field, min, max) @ranges << { field: field, min: min, max: max } end def add_terms(key, words) @terms[key] ||= { keywords: [] } @terms[key][:keywords] += prep_words_uniquely(words) end alias :add_term :add_terms def add_exclude_terms(key, words) @exclude_terms[key] ||= { keywords: [] } @exclude_terms[key][:keywords] += prep_words_uniquely(words) end alias :add_exclude_term :add_exclude_terms def add_optional_terms(key, words) @optional_terms[key] ||= { keywords: [] } @optional_terms[key][:keywords] += prep_words_uniquely(words) end alias :add_optional_term :add_optional_terms def add_sort(key, ord) @sorts << { key: key, ord: ord } end private def url index.search_url end def index end def execute! @executed ||= JSON.parse(, to_hash.to_json)) end def to_hash { query: { bool: { must: must_to_hash, must_not: must_not_to_hash, should: should_to_hash } }, from: from, size: @page_size, sort: sort_to_hash } end def sort_to_hash sort = [] @sorts.each do |s| sort << {s[:key] => s[:ord]} end sort << '_score' sort end def must_to_hash must = [] must << { multi_match: { query: @search_term, fields: @fields } } if @fields.any? @wildcards.each do |wc| must << { wildcard: { wc[:wildcard] => wc[:value] } } end @ranges.each do |range| must << { range: { range[:field] => { lte: range[:max], gte: range[:min], } } } end must << { match: { @match => @search_term } } if @match.present? prep_term_hash(@terms).each do |term| must << term end must end def must_not_to_hash prep_term_hash(@exclude_terms).map { |term| term } end def should_to_hash prep_term_hash(@optional_terms).map { |term| term } end def prep_term_hash(terms) do |key, term| { terms: { key.to_sym => term[:keywords] } } end end def from @page_size * (@page - 1) end def prep_words_uniquely(val) val.to_s.gsub(/ +/, ' ').strip.split(' ').uniq end # /private end end