module Voyager class OracleConnection attr_reader :connection attr_accessor :results def initialize(args = {}) @connection = args['connection'] unless args.has_key?('connection') app_config_filename = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "..", "config" ,"app_config.yml") args = YAML.load_file(app_config_filename)['oracle_connection_details'] if args == {} and File.exists?(app_config_filename) raise "Need argument 'user'" unless args.has_key?('user') raise "Need argument 'password'" unless args.has_key?('password') raise "Need argument 'service'" unless args.has_key?('service') @connection =['user'], args['password'], args['service']) @connection.prefetch_rows = 1000 end @results = {} end def retrieve_holdings(*bibids) query = <<-HERE select a.bib_id, a.mfhd_id, c.item_id, item_status from bib_mfhd a, mfhd_master b, mfhd_item c, item_status d where a.bib_id IN (~bibid~) and b.mfhd_id = a.mfhd_id and suppress_in_opac = 'N' and c.mfhd_id (+) = b.mfhd_id and d.item_id (+) = c.item_id order by c.mfhd_id, c.item_id, item_status HERE raw_results = execute_select_command(query, bibid: bibids) parse_results(raw_results, name: 'retrieve_holdings', hash_by: 'BIB_ID') end private def parse_results(results, *args) options = args.extract_options! @results[options[:name]] ||= {} result_hash = @results[options[:name]] results.each do |row| if (key = row[options[:hash_by]]) result_hash[key] ||= [] result_hash[key] << row end end return result_hash end def execute_select_command(query, *args) options = args.extract_options! options.each do |name, value| value = [value] unless value.kind_of?(Array) formatted_value = value.collect { |item| "'#{item.to_s.gsub("'","''")}'"}.join(',') query.gsub!("~#{name.to_s}~",formatted_value) end cursor = @connection.parse(query) results = [] cursor.exec cursor.fetch_hash do |row| results << row end cursor.close return results end end end